Killer blood

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Jared Kleinman was kidnapped as a very young child and raised to kill. He transfers from high school to high school going under a different name each time. He kills his target and any unfortunate witnesses then he leaves.

'Harvey Dunnigan' was a seventeen year old who went to Middle Borough High. He was assigned to kill three targets.

Heather Chandler
School-Westerberg High
Appearance-long, blonde hair, usually wears red, 5'10"
Other facts-has two best friends named Heather Duke and Heather McNamara, 'queen bee' of the school

Connor Murphy
School-Middle Borough High
Appearance- shoulder length brown hair, usually wears black hoodie, 5'11"
Other facts-loner, sister named Zoe Murphy, friendless, stoner

Thomas Jefferson
School-Middle Borough High
Appearance-fluffy black hair, often wears magenta, 6'
Other facts-popular, boyfriend named James Madison, cocky, fit, cares deeply for James

It seemed fairly simple. It will be extremely easy for Connor to be eliminated so he will get him last. The other two are popular and have people close so they will be harder. Two targets at the school he is 'attending' and one at a nearby school.

Did Jared enjoy his life?

He hated his life, his job, himself. All he wanted was to be free, but he knew if he tried to leave, they would find him and kill him. Then again, death doesn't sound so bad...

Back to his mission.
He had been there for a little over a week before he started his plan. He snuck over to Westerberg and managed to steal Heather Chandler's lipstick, causing her to fight with the other Heathers. She stormed out once the final bell rang.

Heather bitched about her lipstick saying to herself how annoying the other Heathers are. Jared approached,

"Bad day?" He asked with no concern.

She rolled her eyes. "Fuck off loser, I'm not in the mood"

He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. He offered them to her, to which she pushed away saying, "Ew, I don't want to ruin my perfect skin."

Jared didn't smoke, but he knew that if she was going to die, he might as well give her a moment of peace before she did. He offered them again. "You should just do it. You never know, this could be your last chance." She scoffed. "Pussy"

She looked furious, "WHAT? Okay fine! I'll try your dumb ass cigarette." She took it and lit it.

She inhaled and exhaled, the smoke swirling outwards. He swiftly swiped a knife across her neck, killing Heather Chandler.

He saw the life drain from her eyes as she died quickly. He felt her pulse and listened for any breathing. Once he was sure that she was dead, he wrapped bandages around her neck to stop the bleeding.

He then took out his phone and dialed up Steven or 'Duke' at the moment.

"Hey Duke, can you pick me and Heather up? We're ready to 'go out'."

"Yeah dude, I'll be there in a few. See ya Harvey"

Only two minutes later Duke pulled up behind the school. They discreetly placed Heather in a body bag and placed her in the trunk.

They cleaned up her blood from the grass to hide any evidence.
Then they drove off and delivered her to their boss.

Steven and Jared went way back. When Jared was six, Steven was kidnapped and forced into the terrible place. They grew up together. Steven was a year younger than Jared, but they were still the best of friends.

Jared had been watching Thomas for a few days and it seemed as if him and James were never apart. They spent every moment together. The cold reality set upon Jared as he realized what he had to do. His mind went back to his first day of training.

•kill all targets
•kill all nearby authorities
•kill all witnesses

If he wanted to kill Jefferson, there was bound to be a witness. While James wasn't a target, therefore he didn't deserve death, he would still be a witness.

He planned the murder out. He observed the two and predicted the outcome.
He set up the trap.

They walked downtown every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. On Friday he set up the string. He waited on the windowsill in the alley. Steven was at the other end of the string, waiting.

When the couple walked by the alley, Steven pulled the string, tripping Madison. He fell and scraped his knees and nose while also hitting his head.

Steven quickly got in his car and drove on the sidewalk near them, scaring Thomas into guiding James into the alley. They had previously set up dumpsters and trashcans so the two would be right in position.

Jared shoved the carefully balanced fridge on Jefferson.

He was killed.

James' vision was slightly blurred from his fall, but he could see the blood clear as day, just like he saw his now deceased lover.

Jared knew that he had to kill Thomas first because now, James couldn't run. He couldn't call the police. He couldn't cry out for help.

He was frozen in fear, his hands over his mouth and his eyes wide with tears flowing out. Small whimpers and sobs could be heard.

Jared hopped down, landing on the fridge. He pulled out his large knife and looked at James. The teen was looking at Jared with no fear, just pure sadness. He saw the knife and his eyes seemed to be pleading for something.

James let out a small whimper, "...please... please just-just kill me....."

Jared felt pity wash through him. He may be a killer, but he still has emotions.

He sighed and made it quick. James didn't even cry out in pain or flinch at all. He just accepted it.

Steven and him cleaned up and brought the bodies to the boss.

Jared had never had that hard of a time killing anyone besides his first. He was pretty fucked up after it, crying for five hours.

Now, though, it was time to plan. Connor was always alone. It would be a piece of cake.

He snuck a knife into his backpack and he waited until school was over. He saw Connor smoking behind the school.

He walked up to him.

