Chapter 7: Comforting Him

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Third Person POV 

Ever since Ozpin has talked to Team RWBY and JNPR about Y/N and his condition, each of the girls decided to rotate around to watch over their friend when needed. It was the first day and it was Ruby's. Seeing that it was her day to watch over, she planned something to hopefully make her friend feel better. 

Ruby was brushing her teeth as Yang came into the room. 

Yang: So what do you plan on doing with Y/N here. 
She smirked. 

Ruby: Oh you know. Just give him cookies and talk to him. Hopefully he'll feel better. 
She smiles. 

Yang: Oh come on. You know you want do something else. 
She said as she pets her head. 

Ruby: Yang! 
She blushes darkly as she looks down. 

Yang: Oh. I'm joking around. 
She giggles as she walks out of the room with her team, leaving Ruby with a sleeping Y/N on the bed. 

Ruby: Ahh. What to do? 
She asked herself as she looked around. 

Ruby: AH! 
She said as she thought of something. 

Ruby: I'll bake him some cookies! 
She said as she had a smile on her face and ran out of the room using her semblance, leaving a trail of roses. 


Ruby was back in the room with bags of cookie dough as she had a bowl and cut a small opening in the bag while having her scroll play a tutorial video. 

Ruby: So is this how you do it? 
She asked herself as she slowly pour it over into the bowl. 

As she poured it into the bowl, only a few came out as she looks at it. Ruby shook the bag more, trying to make more come out but only saw none come out. 

Ruby: GRR! 
She growls as she lifts the end of the bag more. 

Ruby: AHHH! 
She yells as most of the bag suddenly filled the bowl, making a mess. 

Ruby: Dang it!
She cursed to herself. 

Seeing the mess, Ruby used her semblance to clean the mess and stopped as she saw the counter clean. 

Ruby: There. Let's see how these turn out. 
She said as she prepares the dough to make the cookies. 

After preparing it, Ruby placed the cookies in the oven and turned it on. 

Ruby: Hopefully Y/N would like them. 
She said to herself, hoping. 

Ruby walks into the room and saw Y/N sitting at a desk with his handguns out. 

Ruby: Hey Y/N. What are you doing? 
She asked as she looked at his handguns. 

Y/N: Testing these out. 
He told her as he held a vial of dust. 

Ruby: Which dust is that? 
She asked. 

Y/N: Fire Dust. 
He told her as he looked at it. 

Ruby: Why do you have fire dust? 
She asked. 

Y/N: Just an ammo type I prefer to use. 
He told her as he loads it. 

Ruby: Whoa. Whoa. Not in here. 
She said as she stops him. 

Y/N: I wasn't going to shoot it in here. 
He told her as she backed off. 

Ruby: R-Right. 
She said as she looked away. 

Y/N: Anyway which dust do you think I should use Ruby? 
He asked her. 

Ruby: O-Oh...Maybe ice? 

Y/N: Immolibizing enemies. Why not? 
He said as he points to a bag on his bed. 

Ruby: Uhhhh? 

Y/N: Can you grab the bag? 
He asked her. 

Ruby: Oh. I'm sorry I'm stupid. 
She said as she grabs the bag and gives it to him. 

Y/N: Thanks. And don't call yourself that. 
He said as he opens it, revealing a different dust vials. 

Ruby smiles at his compliment as he holds a vial of ice dust. 


Ruby: Oh it must be ready! 
She says and runs to the kitchen before bringing out a plate of cookies. 

Ruby: Here are cookies I've made. H-Hope you like them. 
She said as she looks away. 

Y/N takes one and bites into it as Ruby looks at him with curiosity. 

Ruby: What do you think? 
She asked. 

Y/N: It's amazing. 
He said with a smile. 

Ruby smiles widely before taking one. 

Y/N: Mind taking a look at my weapons? 
He asked. 

Ruby: Yes! 
She yells and looks at the weapons. 

Ruby rolls him onto the side as he ate the cookies while Ruby inspected his weapons. 

As Y/N continued to eat the cookies one by one, Ruby was drooling in awe at his weapons as she inspected them. 

Ruby: So cool! 
She thought to herself as she held a vial of ice dust. 

Ruby continued to inspect his hand guns as Y/N ate a cookie until the door to the room opened, revealing Weiss. 

Weiss: Is this what you all have been doing all day? 
She asked as she looks at them. 

Ruby: Uh...yeah. 
She said as she looks at her. 

Weiss: You dunce. 
She said as she placed folder onto the table. 

Weiss: Here is what Goodwitch assigned since you haven't been able to attend classes. 
She told Y/N. 

Y/N: Thanks Weiss. 
He said as he finishes one. 

Weiss smiles and lays on her bed. 

Y/N: Weiss. 
He said as she looked at him. 

Y/N: You don't mind helping me with them right? 
He asked as he puts the cookie down. 

Weiss: I'll gladly help you! 
She yells and pulls a chair by him. 

While Weiss helped Y/N with his schoolwork, Ozpin was looking at them through a camera as he had a small smile. 

Ozpin: Good work you two. 
He said as the door opens, revealing a girl with black hair in a white coat with a black shirt and pants, a katana in her hand. Behind the girl was a woman with black hair in a purple dress. 

Ozpin: I'm glad you both were able to make it. 
He said as he looks at the girl. 

The two nod as they looked at him. 

???: What did you need us for? 
They asked him. 

Ozpin: We're here to talk about the boy you took in. Ms Alyssa. 

Here is chapter 7 of We Love You! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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