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~+Norway: Red Army Base+~

The morning had started off okay as the Lawson family sat at a table in the dining hall eating breakfast together before the twins went off to school by a nearby town.

Tord did allow Torm and Tika to go to a normal school as well, the nearby town also having a university they could participate in. But Torm was more comfortable studying with the soldiers in the base as his teachers. Tika kinda considering going so she could be near the twins if they need her, but the thought kinda put her out of place when her life had been with the base and taking classes with the soldiers as their teachers too.


"Yes Lucille?" Tord answers as he looks up from his plate to her.

Lawrence continues for her, he holds up a paper for Tord to see. "Are you going to go to our parent-teacher conference tomorrow?"

Tord reaches over to accept the paper from his son. He quickly reads over the piece of paper to see the usual attendance of the parent, if not, guardian able to attend in their place because it's a mandatory first meeting to see how the kids are doing in class.

However, the date of the conference got him into a bit of conflict. "Sorry you two, I have an important mandatory meeting with all my generals in different nations later that day. I won't be able to make it..."

"But it's important, or so our teacher says," Lawrence says looking down to his plate.

Lucille fiddles with her necklace, "Our teacher even marked it in red..."

Thomas immediately hits the back of Tord's head in response as usual when he's being insensitive to not see the dejected looks on their eyes even if they are emotionless. "Tord."

Red Leader rubs at the back of his head, the hit harder than usual but knowing its because his wife kinda returned as an android. "I really wish I could go Thomas but this meeting really is necessary." He so badly wanted to go to the parent teacher conference for the twins and actually know how they're doing in their classes but being a leader has its duties.

Thomas sighs and looks to his older children, "Torm, Tika, do you think you two will be able to go with the twins to their conference?"

"Us?" Tika says confused as she sets her fork down. "But aren't parents the only ones who are able to attend?"

"Guardians are able to attend as long as Tord, the legal parent, gives permission for you two to go in his place," He explains as he steals the page from his husband to read over. "You're father will write in a little note that you'll be going in his place and sign his name to give certification."

"Well I don't really mind, after the meeting, we could take the twins around town for some shopping then."

"That sounds like a nice plan," Tord, after taking back the sheet, wrote a little note and signed his name next to it. "Everything will be my treat since I can't attend myself. Torm you still have my card right?" He asks as he hands the sheet back to his youngest daughter.

"I still have it from last month's shopping trip with Tika."

"Good, then you can use that card."

Tika looks at Lawrence and Lucille with a smile, "Isn't this great guys, we can spend more time together tomorrow!"

Lucille hums and holds the pendant hanging off her necklace.

Law looks up and at his siblings feeling his sister's wave of uncomfortable.

"Big brother, big sister, who's Tomi?"

Torm drops his spoon from his grip at the sound of Tomi's name leaving his youngest brother's lips. He brings his hands up to hold his head, grips his hair, and breaks down into sobs, digital eyes on his screen becoming blue. Tika is immediately trying to comfort her brother by whispering soothing words, trying to get him back on track.

"Lucille! Lawrence! Come on, you're about to be late for school!" Will calls for them by the entrance of the dining hall on the other side of the room. He had just come from starting up the car out front to get ready to drive the twins to school.

Tord had ordered one of the soldiers to buy a regular car, a black one with tinted windows, to be used to transport to the twins to and from school. He wouldn't allow the jeeps to be used for them due to the Red Army symbol painted on them.

Immediately the twins get out of their seat and walk over to where Will is waiting for them.

They leave behind their parents who are shocked by how the twins reacted to their older siblings. Tika caring for the eldest Lawson sibling still sobbing in her embrace.


~+Evergarden Elementary: Morning+~

A sleek black car pulls up to the front of the school. Will pulls the car into park and unlocks the doors.

"Alright you two, have fun at school okay?"


Lawrence opens the door and hops out of the car followed by his twin sister. He closes it behind her and they both look to Will who had rolled down the window to give them a thumbs up. "I might be a little late today coming to pick you two up so if you want to explore any clubs that might be in your school be my guest. Just make sure to check the windows for me waiting out here in the front."

The twins nod in agreement and the blond drives off to head back to the base.

Lucille looks to her little brother, but five minutes, "Why did you do that Law? You know it makes big brother Torm cry a lot." She didn't understand why her brother did that.

