Demon's Day, Brother's Protection

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~+Red Army Base+~

Bump bump, bump bump

Tomi could head the steady beating of his heart, the sound his hears receive is like being under water.

He wants to see.

He slowly tries to open his eyes. They twitch and open slightly. It's blurry at first, but he gets use to blinking again. His vision becomes cleared and less blurry.

He slowly looks around, turning his head left and then right slightly as he can start to feel a mask over his mouth. Some wires connected to patches attached to his skin, over his heart, his pulses, and such vital for doctors to record.

The weightless feeling he feels around his body is the floating he's doing in a recognized healing pod.

'If I'm here... I'm home?'

Tomi looks forward, noticing his parents' department heads walking about as they continue to monitor his data. They didn't seem to notice his movements yet.

Then he looks down to his stomach, he moves his hand over it with a small smile. There weren't any signs of cuts so his baby's fine much to his relief. He shiver a bit at the thought of losing the little life growing in him.

'No,' Tomi thinks shaking his head. 'I have to protect my little one.'

After the thought, he hears taping on the glass of his healing pod. He looks down and sees Dr. Grace smiling softly up at him. Happily, he waves at her to show he's okay and feeling better.

He couldn't hear her because of the water and the glass and metal between them. All he could do was watch her talk to their friends about him probably.

Signing, Tomi resigns himself to wait patiently until he can get out of his healing pod. As boring as it may be, this pod was healing him heal.

He really needed it.

~+With the Twins+~

Lawrence and Lucille found themselves in a lit up lab, presumably the one they entered during the night. They assume this because they can see a device displayed on the work table across from them. Lawrence looks to the side of the desk they're in front of to see the panel with buttons he had pressed by accident.

"We're home..."

Lucille nods slowly as she grasps her twin's hand. "Yeah."

Suddenly the door opens causing them to flinch. They look to the person who had come opening the door with wide eyed expressions.

"Ah! Here you two are!"

Torm looks at them almost with a scolding expression as he walks into the room. He stands before his twin siblings who look up at him speechless.

"Big brother..." Lawrence says almost unbelievable.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? It's been hours, I haven't seen you at breakfast or lunch." He squats down looking at his siblings. Now that he's closer he can see they had been crying, an immediate expression of concern washes over his scolding one. "Hey," He places his hands on one of their arms. "Are you two alright?"

Lawrence broke again as he hugs his brother tightly, crying into his shoulder wishing their mother was here, they wanted him. Lucille stood glued to her spot with teary eyes too while looking down to the floor, clutching the bottom of her dress tightly.

Torm hugs his brother comfortingly, one of this hands reading out to hold his little sister's hand. He honestly didn't know what to say. He's never seen them like this before so emotional and crying streams.

So he let them cry in while he could only provide the warmth of his comfort as the big brother he is to them.

~+With Tika+~

Tika found herself video chatting with her fiancé, after all, it was only a two more months left until their wedding day. The happy couple couldn't wait to get married to each other and their parents were also looking forward to it.

However, with Tomi's new situation being told to Bryon, the man suggested they make adjustments for the sake of giving Tomi time to get settled with his predicament. Tika, on the other hand, knew her brother would be disappointed with them if they let their wedding plans get affected by his situation. Tomi doesn't like being the one to be in the way of one's happiness so Bryon, after some convincing form Tika, reluctantly let their wedding plans continue to the normal date.

"Tika, are you sure you want to do this?"

The young woman in question smiles, "Of course Bryon. If you want confirmation, I'll let you talk to my brother once he's out of the healing pod feeling better. We both know my brother will agree with me..."

Bryon nods his head slowly, "I guess you're right, dear. But I can't help but feel bad for your brother... Do you think he's gonna want to keep the baby?"

Even if the question is already obvious, it's still a heavily debated topic, especially to the soldiers who've known Tomi since he was little. The older soldiers are like Tomi's second family after them, they truly care for his well being no matter what. Some say he'll keep the baby, but other oppose of the idea because he was raped.

"Personally, I think he would end up keeping the baby. My brother is just like my mom after all... He was never the one to take away a new life or leave them for abandon." Tika says recalling her memories of Tom and the stories he would tell her. "I mean, take what my dad did for example. He basically took some of my mom's dna and used it without consent to make Tomi and Torm without his knowledge, wouldn't that be considered rape even if my dad hadn't physically touched him."

Bryon hums as he thinks about it, the situation the same without consent but without the physical touch of the problem that Tomi went through. "I guess I could have to agree with you. Taken that I know consent is a big thing with your family now."

