Chapter 1>Aaron

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I feel a hand,
our bro the Shadow knight guard,
shove me into the cell,and before I can turn around the door is locked.The cell is humid,from being near the lava in the Nether,and grotty.Green moss lines the cracked stone bricks.Ew.

As my eyes slowly a just to the gloom,I realise that I am not alone,my cell mate is in a corner crying.Their knees are up to their chest,black hair is covering her or his face.No chance for a decent conversation then- not that I really wanted to anyway.

Anti-social maybe?
Missing Aphmoo?
Sad you couldn't have her 33 bab-

I think about Aphmau.Her smile,her black hair and her cuddling baby Lilith.My family,sort of.We never had any biological children together and I suppose we never will,there was that time in the forest..

===HEY!They never actually said where they did it so I'm just guessing-okay?!?===

But nothing never came out of that.

  ' Suuuure '
Do try to ingnore the thousands of Aarmau fangirls pointing at their phones..

I stand in another corner,diagonal from the crying thing,for hours.

And I still don't know what year it is..
Ask crying thing?
Maybe you could do that?Hmm?
It's not as if you have anything to lose-do you?

===Time-eyo skip-eyo===

Eventually I fall asleep,but then I hear a scream,bolted awake I go over to the screaming thing in the corner.
The crying thing screams.
"I-I...don't know if she's safe-Shad wants her and..she's only a little girl!"

Great now Shad is thrown into the mix!Then again did I expect anything less of him?

"What does Shad want her for?"
I am curious-maybe a sacrifice?Then why is her mother here?

"Her relic..the relic of Shad the Destroyer-it would kill my daughter if he took its from her,the relic has been with her since birth-it went from my hand into her very beingggg,SHE CANNOT PART WITH daughter,my Alina.."
The crying/screaming thing stops,over come with sleep.."My Alina.."..
Wait-so her daughter is ether a evil physcopath from birth or a desentdant of Shad?

===Time Skip brought by a crazy fangirl who is writing this (Great (!) I really am going nuts!)===

Her jet black hair reminds me of Aphmau.But it couldn't be Aphmau-Aphmau didn't have a daughter called Alina who was a crazy pyscopath or the father would of had to be some weirdo like Zane.Besides Aphmau only adopts babies...

#aphmau only adopts babies?

Then I jolt awake realising that I have my arms wrapped around her.
She must of fallen asleep on me.

Great (!).Her problem not mine!

She fell asleep on me-I didn't fall asleep on her-did I?

Oooh..' Clever ' Aaron logic then?

Her eye lids flutter awake,revealing a eye colour I can't see because I am in the freaking Nether in a dark and gloomy cell.
"Look about what you said yesterday-why is Shad keeping you prisoner?"
"He is waiting until he can kill me-he needs his relic"
"I am,er,descendant,of Irene (good going,Aph!)and he can't kill me without his relic witch Alina my daughter has.."
Crying girl,who is defiantly not her,begins to cry.

Do we have go over Alina and the relics and the crying-AGAIN?!?But seriously,crying girl-woman-thing SHUT UPPP!

"Was Alina..a pyscopath from birth?"

Great going Aaron!

"What type of question even is that anyway-No Alina is not a pyscopath,her father was a desendant of Shadddd the evil beingggg he issss (Shad that is not the baby daddy)".

So maybe someone else survived the Falcon Claw massacre,thanks Zane (!), other than me?
Get ready to fangirl-Aarmau shippers!
Yeah that's probably it.

And with that crying thing,who in no way possible is Aphmau goes back too sleep...In my freaking arms!?!?

Aaron intensifies at the thought of another hot girl,who ' defiantly ' isn't Aphmau fall asleep on him...
Maybe she took your curiosity for luurveee...
Shut upppp-Brain!!
She luurveees youuuuu
Irene save us from the little voices in our heads.

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