2: A Romeo and His Juliet (Pt. 3)

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It is early in the morning, approximately 6 am. 
Outside of the theatre stand a very cold Richard, excited Juliet, and slightly scared Daniel. They are all waiting in line for the auditions to begin. 

Daniel: "I-I've never acted before... I wonder what part I would get..." 

Juliet: "I'm sure you'll be fine! After all, this is only a local production. They can't expect us to be pros."

Daniel: "R-Right, of course. What am I thinking... This is for Richard." He looks at him. 

Richard: "Yes, Richard... the one who is right here listening to your romantic affirmations..." He glances at Daniel. "Don't worry, Daniel. You know the play by heart, anyway. No one but you can do that. So, even if you suck at acting, you'd still be more entertaining than half the people here."

Older woman: "Be careful with that tongue of yours, boy! Many of us are devoted to the art of acting." 

Richard: "And some of us are devoted to the art of not caring." He looks away. 

Old Woman: "How impudent! How detestable! How-"

Richard: swift to cut her off  "How about you stop talking now." he mutters the last part "please." He turns to the woman and speaks so Daniel and Juliet can't hear. "My friends are here to support me. I'm just trying to do the same for them." 

The old woman nods, yet she is still annoyed. 

Old woman: to self "What a strange boy." 

The doors open as an old gentleman walks out. He has white hair, a small finely combed mustache and

Mr. Gency: Loud "Good morning New Jersey!" He claps his hands "Sorry for the wait!" He bows "Welcome to the Gency Theatre. My parents, the most loving couple of the arts, came together to form this place for others who wish to perform." 

Richard: walking past him into the theatre and speaks in a low voice "Looks so- so" His eyes light up and his voice is light "ABSOLUTELY SUGOI!!!" 

Mr. Gency: "S-sugoi? What does that even mean? And, sir, please don't interrupt me."

Richard: "But your theatre is so pristine! It's the perfect place to cultivate a love for the arts! Please, sir-" He grabs his hands "Teach me your ways!"

Mr. Gency: looks at Richard with a kindly father-type look. "You should learn a few manners, but--- I appreciate anyone with a love for the arts." He smiles fondly at Richard. 

He leads them inside where they will be doing auditions. 

Mr. Gency: "Come, come. Sit, sit. I'll hand out scripts. Just act it out however you see fit and I'll assign parts from that."

After some time it is Richard's turn. 

Richard: tap dancing onto the stage "Today I'll be performing the role of Mercutio." 

Mr. Gency looks confused at his tap dancing. 

As Richard is performing his lines, he gets to the part where Mercutio is speaking of a wild dream full of fairies, he falls to the floor. 

Richard (Mercutio): "I see Queen Mab hath been with you!" He throws glitter around the stage and begins to look crazy. "She is the fairies midwife!" He looks up as if he sees a fairy. "AND SHE COMES!" He points up at the sky dramatically. 

During Richard's performance, the old woman from before stomps onto the stage. 

Older woman: "I think this boy is far too childish to be working on this production!" She has a snobby voice. 

Richard (Still Mercutio): "Here she is! The fairy Queen!" 

Older woman: "Please stop this foolishness right this instant! I want you out!"

Richard (Mercutio): "The fairy queen wishes us to leaveth Romeo! The lady wishes to taketh my pride long with her." He is still in character. 

Older woman: "Come here you!" She grabs his arm. 

Richard: "Stayeth backeth foul flying fairy. Did cast not thy eyes of distrust 'gainst me!" He takes a chair and swings it at her. "I am unwell Romeo! Completely unwell!" 

Daniel, Juliet, and Mr. Gency look on in shock. 

Mr. Gency: "Please! Calm down!" 

Old woman: "Shut it old hag!" She takes the chair Richard picked up and throws it at Mr. Gency. Daniel rushes in front of it, catching the object. 

Daniel: getting intimidating "Just because you are older, don't think I won't fight back if need be." 

Juliet: getting in front of Daniel. "And if you hurt my boyfriend, I won't hold back in a catfight." 

Older woman: "Honestly! I don't think some hillbilly can lay a finger on me."

Juliet: walks up to her an intimidating manner and touches her shoulder "That 'hillbilly' just did. And I'm proud of being from the south, thank you." 

Mr. Gency: "Get out, Mam. Leave while you still have your hair on your head."

The woman leaves in a huff. 

Older woman: "I will have the last word." 

Mr. Gency: looking at Richard "You have a knack for on the spot acting... You may be-- strange, to say the least, but you have what it takes to be great. 

Richard: Shining with enthusiasm "Thank you, Sir." 

Mr. Gency: "Please, call me Mr. Gen."

He nods and runs over to Daniel. 

Mr. Gency: "I think you three will be a good team for this play."

Juliet is still looking upset. 

Juliet: "Daniel, I love you, but I don't want you to see this side of me." She walks into another room and screams out "THAT SNOBBY WOMAN CAN GO SHOVE HER "ACTING" UP HER-"

Daniel: "I-I thought she was the quiet type."

Richard: patting Daniel on the shoulder "But you like that don't you."

Daniel: blushed "Why are my emotions so obvious." He puts his hands in his face. 

Richard: "That's not always a bad thing." He looks away at the door the woman ran out of. "Not a bad thing at all..." 


That's the end of this part. Next part is the last one for episode one. Sorry this one doesn't have *too* much humor. I needed to set up the plot for the next episode, as well as Daniel's devotion to Juliet. 

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