Chapter Twenty

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I escaped. To this day I thank that old man that saw something in me. As soon as I was free, I moved out immediately.

Father called me everyday and tried to get me back. I never answered his calls. I lost my first paradise because of him. My first happiness since he took my mother from me. All my life he told me it was my fault my mother grew as sick as she did. It was my fault she died. But now I realize that he killed her. He made her question herself and how she felt and stressed her out and made her sick. She got sick and left me because of him.

I let him get to me and get in the way of my love for Jimin. I'm still letting that happen but I'm just scared I'll hurt Jimin like how my dad hurt me.

Father said he loved me. But he wouldn't have done what he'd done if he did. If my father loved me... would he have taken me from Jimin?

I don't want to keep saying no to him because I love him. I still love him so much. But I just refuse to hurt him. My father's words are still so fresh in my mind that I could easily hurt him without even realizing it. Those times he kissed me I wanted nothing more than to keep kissing him and hold him tightly and tell him how sorry I am but I can't do that to him.

He's getting so far. Doing so well. I will not take that from him. No matter how badly I want to call him my boyfriend again.

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