Poor Evan, baby

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Jared was sitting on his couch, succing a lollipop. He was watching various YouTube videos, making sure that he stayed away from the dark side of YouTube.

The video that he was watching, 'vines that keep me alive', was interrupted by a phone call from 'smol babe'

"Jaaaaaaareeeeeddd I-i need you to come-hic! Over noooowww!"
The tree boy sounded like he was crying.

Concern immediately filled every inch of Jared.

"What is it baby? Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance? Do I need to fite someone? Cause I will!"
(HC: Jared is a very protective boyf. He will do anything and everything for his smol bean)

Evan sighed over the phone
"No one did anything i-it's just...

Jared held the phone away from his ears to avoid becoming deaf.
He was surprised by Evan's words

"Calm down Ev, I'll be there in five"
Another scream of frustration and anger sounded through the phone

"Um I'll make that three"

Jared knocked on the door. A sob caused him to open the door, not waiting for a response.

He was heartbroken by the sight of Evan draped on a couch sobbing into a square pillow with some tan rectangle thing with a chord on his belly.

"W-why am I c-crying?!"
Evan sobbed out.

Jared closed the door and hugged Evan. Evan sobbed into his shoulder, fatally soaking it.

"Shhhhh calm down. Tell me what's wrong."
Jared said in a soft voice.

Evan pulled away and pointed to a pill bottle on the counter.

Jared got the ibuprofen and gave Evan two pills along with water.

"Why do you need pain killers?"
Jared asked, thoroughly confuzzled.

Evan took the heating pad off and rushed to the bathroom.

After taking a couple minutes in there he sat down and mumbled,
"Dumb ass period"

Jared let out an ohhhhhhh of realization. This was only the third time Jared had been there for Evan's period.

He got Evan some apple juice, for that always calmed him down.

Evan drank it happily, his mood changing in matters of seconds.

Evan placed the heating pad in place and reached his arms out to Jared, signaling him to cuddle.

Jared sat next to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him.

"Thank you Jare-jare"
Evan said to Mr. Bathbomb.

"Don't worry about it. I'll help you anytime you have this, I know you don't want it, so I'll try to make it as bearable as possible for you"
Jared smiled as he said that to Evan.

"You're the best, but not just that, thank you for accepting me for who I am and letting me be myself. I love you"
Evan nuzzled his face into his boyf's chest.

"No problem. You deserve it. I love you so much"

He kissed his forehead and they stayed there a while just enjoying each other's company.

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