The Episode Where We Learn About Richard Pt. 1

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A/N the next few chapters may be a "little" boring and/or unoriginal. But I wanted to give the "viewers" (readers) an idea of the Main Characters. Such as what they like, what they do, and what they say.

Then there will be a chapter about their years in high school. But after that there will be some fun eps about finding a job, paying the rent, and getting a girlfriend. (Hopefully better than it sounds. Have some ideas to make it funny).  

Richard is shown leaning over a computer, blanket covering his face, as he button mashes his laptop into oblivion. It is dark out, the only light being his computer. The blanket has characters from BNHA on it. His computer has as many anime stickers as it can fit. Containing characters from "The Devil is a Part-Timer" and "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid."

Todoroki is on screen doing something only an anime boy can pull off. Richard is grinning to himself. 

Richard: "Yeah! Go get him, my son!" 

The lights suddenly turn on revealing an upset looking Daniel. He is standing in the doorway looking like an upset mother. He is holding a digital clock that reads 4:00 am. 

Daniel: menacingly "Do you know what time it is?"

Richard: glares like a demon "Time to die." He hisses like a cat, grabs his laptop, and jumps out the window. 

Daniel is worried for half a second until he realizes that it isn't that big of a fall. Turns around to walk away, but then realizes... "That window leads to another balcony" and rushes over to see if Richard is okay. 

---- Intro song that doesn't exist starts---

Their apartment door opens to an upset Daniel and shivering Richard in a torn-up blanket. 

Daniel: "Please tell me you'll take this as a lesson."

Richard: "Yeah," tired voice "a lesson to never tell a girl "I'm Batman" as an excuse for jumping onto her balcony at 4 in the morning." 

Daniel: facepalms "Not that lesson... and tell me why you thought that was a good idea?" 

Richard: "I thought a joke would lighten the mood... She was threatening to call the cops! What was I supposed to do? Everything would have looked suspicious!" 

Daniel: "Anything would have been better than that!

Richard: pouting "So I should have said, I'm here to kill you, and give her a Joker smile?"

Daniel: "Okay... maybe not that." 

Richard ignores Daniel and walks to the kitchen to get some coffee. Daniel stops him as he starts to pour it out.  

Daniel: "Did you get any sleep last night? At all!?" 

Richard: "Uhh... maybe an hour until my crippling depression kicked in and made me binge-watch my son like a stalker?" 

Daniel: "You have depression? Can't say I'm surprised but-"

Richard: smacks Daniel with the coffee cup "No. I was making a joke, you jock." 

Daniel: Crossing his arms "Mental illness isn't a joke, insomniac." Pouts

Richard: grumbling "Whatever." Puts the cup down and walks over to the TV set in the living room. 

Daniel: follows him "And what do you think you are doing?" 

Richard: "Playing a game?" raises eyebrow "What else does it look like?"

Daniel: "You should sleep. Don't you have work? Or college?" thinks for a moment. "Wait... what do you do anyway?" 

Richard: "Besides being a hikikomori? Eat. Play games. Occasionally read."

Daniel: "A... what? Does it pay well?" 

Richard: looks annoyed. "It means I stay inside all day and do whatever the heck I want."

Daniel: genuine "And that PAYS! Where do I sign up!" 

Richard: Mumbling "Are you that dense?"

Daniel: "What did you say?" 

Richard: long annoyed sigh "It means I don't have a job and I just stay inside like a leech to society." 

Daniel: "Oh... Well, do you go to school?" 

Richard: yells "What part of "stay inside" don't you get?!" angry

Daniel: "I just don't get how someone can be so... dysfunctional." Looks like a kicked puppy

Richard: "Yeah, well that's me!" laughing a bit maniacally "Dysfunctional DeCruz" (His last name) looks like he might cry but sucks it in

Daniel: oblivious to Richard's tears "Hey, I know! Let's go find you a job!" grabs his arm and drags him out of the apartment door.

Richard: "Hey! I'm not dressed! And I don't want a job!" 

Now realizing his mistake, he drags Richard back into the apartment and throws him into Daniel's room. 

Richard: "Hey! This is your room!" 

Daniel: "I know!" he yells "I can't have you jumping out the window a second time!" 

Goes into Richard's room to get his clothes. Finds all of his shirts to be anime themed. Not being able to find a normal one. He grabs one with Raven from Teen Titans and a hoodie that looks fairly normal. Opens his door and throws it to him. 

Richard: "I'm not going!" pouting like a child

Daniel: "If you don't, you're not going to have TV for a week! And that means no games." 

Richard: after a minute "FIIINNE!" 

----- Skip to when they are outside-----

Daniel is walking with his arms crossed behind his head, kicking his legs as he walks. Richard is walking behind him with a pout and his arms crossed. 

Daniel: Talking to himself  "Where to find a job..." 

Richard: "Maybe we can try the first open store we see!" He says with a smile that is very uncharacteristic for him. 

Daniel: "YEAH! That's the spirit!" Grabs him and runs down the boulevard looking for an open store. 

Richard smirks to himself deviously. 

After two hours of looking, Daniel sits down on a bench in the park and pouts. 

Daniel: "Why is every store closed?!?" 

Richard: "Welp, guess we tried. Let's go home! Before everyone wakes up." He mumbles the last part. 

Daniel: "Wait... what did you say?" 

Richard: "I said what?"

Daniel: "You know what you said, just say it louder this time." 

Richard: "What are you, a mother?" 

Daniel: Checks his watch and ignores Richard's comment "It's six in the morning! No wonder none of the shops are open!" 

Richard: "Took you long enough... Well, since we spent some time looking, Imma' go home now." turns around and runs 

Daniel sees Richard runs, sighs, then gets up from his bench. Daniel does some stretches, cracks his knuckles, then runs after Richard. He catches up to him immediately. 

Daniel: talks while sprinting next to him "I'm on the football team. You thought you could outrun me?"

Richard: totally panicked "Uh, y-yeah maybe?" stuttering 

Daniel: "Well, I'm not giving up just yet!"  grabs his hand and runs into a grocery store that just opened at 6 a.m. 

They talk to the clerk about getting his friend a job. The clerk tells Daniel they need his resume and he needs to pass a small test. Just to see if he is good with customers and can work a register. 

Clerk: "Yeah, our manager thinks hard work shows more than some words on a paper. So he wants to see how we are in the field." The girl shrugs nonchalantly 

Daniel: "Sounds good! Come on Richard! We can get your paperwork later. Show them what you can do."Smiling like always

Richard: "Fiiinnneee.

To be continued in the next thrilling episode of "We Need a Life"!

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