Chapter 3

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~Baby Yukio~

(3rd person p.o.v)

Shiro was woken up by a loud crying noise.
He groaned, sitting up on his bed. He then picked up his glasses from his side table and put them on.
He walked into the room across from his, and toward a wooden crib.

"What're you doing up so early kiddo?" He chuckled, picking up the crying baby, wrapped in a soft yellow blanket. The same one he found him in. "It's 5 O'clock in the morning." He rocked the baby in his arms gently, soothing him. "You're never gonna let me sleep in huh?" Yukio's cries quieted down until they came to a stop.

Shiro's face scrunched up as he realized why Yukio was crying.

"It looks like someone needs to be changed again. This is my least favorite part." He frowned.

He placed Yukio on the changing table and changed him up.

After that, Shiro walked into the living room, deciding he might as well stay up.
He placed Yukio in his baby chair in the living room. Yukio babbled as he played with the little toys dangling on the string.

He went into the kitchen and to make some breakfast for himself and Yukio. He started boiling the water for the coffee, while he started cooking the eggs.

When Shiro was done making his breakfast he pureed some fruits for Yukio. He went over to Yukio and picked him up, putting him in his high chair. He scooped up a spoonful of pureed fruit.
"Alright, here comes the airplane." He made airplain noises with his mouth as he moved the spoon to Yukio's mouth.

Yukio huffed and turned his head away from the spoon.

Shiro frowned.

"But I did the airplane thing, that always works. And it has strawberries in it, you love those." He held up the spoon to Yukio's mouth again, but he refused to open up. "Come on kid, work with me here." Yukio still refused.

Shiro sighed and put the bowl down.

"Fine, I get it, you're not hungry."

Shiro went and sat down at the table with his coffee and breakfast.


Just as Shiro finished up his breakfast there was a knock at his door.

"In a minute." He called out, getting up to answer the door.

He opened the door up, not surprised at all by who was standing at his doorway.

"Why hello, sleepy head~." Said none other than the famous purple-haired demon himself.

"Mephisto." Shiro opened the door wider to let him in. "Its 6 AM, what the hell are you doing here so early?"

"What? Am I not allowed to check in on you fellas?"

"At 6 AM, no." Shiro deadpanned.

Mephisto walked into the house.

"This place is a mess." He said with a slight frown. Looking around at all the toys scattered on the ground. The dishes that piled up in the sink. The few bits of garbage that were scattered around.

"You're a mess too." He said looking at Shiro in his disheveled state.

"I'd like to see you try and be a single parent." He said with furrowed eyebrows.

Mephisto simply chuckled at him. He walked over toward Yukio who was still sitting in his high chair.

"Hello little one." He said ruffling up his hair."

Yukio made a little squeaking noise. Mephisto scooped up a spoonful of pureed fruit and fed it to Yukio.

Shiro looked at him shocked.

"I've been trying to feed that kid for an hour and he wouldn't eat anything!" He said, eye slightly twitching.

"Well, you must've done something wrong then."
Shiro swung his head back in frustration.

Mephisto finished up feeding Yukio. When he was done, he wiped the child's face and cleaned him up.

Once he was done he placed Yukio back in his baby chair in the living room.

"Oh, and before I forget, I come bearing gifts~." He snapped his fingers and a stuffed rabbit appeared.
Yukio smiled and waved his little arms around. Mephisto placed the rabbit in his hands and he giggled. "There, that should keep him occupied for a while."

"I don't know what I'd do without you." Shiro slumped forward.

"I don't know what you'd do without me either." Mephisto smirked.

Mephisto had been regularly 'checking in' for the past year.
It had been a full year since the Blue Night, and the birth of Satan's sons.

Shiro had heard that Yuri, someone who was once a good friend of his, was about to give birth to Satan's child. Then, he was instructed to kill the child, which he originally had no problem doing.

The child that was about to be born would be incredibly dangerous. Before, they had warned Yuri countless times keep away from Satan or else there'd be consequences. 

Expeling Satan, and getting rid of the spawn was the best thing he could do for Yuri.

Everyone was surprised to find that Yuri was actually pregnant with twins. After Satan had escaped with the other twin, it had been Shiro's job to execute the one that remained. But in that moment he was supposed to kill the child, he couldn't do it. Instead he decided to raise the child himself. He asked Mephisto to help him keep the child hidden from the Vatican.

Mephisto just smirked and asked him in he was sure he was ready to take care of a demon child.

Shiro said that he was sure, and he took Yukio home with him. He only wished that he could've gotten his hands on the other child before Satan could drag him down to Gehenna with him. He could only imagine the horrible ways he was being brought up. If he'd be abused or mistreated in ways they couldn't imagine while stuck in Hell. Or if he were being raised to become a monster or killing machine like Satan. Thinking about it made him nauseous.

Many times he asked Mephisto if there were a way he could get the other child, Rin, from Satan too. Every time Mephisto shook his head, or said that there was nothing they could do to remove the child from Satan.

Shiro still had a nasty scar on his arm from where Satan had bit him in his wolf form. It was a temptaint that was extremely difficult to heal, but eventually healed over time with much treatment.

He could still remember that day vividly. 
Satan, in the form of a wolf, standing over dear friend Yuri's dead body. The spawns of Satan, swaddled, crying in her arms. Blue flames spreading wildly around them.

He had to defend himself. He was anxious, but he had to stay strong-willed to keep the demon God from entering his mind.

The situation had gotten so bad, he had to tell Mephisto to go call for backup.

The beast had launched himself right at Shiro, aiming right for his neck. He had blocked his face with his arms out of instinct. But Satan had latched himself right onto Shiro's arm. His teeth digging into his flesh, almost biting a chunk of it off. It hurt like all hell.

There was blood spattered on the white snow.

In the end he could only escape with one child. Satan had left through Gehenna's gate with the other child in his jaw.

It was brutal.


Mephisto and Shiro were talking in the kitchen while Yukio sat in his small chair in the living room. Playing with the stuffed toy Mephisto had given him.

"I spoke to the Vatican yesterday. They suspect nothing about you and keeping Satan's spawn hidden. Or at least they don't for now."

"Good. Thanks for everything." A small smile spread on Shiro's face.

Mephisto frowned slightly however.

"You do know there will be dire consequences if you and the child are caught, right? They think the child is dead."

The smile fell from Shiro's face. He looked away from Mephisto.

"Yeah, I know."

Please Read!!

The next couple of chapters will be going back and forth between both Yukio and Rin's childhood before we get into any action. I wanna show how they were brought up differently.

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