Lawrence holds her hand looking down, "Father wasn't going to come to the meeting with our teacher... Our older siblings were going to go in his place... You didn't look comfortable with how it ended..." If there was one thing Lawrence didn't like, it was people who made his sister feel sad or uncomfortable. He just felt closed off to everyone like his sister except Mr. Ghost and Lucille, the same being said for her.

His sister squeezes his hand, "Law..." She tugs her brother gently forward so they could start walking towards their school for the first class of the day. "I know dad's always busy, but he's doing this out of protection for all of us. So please... don't take it out on big brother or big sister..."

Lawrence follows her lead, walking slowly alongside her apologetically, now feeling a bit down in his mood. "Alright... I'll try not to do it again."

After that little conversation, the twins continued on to enter the building. They quickly go to their locker, both conveniently next to each other. The two grabs their workbooks and head for their classroom.

Just as they were nearing the classroom they heard someone calling for their attention.

"Hey, Law! Luci!"

The twins look back to see an acquaintance of theirs running up to them. The other child, a classmate, pants out of breath as the twins turn around to face him. He has chocolate black hair with light green eyes caring for fair skin as they're dressed in a grey tee shirt and black pants.

"Tobias, what do you want?" Luci asks merely watching the other kid try to catch his breath.

He looks up at them and grins, "Just wanted to say morning to the both of you."

Lawrence rolls his eyes as his twin sister shakes her head. "Come one we'll be late."

Tobias is a classmate of theirs and was the first to approach the twins once they've been introduced to the class. He was the only one not phased by their expressionless expressions but rather curious if he could make them express anything else like smiling.

Never once at school have they smiled and Tobias wanted to be the first to make them.

They take a seat at their assigned desk just as the teacher came into the classroom to get the class started for the day.

The teacher, Ms. Angela Mavis, opens her attendance book doing roll call.

"Avery Adams?"


"Henry Bougise?"


The list went down every student until it got to the twins.

"Lucille Thompson?"


"Lawrence Thompson?"


"Tobias Valentine?"

"Here Ms. Avery!"

The blond woman smiles, "Good, it seems everyone is here today. Before we get started to today's lesson, please hand in your parent conference sheets. Pass them to the front please."

The class started passing their papers forward. Lucille pulls out their conference sheet from her and passes it up front.

"Psst Luci." Tobias, who sits behind her, whispers trying to get her attention.

"What is it Tobias?"

"This is so cool, we get to see everyone's parents when they come in for conferences."

She merely hums again and starts ignoring his rambles until Ms. Mavis scolds him. Lucille glances to her brother drawing in his notebook again, she could feel a small tug in the corner of her lips but it's gone as soon as it comes.

This was not the place to be smiling unless she's with Mr. Ghost and Lawrence alone in their safe space.

~+Location: Red Army Base: [Dream]+~

Torm looks at his surrounding all painted black, noting colored except himself.


He calls out to see if anyone would reply back to him.


The devil immediately looks behind him but no one is there.

"I'm sorry..."

He could hear his voice, his little brother's voice echoing those words at him. The next thing Torm knew were arms hugging him around the neck ever so gently. Torm couldn't help but feel tears welling up in the corners of his eyes behind his goggles.

A hand cups his cheek in comfort.

"I'm here Tormy... I'm here..."


The moment Torm turns around everything vanished.



Torm finds himself sitting up on his bed sweating and panting. He looks around the room, rather his room on his queen sized canopy bed.

He takes some deep breaths to control his breathing. His dreaming taking a lot out of him as he feels weak.

He looks down at his hands still shaking quite a bit. His hands move up to let his fingertips lightly slide against his neck, the weak part of his body. Torm shivers at the light touch, but all he could remember was the way his little brother would do it often when they were younger. This was due to the fact he could never calm down from a tantrum or aggressive anger episode resulting in Tomi's help to be able to get close enough to him just to do so.

His mother would pet around his neck often when it's just the two of them spending quality time together, like reading a book when he was still small or him taking a nap when he was in the process of growing up. Heck even his father and little sister, Tika, would do it too on some occasions as well.

But Tomi was the person who did it more than any of them.

The devil brings his hands up to hide his face behind his hands. "Tomi... Where are you?"

Not exactly far, more like watching from the shadowy abyss, is Tomi crying behind his mask. He dearly misses his family, he misses his older brother the most. So it pains him to see his brother breaking down like this.

