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Evan slung the large bag over his shoulder and sprinted to his room.
He slung open the door and locked it behind him.

He could hear footsteps running down the hall and Evan started to worry.

He quickly hid the big bag full of a wide variety of bathbombs and put it under his bed.
All of the sudden, he heard a loud banging on the door and Jared's yelling,


Evan started to panic a little bit and quickly opened his window. He grabbed the bag and climbed out.


Evan flinched at the loud yelling and banging as he climbed down the tree by the roof, holding the bag.
He landed carefully and took a run for it, sprinting down the street.

He was about two blocks away when Jared finally managed to break down the door and stumble in.

When he saw the open window he cursed under his breath.
He needed his bathbombs no matter the cost, so he climbed out the window and down the tree. He started sprinting as fast as he could.

Evan was clearly slower because running with a bag full of bathbombs slows you down, and Jared was filled with determination that helped him run faster.

Evan saw Jared catching up to him, so he picked up his speed.

"This is for your own good Jared! I don't care if you 'love da cronch' it can't be healthy to eat so many bathbombs!" Evan said between gasps for air

"FUCK YOU!" Jared shot back

People started to watch in awe and disturbance.

Evan tripped, but quickly regained his balance before he could fall, but the bag had touched the ground and ripped open slightly.

What happened next seemed to move in slow motion...

A couple bathbombs spilled out, but the hole ripped more, and the bathbombs started spilling by the dozens.

Evan felt the loss of weight so he looked back and saw every. Single. Bathbomb. Rolling down the street. All ruined.

Jared stopped in his tracks and fell to his knees as bathbombs rolled by him.

His eyes wide as he watched in horror.

Jared was full on sobbing at this point. His head in his hands as the tears just kept on falling.

It was quite the depressing sight.

Evan dropped the now empty bag and ran over to Jared.

He tried to comfort Jared by rubbing his back, but Jared didn't even notice

"Why must this *hic* tragic event *sniff* happen to me" Jared managed to get out in between sobs.

Evan was overrun with guilt. As he rubbed Jared's back. Jared finally seemed to notice Evan's presence. He looked up at Evan, nose running, with puffy red eyes.

Suddenly, he hugged Evan and cried into his shoulder. Evan was shocked but soon enough, Evan hugged back started crying too.

They just sat there in the street.

The middle of the street.

Crying their eyes out.

Luckily when a car finally came, it stopped. A kind looking woman came out of the car and walks over to the two boys. She saw that they were crying and tapped on Jared's head. Jared didn't notice but Evan did he looked up at her with the saddest eyes ever (besides Jared's of course) and she gently said,
"Are you boys okay?"

Evan nodded yes and sniffed so he could properly reply,
"I am but probably not him?" He nodded his head towards the still sobbing Jared. "I did something terrible and now he's sad. I'll try to get him to move out of the street, though."

"Thank you. I hope he recovers."

She went back to her Mini Cooper and waited.

Evan tried to get Jared's attention, to no avail. He ended up just picking him up and carrying him to the sidewalk.

He set him down and waited for Jared to calm down.

After a solid 2 hours and forty minutes, Jared's sobs subsided to sniffles and he stood up. He and Evan walked back to the Hansen household.

Evan was gonna make it up to him by letting him stay over for the night and watching any movie of Jared's choice.

They watched 'Marley And Me' and ended up bawling their eyes out.

At about 12:34, Heidi came home and saw the end credits roll while the two boys were sobbing against each other.

She took pictures.

The end.

Hey btw you can always give me requests on any chapter oke? Oke.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro