Chapter 14

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Abby's perspective-

Alex looks up, I notice his hands trembling as he opens his mouth. "Abby,"

I shake my head, "yes dear," I emphasize the word dear, hoping it'll have an affect on his answer.

Alex gets a grin as he begins to speak.

Alex's Perspective-

I smile at the thought of what I'm going to say. I think back to when Abby and I were a thing and how it just didn't feel like how I feel with John. My hands tremble as I begin,
"Abby," I begin.

"Yes dear," I shudder at her use of dear.

I get a huge grin, "I'm hella gay." (*cough* for John *cough*) She gets a sad yet entertained facial expression.

"A-Alex." Abby begins but I have already gotten up and headed to the door. I can't wipe the smile off of my face as I walk back to my- er- John and I's dorm.
I can't wait to tell him about this. I think as I walk down the long hallway to the dorm.

Abby's Perspective-

I sit where he left me on the couch. My mind still having trouble processing what just happened. I sit in this one spot, trying to really think about what he said until the Schuylers get home. I seriously have no idea what to say to them so they'd understand the situation I'm in.

Alexander Clamilton-
(Yes, he is now a clam. Just kidding!)

I open the dorm door to see John sitting on the couch. He looks up like an excited child seeing they get ice cream, (come on we've all seen that look sometime in our life!). "Alex, where were you, you were out for so long!" I smile as he hugs me.

"John, I was talking with Abby," I laugh out as he tightens the hug.

"You should've been home had an hour ago then!" John says into my short, where his head lays.

"I know, I know." I smile. I take some time through our uncomfortably long hug to gather the guts to say what I'm about to say. "Hey john?" I attempt to get his attention.

John looks up at me, still not letting me escape the hug. "Yeah?"

I look directly in his eyes, my hand caresses his cheek, I gaze over his freckles. "I love you." I say as I smile at the blush creeping over his face.

John smiles back, his face a light shade of pink, "I love you too."

-----------------------------------------------------------hey guys!
I sacrificed my mac&cheese for this chapter. I knocked it over while writing, so appreciate the work and mac&cheese that went into this!
Luv you all!

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