Tika smile softens, "My mom accepted Torm and Tomi whole heartedly, and I look up to that knowing even if they were different from my younger siblings and myself we are still all loved equally." She leans her head to the side as she looks lovingly at Bryon who smiles back at her. "That's what I hope for our family as well."

Bryon and Tika blush softly, gazes longingly looking at each other.

"I love you, Tika."

She used a little phrase she had picked up from her parents who've exchanged loving words to each other so many times.

"Jeg elsker deg også, Bryon."

~+With Tom and Tord+~

Tord brought Tom with him to the lab once he had gotten a call from Duke about Tomi coming to from his sleep looking better than before. Now they were watching the the doctor and scientist helping their son out of the healing pod. Amy removing the wired patches on him before helping walk down to his parents, Tomi smiling as he holds her arm for support.


Tom goes over to him and envelops him a hug almost at the end of his wits to start crying again. "Tomi, are you alright? Do you still want to stay in the healing pod? What do you need, honey?" Without hesitation, Tom was all over Tomi looking at him up and down with pure concern on his facial expression.

Tomi shows a small smile, he leans forward to peck a simple kiss on his mother's cheek to relax him. "I'm fine Mommy, really..." He even hugs his mom back lightly before holding him at arms length away so he could see his face. "My baby... you and Daddy didn't..." He questions looking worried.

"Don't worry Tomi, I promise I didn't as the doctors to terminate it." Tord reassures his son as he comes closer to his wife and son. He brings his hand up to pet Tomi's hair calming him a lot. "Your mother told me you didn't want to get rid of the baby."

The Demon hums as he leans into his father's touch, relaxed by his parent's scent.

"Tomi," Tord starts off carefully, "What happened? How did you get caught?" He had heard from Tika sometime ago that Tomi was using his powers to return to his base. So how did the culprit catch his son?

Tomi looks down, too ashamed to look at his parents in the eyes. He felt dirty to them because of what happened. "I... I was on my way back to my base using my powers, but then somewhere along the way I decided to stop and take a break. I was already somewhere within the parameters between my base and home, a forest that I usually trail along on when I want to walk for a bit." He bit at his bottom lip, his fingers fiddling with his mom's hands who he held when offered during the conversation.

"I was out of the shadows walking for a bit until I was ambushed by my kidnapper. I don't really remember what happened during my struggle to get away, it had been so fast-" His head was starting to hurt as certain memories resurfaced. "I-I just recall b-being thrown down like a d-oll-"

Tom squeezes his son's hands as he can start to see tears collecting in the corner of the young man's eyes.

Tomi starts to hiccup up as he struggles to keep talking clearly. "He was j-just *hic* g-go-ing on- *hic*. H-He u-used *hic* m-e..."

His mother didn't let him say anymore, pulling him close and hugging him in comfort, on of his hands rubbing up and down his back while the other rested behind Tomi's head. Tomi could head soft and sweet comforting words his mother whispers into his ear to calm him down.

Tord clenches his hands tightly into a ball hating the over all feeling of uselessness that he could prevent what had happen to Tomi. "Tomi, I'm so sorry... If only I could have-"

"It's... not y-your fault..." Tomi says, stutters becoming less, instead soft as he rests against his mom. "It's no one's fault... Not you, not Mommy, not Tika, and not Torm..." The twins innocent to all this mess as it can be.

He only had himself to blame for not being cautious enough.

Tomi closes his eyes and snuggled against his mother's embrace, added his father as he comes close to hug the both of them in hope to comfort the both of them. He laughs brokenly in his own mental state, how he wished he could have found love like his parents.

'There is no Prince Charming for me.'

~+ Five Days Pass: Red Army Base+~

Five days fly by without a second thought to them as they were all concerned with their own things.

The twins continued their education as usual with Will driving them to school. A little change up in the routine as the twins would always kiss Thomas on the cheek before they left without another word. Thomas would always smile while Tom next to him in his spirit form chuckles at the quick affectionate display.

Tika followed her process of working with the training the department like so everyday, with the inclement to check in with her fiancé every now in then as their wedding day was a few months from now. Lots had to be done and Edd and Tom were the ones to be helping them when they could. She would even make time to visit Tomi during the day to check on him, she just couldn't bear the thought of leaving him a lone now that it was known he had decided to keep the baby.

Tomi found her presence comforting since he was deemed to stay within the Red Army Base for the time being. He made sure to inform Victoria and Witt about the situation as well and leave them in charge of managing the base during his absence. Ace, of course, would be the one to oversee all of their actions when he makes regular visits when he's not in the Red Army Base.