Conor sighed, smoke swirling out. "Wanna hit?" Connor asked with no emotion.

Jared decided to be forward and get right to it. "Wanna die?"

Connor gave him that look of a confused high boy. "What the fuck dude..? You serious?"

Jared shrugged and nodded. "Then I guess yea" Connor answered.

Jared pulled out his knife and stabbed Connor in the eye all in one swift movement.

"Awe what the fuck dude. I thought you'd make it quick"
Connor groaned.

Jared's eyes widened. He wasn't dead yet? He stabbed his other eye. Still alive.

He turned Connor's head and stabbed his brain through the side. There was a lot of blood.

He checked the pulse and felt no beat. He sighed and wiped sweat off his forehead.

He heard a small whimper to his right. He quickly turned his head and saw a flash of blue running away around a corner.

Jared ran after them, griping his knife tightly. He called Steven and kept chasing the witness.

"Ste-Duke! I got a running witness! You clean up Murphy while I take care of the runner." He hissed through the phone.

He hung up and followed the teen into the men's bathroom. He heard sniffles from the large stall. He broke it down and saw a boy in a blue polo with dirty blonde hair. Evan Hansen. Jared had met him during school and was rather fond of the cute, anxious teen.

He was scribbling something down on a piece of paper.
He looked up at Jared.

"H-Harvey, if you're going to kill me, please find some way for this to get to my mom. I d-don't want to go without saying goodbye." He held out the folded note.

Jared heard a drop of blood spill to the floor from the knife he was holding, his hands covered in blood as well. Jared was in some adrenaline high trance.

He walked over to Evan. He bent down and ran a bloody hand through Evan's soft hair, leaving a red streak. Evan winced and closed his eyes.
Jared was still in a trance, not fully in control of his actions.

"You're really cute" He whispered.

Evan looked really confused at why this ruthless killer would call him cute. He turned his head and made a puppy-like look.

Jared squealed and his eyes lit up. This boy was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

"Why'd you kill Connor?" Evan asked.

Jared didn't know if it was his trance or Hansen's adorableness, but he felt like he could trust him. He sat next to Evan against the wall of the bathroom.

"I was kidnapped into a assassination clan when I was three. I was trained to kill. I was assigned to kill three targets, one was Connor. St-Duke's probably cleaning up right now." Jared shrugged. "Oh yeah! My names Jared by the way."

Evan looked shocked. He looked down. "I'm sorry"

Jared snickered, "Don't be. You didn't kidnap me"

Evan did the unthinkable.

He hugged Jared and started crying again.
Jared's eyes widened with shock and he hesitantly hugged back.

"You shouldn't do this. You'll get blood on your shirt." Jared said, sniffling as he, too, was crying. No one had ever hugged him, knowing fully who he was or what he did besides Steven.

"I don't care. I want to get you out of this hell" Evan whispered to Jared.

Jared felt his back burn and his heart beat faster. He wanted that so badly but...

"I can never escape. They can hunt me down. They'll just kill me. I deserve it..." Jared mumbled, hopelessness filling him.

"No you don't! Well... but I don't want you to die!" Evan said, pulling back and looking at Jared. Both males had red faces. Jared snorted softly and gently placed a hand on Evan's cheek.

Evan's face went even more red as an idea filled his head. He softly placed his lips onto Jared's.

Jared kissed back and they made out on the bathroom floor with blood around them. They were so caught up that they didn't notice the bathroom sort open and footsteps make their way to the stall the two resided in.

Evan pulled back and looked at Jared with heart eyes. Jared returned the gaze until Evan's face went blank and a tear streaked down his face. His eyes went dull and blood rushed down his head, dropping to the floor.

Evan fell into Jared, revealing Steven with tears running down his face. A hurt expression was placed on his face. The sixteen year old piled the axe out of Evan's head. Jared looked at his black haired partner.

Steven smiled. "Thank god. He's gone now. He kissed you. The witness is dead. He tried to take you from me. But you love me." He giggled and continued, "Now he won't bother anymore! Aren't you happy? I'm sorry it took me a while to find you, but I had to clean up Connor and you left a blood trail that I had to clean up as well. It's okay!"

He didn't even notice Jared sobbing into Evan's corpse until he finished talking.

"Jared, baby, what's wrong? I though you'd be happy. We can be happy!" Steven started crying because Jared was.

"What the fuck?!?! I was kissing him too! I liked him! Why would I be happy?!?!" Jared had hate in his expression.

Steven was just hurt. He could kill anyone and not feel a thing, but Jared had just hurt him more than he could ever be hurt. He felt his breath get caught up in his throat and he struggled to maintain his composure.

Steven's vision blurred and he felt dizzy. He reached to his belt and pulled out a gun. He shot jared in his major arteries in his legs. Jared screamed in pain and wrapped himself in a ball as he bled out.

Steven laughed, "If I can't have you, no one can.... no one can.... no one can..... no one....... NO ONE!"

Steven screamed, fully losing his sanity. He placed the gun onto his forehead and shot.

Jared cried just wanting the pain to stop.

Black filled his vision and his life ended.

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