Prologue: A Loss

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Third Person POV

Beacon Academy. An academy where many people alike can attend. One of the four most prestigious academies throughout Remnant. An academy designed to train people into becoming huntsmen and huntresses. A place where people of of every kingdom can come to. Humans or faunas.

However that wasn't the case with a young huntsmen. A huntsmen that was sitting in his room, looking out at the window. A huntsmen with H/C hair and E/C eyes. This huntsmen was no other than Y/N L/N. Team leader of T/N

A/N: T/N is Team Name.

However as he sat there on the bed, he slowly looked over to the table beside his bed and saw a photo. A photo of his three teammates.


I looked at the photo and one thought went through my mind. Their deaths. The only I could see was how their inevitable deaths and their screams. As I continued to look at them, I felt tears slowly stream down my cheeks.

"I-I-I'm so sorry."
I said as I thought of them.


???: Come on Y/N!
I heard a female voice.

"Hold on Sarah."
I told her.

Sarah: But come on. Let's finish this mission so we could get something to eat.
She told me.

"What am I going to do with her?"
I asked myself.

???: Come on Y/N. Let's get going.
Someone told me.

I looked up and saw Chris looking at me as he put his hand on me.

???: Chris. You owe me that bet later.
I heard someone else.

I looked to the side and saw one of my friends.

"Tony. You know you owe Sarah food for that last bet."
I told him.

Tony: We don't speak of that.

Chris and I laughed as he said that.

Chris: You know she won't forget about it.
He told him.

Tony: Not if you don't bring it up.

Chris: Hey Sarah!

Sarah: What?
She asked as she turned around, her silky black hair waved through the air as she looked at us. Her eyes sparkling as the sun beamed through the sky.

Sarah: What?
She asked once again.

Tony: Don't you dare.
He mouthed.

Chris: Tony likes you!
He yelled to her.

Sarah's face darkens as Tony lunged onto Chris.

He cursed to Chris.

Chris: You have to better than that to beat me.
He said as he ran up ahead, leaving me with Sarah.

"Well that was unexpected."
I said as I walked alongside with Sarah.

I looked at Sarah and saw her face still red as we walked down the path.

"You okay?"

Sarah: Y-Yeah.

The two of us continue to walk through the forest as birds chirped through the hair. The wind blowing against the trees, making the soft leaves slowly run across the across.

Sarah: It's beautiful.
She told me.

"What is?"

Sarah: This.
She said as she looked around while I looked at her. There I saw her black hair blowing with the wind as we looked at each other.

We both heard someone scream.

Hearing this, we both started running towards the screaming. As we ran, I felt the wind pushing over bring us closer to our destination. As we got there I saw a beowolf digging its claws into Chris.

S/Y/N/Tony: Chris!

Third Person POV

Y/N pulled out his guns and started shooting the beowlf as Tony pulled out a staff. Tony charged at the beowolf and slashed at it. The beowolf fell over as its head landed on the ground.

Tony: Chris.
He said as he helped his teammate up.

Chris: Damn. I-its pretty bad.
He said as he touched his wound.

Tony: We got to get out of here.
He said as he held onto Chris.

Suddenly the four started hearing growling. The four turned around and saw a group of beowolf and deathstalkers slowly approaching them.

Sarah: O-Ozpin never told us about this.
She said.

Y/N: We have to move. Go!
He told them.

The four turned and ran the way they came from. The group of beowolves charged at the group as they ran. As they ran, they heard the growls from the beowolves. A beowolf lunged at Y/N but it was slashed by Sarah. Y/N smiles at Sarah as she smiles back at him. The four continued to run as Y/N called in for a bullhead.

Y/N: We need a bullhead now!
He yelled into his scroll.

Ozpin: Nearest bullhead is 10 minutes out.
He answered.

Y/N: Damn it!
He cursed.

Tony: Damn it. I need to set you down.
He said as he put Chris against a tree.

Chris: Damn it.
He said as he pulled out a rifle.

Y/N: We have to wait 10 minutes.
He told them.

Sarah: We'll try.
She said as she readied her sword.

As the four stood near each other, they started looking around as they heard growls coming from around them.

Tony: Looks like they're here.
He said as he held his staff tightly.

Y/N held onto his guns tightly as Sarah held her sword in her hand. A beowolf lunged at them from a bush and Sarah slashed through it. As it fell another lunged at Chris. Chris dodged out of the way and shot it in the head, killing it immediately. One by one as the beowolves were kileld, another came at them. However the odds were too much for them. As the number of beowolves increased, the four were slowly degrading as time went on.


As Sarah and Y/N turned around, they saw something that made their eyes widen. They saw Tony's throat slit open as a beowolf digged it teeth into Chris's shoulder.

Sarah/Y/N: CHRIS!
The yelled as they ran to their teammate.

Before they could get to him, Chris was dragged off into the forest as his screams echoed through the forest.

Sarah: CHRIS!
She yelled as she tried to go after him.

Y/N: No. He's gone.
He said as he held onto her arm.

Sarah: B-B-But.
She struggled to say.

Y/N: I know. But he's gone.
He told her.

A beowolf lunged at Sarah and Y/N shot it in the head. The two teammates ran around the area, trying to stay alive as beowolves were chasing after them. They were safe. Until one moment. A beowolf lunged at Y/N from behind.

He screamed as he felt the beowolf slashed across his back.

Sarah: Y/N!
She yelled as she ran to him.

Sarah: Get up.
She told him as she held her sword in her hand.

Y/N: I-I-I can't.
He told her.

Sarah: What you mean you can't!

Y/N: I-I-I can't feel my legs.
He told her.

Sarah turned around and slashed a beowolf and went to help him up.

He yelled out.

Before Sarah could swing her sword, a beowolf lunged onto her and bit into her shoulder and ripped her shoulder apart.

Y/N pulled out his gun and shot the beowolf in the head. Unable to run to his teammate, Y/N slowly crawled to Sarah. Before he could get to her, Sarah was grabbed by another beowolf and dragged further away from him. Trying his best to save his last teammate, Y/N shot all of his rounds into the beowolf. The beowolf collapsed onto the ground as Y/N crawled to Sarah. Getting closer and closer, Y/N was able to reach her.

Y/N: S-Sarah.
He said her name as he held her close.

Sarah: Y-Y-Y/N.
She weakly said.

Y/N: Shh. You'll be okay.
He told her.

Sarah: H-Hm.
She weakly said.

As the two laid on the ground, they heard a bullhead slowly approaching them.

Y/N: Hey. Hey. They're almost here.
He told her.

Knowing she won't make it, Sarah held onto her teammate's hand.

Sarah: I-I-I'm glad.
She said with tears in her eyes.

Y/N: Hey. Hey. You'll make it.
He told her.

Sarah: I-I-I-I-I Love y-y-y-you.

Flashback Ends


I sat there as those words flowed through my head. Hearing her last words. I suddenly heard the door open as I stared at the photo.

???: Mr L/N.
I heard his voice.

???: I'm sorry about your loss.

Third Person POV

Y/N didn't say anything as he stared at the photo. As he continued to look at the photo, headmaster Ozpin sighed as he heard nothing out of the paralyzed student.

Ozpin: I hope you know I'm sorry about your loss.
He said before walking out of the room.

???: How is he?
He heard a worried voice.

Ozpin: He's doing...............alright.

???: Can I see him?

Ozpin: He needs time for himself.


Here is the bio for the male reader! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

What do you all think should happen next?

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