The Demon sighs looking around his old room, he had just come from the cafeteria and thought about looking back around the old leader section where he used to live. He even took the chance to enter his old living space he used to share with Torm, who now shares the space with Asher.

The room kept the same after all this time even with his old drawings and his brothers paper cranes old for wear, but kept up for memories sake.


The brunet looks back to see his older brother surprised to be in his old room. Tomi smiles softly as he turns around to fully face him, "Hey Tormy..."

Torm was very clear with his opinion of his little brother wanting to keep the baby. It was so bad that their father actually had to order him to leave the room, Asher staying a moment to apologize for his boyfriend's outburst before going to chase after him. Tomi could only smile sadly knowing that would be his older brother's reaction to his decision.

To this day, Torm still tries to convince him to back out now while he still has the chance.

"What are you doing here? Mother said you should be resting." Torm said, not moving towards him but staying in his spot in the doorway much to his gratefulness.

"I needed to move, staying in one place is boring."

Torm rolls his eyes, yet a small smile stays on his lips knowing his brother. "Of course."

Then there was the time for the awkward silence, Tomi fiddled with his hands behind his back while Torm's gaze kinda drifted around the room. The Devil tried hard not to focus on the bane of his existence since he knows Tomi didn't like it when he kept staring at his stomach.

"Tomi," Torm said, tone now different from the one he had been using just a few minutes ago. "Why do you want to keep it? I don't understand how you would want it, even with everything that happened..."

Tomi unlocks his hands from behind his back and brings his right hand to rub at his left arm. "Because it's a life Tormy... I don't want to kill something that has a chance to live."

"But Tomi-"

The brunet shakes his head, finally looking up to meet his brother's red gaze. "I do not care for the father, I try not to remember what that man did to me... I only think of what's best for this child, my child." Determination in his eyes while Torm's eyes held something akin to a will to fight. "So would you please stop asking me to throw away a life..."

Torm stayed silent, he didn't even respond to Tomi as he turns around and leaves without a word breaking his brother's heart.

"Why can't you do this for me?" The Demon questions in the empty room.


Lucille stood next to her brother while their teacher went about talking to them about music. They didn't really pay attention most of the time because it was either a repeat of what Tomi or Torm usually teaches them back at home. Because today they were going to be picking an instrument to start learning how to play.

They may only be first graders, but this prestigious school is very much attentive to their students and what they learn from a young age. The younger they start learning the better.

"What instruments are you guys gonna learn?" Tobias whispers over to his his twin friends. "I think I'm going for the piano or the guitar."

Lawrence, who had been eying the bass among the instruments, answers, "I'm going for the bass guitar. My brother's been teaching me anyways, so I wanna keep practicing it here at school too."

"Violin for myself," The female Lawson twin responds simply, looking in the direction of the stands holding violin cases. "Our older brother introduced it to me and I'm rather fond of the instrument."

Her violin and ukulele lessons with Torm have been constant and usually meet later in the evening in the leaders' lobby to practice together. She's seen Tomi and Lawrence play their mother's old bass every once in awhile when Tomi's out of the medical ward.

"I'm thinking the violin too!" Tobias says with a light blush on his cheek, eyes on Lucille. "Maybe we can practice together, ya know?" The young raven chuckles somewhat nervously.

Lucille hums in response, moving away when their music teacher, Mrs. Nobella, to go pick a violin case holding said instrument. Tobias follows after her to go pick one out himself, while Lawrence went for the blue and black bass he's been eyeing for some time now.

"Hey Luci?"

After picking her violin, said girl looks to Tobias with a bit of surprise by calling her by her nickname instead of her full one. The other seven year old looking as determined as he could be.

"Is something wrong, Tobias?"

The young raven shook his head and pointed to the violins, "Can you pick one for me? I'm having a hard time choosing one..."

Lucille wanted to ask him why, but she saw a little plea in his green eyes. She looks to the violins and takes a moment to decided.

Among them she chose a white violin still resting in its case. "Take the white one... It looks like it will fit you."

Tobias grins so happy as he picks up the case holding the white instrument. He looks back up over to Lucille to see her moving back to her seat.

He doesn't mind, smile softening.

"Thanks, Lucille."

~+Red Army Base: Tomi and Tom+~

Tomi sat with his mom in the lobby of the leader section chatting and eating food some of the cooks brought over for them. A special course of food made for Tomi since he's carrying and needs a special diet.

"I still can't believe that this happened to you..." Tom said clenching his hand into fists. "Did you get his name?"

