Red Coranation

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Red Army Invitation

You are formally invited to the heir of the Red Army's Coronation of inheriting the Title of Red Leader and accepting the command of the vast army.

Heir of the Red Army: Storm T. Lawson

Those attending the ceremony must give their names and will be verified for approval.
If there is any necessary change please contact the Support Department, but keep in mind you are not allowed to change anything the day before the ceremony.

Please fill out the form inside the envelope and have it mailed back to the Main Red Army Base in Norway.


Will you be attending: [y/n]
Number attending: []
Name of party members:
Any children attending?: [y/n]
If yes, please state age and names:
Main Guest Invited-Are you related to or doing any of the following? (Reporter, newscaster, journalist, etc.): [y/n]
Will you be bring equipment?: [y/n]
(*Note: Any equipment brought will be checked through thoroughly by security and has the right to confiscate if necessary, or deemed dangerous.)

Please abide to the rules and instructions given to you before the ceremony. Anyone who does not follow them will be forced out of the premises and locked out.

Thank you for your sincere Time and Patience on behalf of the Red Army,
-Tord Lawson
  Father to the Heir
  Red Leader of the Red Army

~+A year Later: Torm's Coronation Day+~

By the count of the invitations, about hundreds or close to a thousand of people will be attending the coronation of the heir of the Red Army, not including the number of reporters, newscasters, journalist, and such.

Sadly, Tika and her husband Bryon weren't going to be able to make it due to the weather condition at the location they were stranded in. The weather wasn't looking up and Tord and Torm could understand why they had to miss it.

Another problem was Tomi's response to the invitation that Ace had to personally send to keep the Shadow Base's Location a secret.

When the invitation came back, Tomi's response to the invasion is not able to attend. No reason attached.

Now that caused a bit of a stir in the base. First base would be the soldiers, they were rather confused why Tomi wouldn't come, however, they thought back to his newborn who is now a year old. Todd was Tomi's priority to raise to the best of his ability while learning on the way.

When it came to Tord he also had an understanding that Tomi had a duty as a new mother to his child. Although, Tomi could just bring Todd with him to the ceremony, it wouldn't hurt. Plus it's his brother's inheritance ceremony, he thought his son would want to come for that.

As for Torm, he still isn't taking the news very well. In the back of his mind he knows it's because of Todd that Tomi isn't come. He was the one who told his brother to keep the baby away from him after all.

All Torm does now is stay quiet and act when his twin siblings come to hangout with him when they come back from school. Now that he thinks about it, he didn't even get to say goodbye or wish Tomi safety on his way back to his base last time he saw him.

The Devil shakes his head and stand up from his seat after the makeup artist are done applying a very light layer of makeup to his face.

"Torm, come this way. We need to get you dressed in your suit so we can fix any last minute details." Opal says softly.

He goes over to where Neva and Opal are waiting for him on the elevated stand where his sister once stood to get her wedding dress fixed before her wedding.


"Yes, Torm?" The woman replies calmly while making fast work to close the curtains around him so he can get some privacy to change.

Opal hanging his tailored suit inside before going back out to give him his privacy.

Torm stares at his suit for a moment, pondering if he should wear it. "Do you think... I can really lead like my Father?"

"You've shown great potential in the past, Torm. And that was when you were merely just a child back then, here now I assume you can do far greater."

Torm smiles a little and starts changing into his ceremonial clothes piece by piece. He was happy the soldiers had confidence in him, but he wanted most, he guesses, is his family here with him to celebrate this day with him.

His princess can't be here with her husband due to weather conditions while he knows Tomi is doing what he asks to keep Todd away from his view.

He fixes the last part of his suit under the collar of his dress shirt before opening the curtains to let Opal and Neva make final adjustments.

"I wish Tika and Tomi could make it..." he murmurs to himself.

The two seamstresses overheard him but didn't say anything to comment. They know the two siblings absence is hard for the eldest sibling.

Torm doesn't show it too much, but he really wishes for his siblings company. The twins were great company, nobody complains about them and they're very helpful, but no one can really break the bond Tomi and Tika share with Torm after all these years together.

Tord was so lost in thought he didn't even notice his Father enter the room with the twins. The twins on either side of the platform admiring his Coronation suit with awe. At the most they were more interested in the lapels of his jacket adorn with badges and medals and the fancy black and gold epaulettes on his shoulders.

"Torm," Tord has to call again to get his son to look at him and make his presence known.

His son looks up to the mirror to finally notice he's in the room now. He shakes his head, "Are you okay son? If not I can always push the date of your Coronation last minute."