He thought he could cherish the small time together while his older brother was asleep. Tomi wrapping his arms around Torm's neck as usual in comfort. Trying to apologize and comfort him that he was still with them.

Tomi also wanted to feel complete again by being by his brother's side.

However, this was not the case when Torm was clearly about to wake up that he had to flee by falling into a shadow to disappear.

Tomi tightly holds his hands together as more tears continue to roll down his cheeks and dripping off who knows where into the dark abyss.

"I'm s-sorry Tormy... I-I really want to see you... but I can't...."

Not being able to watch his brother any longer, he leaves.

~+Red Army Base: A few hours later: With the Towns+~

It wasn't until later in the day the twins came home right after Will came picking them up. Within the time Will was not coming on time to pick them up time, the two of them went around the school peeking into clubs. Although they never did find an interesting one.

Tobias, who had stayed with them for a few minutes recommend some clubs too but they weren't really into his suggestions. Lawrence didn't like playing with toy cars and Luci didn't like how their one friend suggested her going to check out Girl Scouts. She had the sternest face towards Tobias until he left.

Although, the only one that did seem worth their time was a drawing club. They had thought about their friend, Mr. Ghost, the mysterious man loving to draw with them all the time so they signed up. But they were only going to attend on days Will said he was going to be late to pick them up.

"Oh yeah," Will's voice cuts through their thoughts on today. The blond had picked them up successfully and are near the Main Base Entrance for the Red Army. "There are some guests over at the base."

"Who?" Lucille questions.

Will hums feeling a cold sweat roll down the back of his neck. "A newscast... Your father would like it if you two stay away from them while they're getting a scoop of the place."

Lawrence crosses his arms as he keeps his gaze to the moving scene of the window. Lucille fiddling with her necklace again.

"Okay." The twins replied in sync.

Will knew home much it pains them to have to be left out. Once before, the twins wondered why their older siblings were allowed, getting the answer that they're old enough to pose as soldiers for the Red Army and the public doesn't know them personally as his kids. No one from the public knew of them because their birth either but they were still very young to be considered as posing soldiers in the army.

Not everyone knew of Red Leader's real name, a few or even more around the world as their father gets more interview invitations from shows... This is why the twins took up their mother's last name at school, to avoid suspicion and the media who might try and question them. Tord also afraid that hidden armies waiting to take their turn would use them against him. So when Tord has to sign things for school he uses the name 'Todd L. Thompson' in order to keep the school uninformed he's sending the twins, his twins, there.

Will drives pass the gates of the base where two soldiers let them pass once they check the driver to be him and the twins.

"Make sure to drive around to the back Will, the news crew came earlier than expected. They're waiting around in the lobby so you might want to use the back entrance." Keith, head of the patrol department, tells him once Will rolled down the window.

"I was planning to either way. It's the closest route to the Twin's room in the Leader section anyways."

Keith laughs and lets him drive off the car around the base. Lucille and Lawrence look out the window to see a few newscast vans stationed near the front of the base entrance. People coming in and out through the double doors carrying their equipment.

"How long are they going to be here?" Lawrence asks watching a man carrying some kind of black stick with a fluff ball on the end of it.

"The crew wants a full tour so I'd say about two days, some today and some tomorrow. Thankfully you guys have parent teacher conferences, so you'll be out with your older siblings while they tape. Your father can rest easy knowing you two won't get caught on camera." Will turns a corner and drives over to where a couple of soldiers are waiting for them.

Lucille meets Will's gaze using the rearview mirror. "What about dinner?"

"Your brother and sister are going to bring dinner for the both of you in your room. There's no doubt the news crew is going to be eating in the dining hall with the rest of the soldiers." Will then shift gear into park and unlocks the door for them to get out. "Okay... before we leave this car."

The twins pause before opening their doors. Will looks to Lawrence, "I heard what happened this morning."

Lawrence tries to look anywhere but Will's stern and disappointed gaze.

"You should consider apologizing to your big brother... That name..." Will even has a hard time talking about Tomi, but not as bad as Torm. "Tomi was a very special person to him."

The blond experiment grips the steering wheel tightly before relaxing.

"Please don't use it against him."