Tomi shook his head as he set his fork down. "He didn't tell me his name, instead he just stole mine. Shadow is my alias, not his, but he just had to use it." He looks down to his plate not wanting to meet his mothers gaze. "We did talk, and I got some information why he was doing this to me. He told me its revenge of the sorts... Towards you and Dad."

Tom taps his finger against he arm of the couch in thought. "There are many people out there your father and I have met and made enemies of wether it be personal or for our friends."

"But you can't say for sure who did this to me."

"If I did, I'd go all out with your father to torture them to hell and possibly deeper if I could." The former blue leader showing an innocent smile to cover up the flames of hell from his son. "I am not holding your father back if we find out who had the audacity to do this to you."

A giggle escapes from Tomi just behind his finger tips. "Please grant me the pleasure of torturing him first~" As usual, Tomi's mischievous playful side of him wanted to do something. He can just feel it through his veins, when was the last time he played with someone?

Tom chuckles seeing his son biting at the corner of his mouth, a fang peeking out as his eyes began to smoke out a familiar purple color. The lust for revenge and satisfaction to play consuming his son.

"Of course, Tomi." He brunet shakes head. Tom seeing the purple smoke fading he changes the subject for the heck of it. "So have you thought of any names yet?"

"Hm?" Tomi unconsciously places a hand over his stomach. His thumb rubbing lightly in a back and forth manner in a soothing manner. "I'm not sure yet to be honest. There are a lot to chose from."

"Take your time, you still have a couple of months before the baby comes. Find out what inspires you for a name."

The demon smiles and picks up his fork again to eat some green beans. not typically his favorite, but they weren't that bad.


Tom looks up from his holopad with a raised brow. "Yes, honey?"

Hesitant at first, fork placed back on the plate, he said, "Do you think Tormy will ever accept him or her?"

He starts remembering the encounter with his brother earlier, not only that but the other times as well since he came out of his unconscious state. Tormy had started distancing himself, any other chance they're together it's only for a short moment they feel everything is normal until it goes down hill.

"Acceptance cannot be rushed... It is like trust my little demon. A fickle and fragile little thing that needs care and patience." Words of wisdom pass to Tomi who gives it all an ear to hear and listen to clearly. He can take what he can get, accenting any help to calm his beating heart from breaking. "Let time guide the way."

Torm in a sense to everyone by now, most especially to his family, is a person who is required a crazy amount of patience from those around him. Protective and short temper may he be, he's still a loving person to those he acknowledges.

His head isn't always on straight, but they all know he gets it from his father. His stubbornness shared between both parents of which he learned it from way back then. The sweet part of him definitely learned via their mother for very good reasons.

Tomi has been the one to hold his hand since he first found him alone among other experiments still known, but now forgotten. He truly loves his brother, he looks up to him even if the devil is the one looking to him for help.

"Thanks Mom..."

Tom smiles, getting up to move to sit next to his son. They lean against each other, Tomi affectionately nuzzling the man's cheek.

"Anytime, my little demon."

~+With Torm+~

Torm needed a breather, he really did. So he turns to look for comfort in his sister, Tika.

He walks out of the base to the training ground to see her with Seth sitting by her feet. She and a group of soldiers stood by the climbing wall ready for the next exercise waiting until she finishes her explanation. The Devil relaxes a bit at the sight of her talking and giving out orders.

"Ti-!" Torm's eyes widen at the climbing wall as everything seemed to flow in slow motion before his eyes.

Behind the climbing wall he could see at least two silhouettes pushing the wall forward. If it tips over completely, his sister and the soldiers will be crushed flat.

The soldiers were in range to get out in time, but his sister...

She'll die

His heart working overtime pumped blood so loud in his ears as he runs to his sister. Soldiers seeing the fury of his run look surprise until they see why he was running towards them.

"Miss Tika!" A Soldier exclaims pointing behind her. Soldiers about running away from the danger.

When Tika look behind her, the solid appearance of the falling climbing wall looking over her.

Her scream pierces the air like a knife, calling Torm's presence towards her faster. He reaches her just in time to push them both out of the way to the far side, him turning into his red smoke form, sinking into his sister's body.

Large, red bat like wings open and cover up her form tightly as they roll away by the blast of wind the fallen climbing wall had produced.

Tika stops rolling when she hits he wall, wings still encasing her until the gust of wind dies down.

"Tika!" Alfred exclaims worriedly as he runs over to her. His eyes widening in surprise to see her form.