Torm instantly shakes his head, "I'm fine Father, really..." He said trying to best to show a smile Tord could tell it's failing.

Tord then looks to Opal serious, "Opal, do you mind taking my son to the car for the ride to the stadium. I have some arrangements to finish before the ceremony."

"Of course, Red Leader." Opal says smiling after she steps away from Torm to let him get down. She then leads her leader's son out of the room where the other uniform soldiers were quick to go for cleaning up before getting situated to attend the ceremony themselves.

A few also rushing to get Torm's long, custom made cape delivered to where Opal and Torm are to get it put on.

He looks to Neva who is patiently waiting for him, knowing that there were questions to be answered.

"Neva," He only had to say her name to get her to confess.

"Torm is sad, Red." She admits as the twins stand on either side of her, both listening with an understanding to the situation. "He really wants Tomi and Tika here to support him."

"I should have known their unattendance would have have an effect on him," He says shaking his head at his stubborn son's mask to the truth. "That's why I sent the rescue team to deal with getting Tika and Bryon from their latest location."

Neva then looks curious, "And Tomi, sir?"

The Red Leader shrugs his shoulders, "I contacted them early this morning, but they told me Tomi left early this morning with his son somewhere. Knowing Tomi, I guess he knew I was gonna call." He had a feeling Tomi was trying to avoid coming to his brother's Coronation even with his direct call.

"Tomi will be Tomi... Everything will be his choice unless the situation is dire. He's the unpredictable of this family after all." He turn his back to Neva and waves his hand for the twins to come to him. "Finish cleaning and hurry to your seats in the stadium."

"Yes, Red."

~+Shadow Abyss: With Tomi and Todd+~

Tomi floated around the shadow abyss with Todd cradled in his arms. Like him and his mother, he learned Todd was quite an intelligent little baby, and a quick learner.

Of course, most physical moments that a small baby his age couldn't do were helped by the fact Todd was half demon like his mother. Todd's powers are controlled much to Tomi's relief.

"You really do love playing in and out of the shadows, don't you," Tomi coos not really trying to make it a question.

His one year old son loves the shadows they share. When Tomi isn't watching his little one for a moment, he's find Todd manipulating shadows to his amusement or making them cover him.

Tomi hums as he uses his powers to let Todd play around with the shadow colored toys he's left floating around for when they're relaxing in the shadow abyss.

"Hmm... Now that I think about it, today's his Coronation day." Tomi tosses Todd up who takes hold off his stuffed snake along the way.

Todd falls back down slowly and bounces back down softly on his mother's lap.

"Tormy..." He whispers to himself.

Todd holds his black snake doll with red eyes to Tomi, "Mama!"

The Demon looks back to Todd cutely holding up his favorite doll up to him. He smiles and nuzzles his baby's forehead against his. "Hey Todd, do you remember Tormy?"

"Dada?" Todd simply says smiling brightly now hugging his doll close to his body. His mother says that name 'Tormy' a lot.

He remembers his mom saying it too in his sleep when they take naps together. When he thinks of that name he sees a flash of red eyes and he doesn't know why.

Tomi chuckles and lightly stroke the top of the baby's head. "Not Dada... He'a your uncle."

Cutely, Todd tilts his head to the side not understanding his mom. The title just doesn't seem to fit into place when he tried repeating what his mama said. "Uncli?"

"Uncle, dear." Tomi says chuckling again at his pronunciation. "Wanna see him?"

Todd raises his arms up and clings to the front of his mama's hoodie. "Go see Dada!"

Tomi sigh, mentally noting later to teach Todd along the way to call his older brother uncle instead of Dada. "Okay, but you gotta be quite. Mama said no to the invitation, so no one can know we're there."

"Yes Mama!"

His mother smiles and holds him close after kissing his forehead. He looks up to see his mama's face as he starts speeding through their home towards their destination.

Todd smiles, his mama looks happy.

~+Location: Central Stadium+~

Torm blankly looks out the tinted window from his seat in the back of the limousine which stops in front of the gallant red carpet. On either side of the carpet are the red cops and a few soldiers here and there blocking those reporters and civilians who were not invited to witness the crowning going on inside the large stadium.

A soldier close to the limo opens the door for him and he steps out. Flashes from camera and shutters from the lens goes off. Torm didn't mind them because he's actually blind at the moment since he's wearing the same mask from the party from last year. Black with red flames on one half of the mask.

His father suggested the family to wear their masks for the beginning of the event and take them off after Torm had been given the title.

The second reason is because he knows he can ignore them and make his way inside to have Opal, who had been dropped off a different location to enter the stadium, hook on the last piece to his suit.

Although, he did do what Opal suggested when he walks down the red carpet for the camera and the on lookers. He walks with grace and elegance so cameras can capture his appearance for the world, head held high with confidence to not let the crowd misunderstand he is not weak by any means.

"Heir! Is it true you have a lover?!"

"Are you seriously going to continue after your father?!"

Questions were shouted at either side of him with vigor and a hunger for more information.

Again, he promptly ignored them as mama his way to the doors opened for him.

"Is it true you are blind?!"

The last questioned heard as the double doors closed behind him. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Not any different from those who go to the base, honestly."

Eventually after finding his way with the help of the soldiers, he makes it over to the waiting area where he has to wait for the doors to open for him after everything is ready.

He feels Opal attaching his cape onto his shoulders, soldiers behind him fanning out the end.

"Thank you, Opal." He thanks grateful for their assistance.

"Not a problem at all." Opal patting Torm on the shoulder. "Just do yourself proud when you gain your inheritance." Opal tells with a telling sign in her tone she's smiling fondly at him.

Soldiers around him also say their respects before bidding him leave to go to their seats.

The air around him still as he is now left alone in front of those double doors. Thoughts taking up his mind to keep himself occupied until the sound of horns pierced through the doors a bit muffled, but none the less loud.

The creaking of two heavy metal doors groan as they are pulled out for him to enter through.

Let the Coronation begin.

About a thousand of people in the stadium has their eyes on Torm as he appears from his holding area. Walking in pace, not to fast nor too slow.

Cameras taking shots of him from reporters and newscasters stationed on the lower area, some on the stands as well. Guests were mostly government or close friends also stationed on the lower ground of the stadium while some coordinated guests invited out of random selection occupied the upped stands. Although they didn't complain of their seats, they were more than willing to sit there just to participate in such a important day.

The sunlight shined off his badges and metals, while his cape would sometimes flow with an occasional breeze.

When he reaches his family, after walking up a couple of steps, he stands poised and head held high.

The crowd is still, cameras quiet not to add to the quiet air.

Tord smiles as he stand up from his seat along with his family, but he is the only one to move forward and stand in front of his eldest at arms length.

"First," His said, voice booming through he speakers so that all could hear. "I'd like to say thanks to everyone who could make it today to this important day. This day, the Coronation of my eldest son to finally receive his place succeeding me."

Tord looks at his son, Torm knowing his father with smiling at him. "My first born, I knew he was gifted from the start, basically how I was when I was young." He laughs as he crosses his arms. "However, he is like his mother as well. Very much so..."

Tord recalls Torm and his habits like Tom, the devil basically having that little faith in Jehovah. Although it drains and dies down, it's an on and off thing actually. Then their's the stubbornness yet he can't put it all on Tom since he has to admit he probably is he most stubborn of the two.

"Here, I will publicly give him my title and my position. I will pass them down to him, just as his mother had passed down his leadership to our second born who has held his position with outstanding success!" The Leader grins as the crowd murmurs quietly about his second born.

"But before I pass my title and army to him, I wish for him to display a talent of his to all of you."

Torm's eye's widen in surprise behind the mask.

Even his family and friends by the way their moving had not expected this.

Tord looks back to the twins who are wearing their masks. He gestures for them to bring him something from behind his makeshift throne.

Lawrence, being the closes to the chair, goes behind it to come back out holding a familiar black case. Lucille recognizes it as Torm's violin case.

Lucille goes to her brother and undoes the case to pull out the black violins her brother practically cares for dearly. She then takes it to her father and brother while Lawrence stores the case back behind the chair.

Tord accepts it from her before sending her back to her twin's side. He turns to Torm and holds out the violin out for him.

"Play us a song."

Torm doesn't question his father in front of all these people. He merely accepts his instrument and tunes the strings to their rightful tune. Once done, he turns and faces the mass of people that is his guest and audience.

He takes a breath for a moment and exhales. The Devil plays a song literally moves the crowd by swaying or overwhelming emotions. A few musicians in the crowd falling in love with his composition of making music since they've never heard his piece before.

While this was happening, Torm didn't notice the way two people came about to attend his special day.

Tika and Bryon, by Tord's amusement and Tom's surprise, enter from behind the stage. Tika dressed in an A line prince dress, colored lavender and white with two inched heels on her black shoes. While her hair is done up in a bun with black ornaments. Bryon wore a military green tux, with a white dress shirt, a black tie and shoes too.

The husband and wife taking a seat on Tom's side where he sat to the left of Tord.

As for the second favorite person, he watches from the shadows with his little one. Todd clapping his hands on his mama's lap before pointing at his uncle calling him dada again.