Two horns on either side of her head pointing up towards the sky as she sits up. Ears slightly more pointed, the iris of her right eye red while the pupils stretched to a reptilian slit. A similar hook ended tail circled around her leg and wings open behind her back.

"Alfred! Search the area, we have rats!" Torm's tone mixes in with his sister's voice.

Surprised, Alfred nods quickly and turns back to the soldiers to come the area of any intruders. He even pulls out his radio after to inform the patrol group about the situation.

"T-Torm?" Tika mumbles as she tries to regain her senses.

'I'm here, princess.' Torm assures her through their mental link. 'I'm here...'

The young lady felt a shiver go through her body when she realizes her near death experience. Tears star welling in the corners of her eyes.

"Torm- Oh my gosh- Torm, I-I almost-!"

The devil sends a comforting wave through his sister's body. He could read her shock and fears like a book even without possessing her.

'Shh... It's fine now Tika. You're safe....'

Tika hugs herself as she lets her tears slide down her cheeks.

Tika stayed curled up while her other soldier friends ran over to her to provide comfort as well until a medical team came in to check on her.

Torm continued possessing his sister for the sake of keeping closer to her just in case those rats from earlier tries something again. "Mellena, how's Tika?" His mixed voice of his voice and Tika's asked the medic currently checking her.

"Thankfully in unharmed besides the some grass stains and small scratches from what assumed was from getting it of the way." The chocolate brunette tells him.

"Any updates from the Patrol or training soldiers?"

"They've locked down the whole parameter of the place. The ones out on patrol in the forest are combing the area carefully." She says while applying a bandage to Tika's hand. Mellena looks up to their eyes, "Din far har blitt informert." She says the last part in Norwegian.

"I understand, I take it he wasn't too pleased." Torm said pulling his sister's hand back to hold in their other hand.

Mellena shakes her head, "He is the very epitome of livid at the moment."

Torm brings up their good hand up, humming and rests it under their chin. Their eyes shift to look over their surroundings.

Soldiers running around, gazes serious as they take their jobs to full mode.

They get up on their feet, Mellena getting up quickly with some concern seeing them get up. "I'm going to looking from the sky."

"But Tika-"

"She will be fine, I'll protect her. I'm just going to provide assistance from the sky."

Mellena looks hesitant but reluctantly steps back as she lets them spread their wings to full span. They jump up and flap their wings to push them up above their spot.

Torm circled the area of the base, eyes watching for any unknown movement of unidentified people. Like his mother and father, he had studied remembering everyone in the base, even the latest additions to their group.

Nothing so far from what he can observe.

"Torm!" The voice of his father calls.

He look down to his left to see his father waving at them. Near him are his group of soldier he set out with, all the more, warped in chains are two unknown humans. Not only that, but their figures matched the two silhouettes Trod has seen from moments ago.

They dive down quick and stop in a smooth glide, landing beside their father.

"Father~" Torm and Tika's mixed voice greets their father formally, adding a formal bow with their curtsy like they had just finished a dance.

If anything, Tord looked impressed by the possession Tord took with his sister and how they're both managing it. "I didn't think I'd ever see the two of you working together like this."

Tika brings her hand up to hover over her mouth as she giggles, "Torm's doing this to protect me dad."

"As I see..." Their father replies with a small smile before it instantly disappears. "On another matter," He looks to the two men in chains surrounded by his soldiers. "We found these two without permission on our grounds. Marcus and Natalia radioed me a while ago and found a pair of discarded uniforms too on the same path to here."

"I saw their silhouettes from above, they match who I saw push down the wall from earlier." Torm confirms the added information. Clenching his shared hand into a fist as he wanted to punch both men in the face for such a crime.

Then again, punching them in the face would be too merciful.

Tord could see Tika's or rather Torm's tail thoughtfully waving back and forth in a telling way that he had something good in mind. His small smile comes back as he sighs.

"I'll place them down in the cells and inform the authorities. Until they come to pick them up, I'll allow you and Tika to have fun with them."

The police still have their jobs, Tord still believing somewhat for some form of authorities other than his soldiers roaming about when they had other tasks needed to be tending too. They still answer to him by charge of prime commander since he in fact rules the world. His soldiers, where ever they are stationed, handle collecting their monthly reports, reading all of them, and then sending the final draft of the summary for him to approve of. Any problems Tord may see within the review he'll contact them about it to be safe.

A wicked, and mostly importantly, mischievous grin forms on their lips ever so gleeful at the allowance.

May it be a bad habit they might have picked up from their brother Tomi in the past. They were surly up to no good with such a innocent looking expression.

"With pleasure, dear Father~"






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