Tomi has his eyes closed listening to one of his favorite pieces Torm made just for him and their sister Tika when they were still teenagers.

It basically told a story of a young boy who lost his way, journeying away from those who took care of him when he came of age as a teenager. Years pass as he makes friends and enemies along the way. Yet he stumbles along clues about his hidden pass and who he really is.

The teen's journey forwards when he meets a young maiden and her older brother. The three of them travel together and learn the importance of friendship and the value of their lives.

The main character learns he is the lost prince, now lost king to an empty throne that has been cleared by such evil that has taken over his homeland.

The older brother to the young maiden finds duty to protect the lost king and most importantly the last of his remaining family. Sworn to the sword of his late father, he vows to succeed pass him and gain strength to defeat the evil plague.

As for the young maiden, she is sheltered by the two men by the best of their abilities for the sake of not letting the evil take away their strength. Not wanting to feel useless, she writes day after day in many forms of letter, song, and poems to guide lost people to their safety.

In the end, they overcome the evil and they return home.

However, the twist is that the Kingdom's King does not return with them, nor does his loyola knight and fair guiding maiden.

Thus, he remains the Lost King.

Only to come back when needed with his two trusted friends by his side.

The music fades until it's replaced with a resounding applause. Torm undoes his playing positions and bows to the crowd and stand back up again.

When Torm turns around he's greeted with the addition of his sister and her husband sitting to his mother's left. He could have caught their scents earlier if it weren't for his strong concentration.

Torm smiles, 'So this was only to buy time for Tika and Bryon.' He thought as he brings his violin down along with his bow.

The twins happily retake his violin and bow so their father could start the ceremony properly.

"I am happy to pass on my leadership to my son." Tord said proudly as he takes off his badge signifying his leadership of his army. He shows it to Torm whole feels the need to take knee before his father. "With great power comes great responsibility my son. I ask that you prove your worth to those in attendance and to those watching in their homes."

"I, Storm T. Lawson, will take up this leadership which you will pass on to me. I will continue to Leader the Red Army as long as my mother's soldiers who have stayed after so long." He looks up to meet his father's eye. "I take my teachings from not only my teachers but from my family as well."

His mother having a big influence on him but with a counter from his father. To be caring for those who need it, to be strict when things become out of control.

Torm learned a lot from his parents, everything he learned he takes to the heart.

"May I continue this leadership, this pride, and your legacy. I wish for the Red Army to flying until the day I call for the end of this reign."

He would be permeant leader and end the rule when he sees fit.

"I will not only honor our family, but our friends and allies as well."

Torm smirks.

"With this I show my devotion and prove my worth as time continues forward."

Tord expression is one proud and willing as he places the badge onto his son's hand.

"With this, I officially announce the Red Army's new leader, Red Leader, Storm T. Lawson!"

The soldiers roar in cheer for their approval, guests in the stand clapping while the officials and friends on the ground nod as they clap for him.

Tomi quietly comes up to the surface from the shadow made my his sister's, Tika's, chair. The shadows covering his form and Todd's while their eyes are  a lit with different shades of purple.

Tika, since she's so close, noticed his presence and looks at the shadowy form while everyone is focused on Torm.


Tomi smiles at her and pats her on the head. "Shhh..."

"Ah!" Todd laughs as he pats Tika's cheek.

She smiles letting her brother know she'll stay quite. But first she's gonna pinch those cute cheeks her nephew has.

Even if he was discreet with coming to the surface, Torm caught his brother's scent.

Torm looks over his shoulder to see the shadow colored forms of his brother the year old child in his arms. His cheeks getting pinched by none other than his sister.

Tomi seemed to notice before he backs away with Todd in his arms. The young one looking at Torm for a moment and smiling happily, small hands reaching out for him. A small supportive smile on Tom's face shows before he gives him a curt bow before sinking back down into the shadows to disappear.

The newly announced leader smiles faintly with some evidence of sadness in it.

'I'm sorry Tomi... I want you here but I can't take seeing him.'

The crowd's roaring approval couldn't be louder than the screams of his own monsters.



I haven't updated in a long while. I've been considering rewriting this to cover up the plot holes and such with characters.

But it hasn't been decided yet so yeah... Idk what to do but I'm gonna try and finish this. If I can't then I'll figure out something.

Hope all of you are having a great day, see ya sometime.

Thanks so much for all the Fanart over the course of my Block. Since not everything could fit, I'm gonna add it to the next chapter if I get to writing it ^^ Truly, Thank you.



-insta: moonlight_alizarin



-Local Anon

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