Lawrence nods silently with a hum of acknowledgment. He never did really understand why that name meant so much to his older brother. Will's told them many times that this Tomi person was a very special person to their brother, sister, and father, and the rest of the army too but got nothing more than that.

The twins exit the car one after another. Red and Blue Soldiers coming to help escort them to their room. Meanwhile, Will remain seated in the driver's seat with his eyes closed and moved his arms to cross over his chest.

He failed his mission to keep his charge safe. Will himself had participated in any party out searching for Tomi, but with no fruitful success.

"I hope you're well Tomi... wherever you are..."

~+Shadow Group Base+~

"Is Tomi alright?"

"Who's alright when they've been locked in their office for over an hour?!"

Victoria sighs and shakes her head at her partner's question. She could have sworn she heard quiet crying from their leader as well.

Witt looks down the hall where the door to their leader's office is stationed. A sad expression taking his face as he says, "I feel really bad for him, having to stay away from his family."

The female soldier crosses his arms taking a pitying expression. "I agree, but those were the conditions set for Tomi. Blue was an exception because he had too big of a role by being by Red Leader's side mostly all the time. Plus he's always been the most secretive person I know." She sighs, Victoria trying to figure out some way to cheer up Tomi like Witt.

"Victoria! Witt!"

The two look the opposite way from Tomi's office to see one of their fellow soldiers, Maki, running towards them. She held a notebook close to her chest with a smile on her face.

Maki is a fellow soldier of theirs who works as a strategist. Her department head, Danna, is mentoring her to become next head as she could see the young teen's potential.

"Oh Maki, what's up?" Witt says placing his hand on top of her short, curly, red hair.

"I think Danna and I found something that could cheer up Tomi more than he could ever imagine." Her silver eyes sparkling with excitement as she holds out the notebook to them. "We found an old notebook from Blue! Open it!"

The two soldiers look down at her for a moment before each other. Witt accepts the notebook and reads through a couple of pages until one sentence caught his eye. He checks the date it was written and he grins, "This is it!"

"What's it Witt?" Victoria asks confused she hadn't read it yet.

Witt looks at her with his plastered on grin.

"This Group can get connected with the Red Army!"

"What?! But we're supposed to be a secret from them!" Victoria said not believing her partner for a minute. Will shoves the notebook towards her pointing at a certain paragraph.

While I may oppose to letting the shadow group revealing their identities to the Red Army, I have no objection to them coming out to form an alliance with them. Under the circumstances that the shadow group must keep their masks on while in their presence and their voices also disguised by using a voice changer made by the scientist or easy acting. I'm not that mean to keep my baby boy from seeing his family often but they can't know it's him even if it hurts.

I'm doing this because I have my reasons...

I'm sorry.

Then the date was written at the end of the entry log. Victoria looks to Maki, "Where did you find this notebook? It looks like it was supposed to be for all of us to know about."

"Danna and I found it in the archives due to clean up for the regulatory schedule. It must have gotten mixed in with Blue's work files because that's what we found it in between." Maki twiddles her thumbs together and looks at them shyly.

"All this time Tomi could have been seeing and talking to them more often if we could have just made an alliance," Witt says running his hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.

Victoria's eye twitched, the leader she loved like a brother, had to go through this torturous pain for seven years. "Excuse me for a moment..." She leaves their sights as she goes into a room nearby.

Maki and Witt Wait five seconds before a ballistic cry of anger followed by a crash and something breaking. Then curse words fluidly rushing out like a broken dam of water as more stuff from inside the room continues to crash and shatter.

Maki laughs nervously as she takes a step behind Witt in hopes to hide. She always knew the raven hair young woman had a very temperamental temper when it comes to those close to her getting hurt in some way.

Witt runs a hand down his face, "I guess I'll go talk to Tomi about this before we start to make plans for an alliance meeting with Red Leader."

Maki hums, clinging to Witt's tool belt.

"I'll come with."

~+Red Army Base: Twins' room+~

The twins were just fine drawing to themselves until there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lucille asks stopping her pencil to look at the door.

"It's Tika and Torm, we brought you guys dinner." Their older sister said in a soft tone. "Can you guys open the door, our arms are full carrying the food."

Lucille gets up from her spot at the table to open the door while Lawrence takes care of cleaning up the table of their penciled and paper. She grabs the doorknob and opens the door all the way to let in their older siblings.

Tika went in first carrying in a tray in her hands carefully as she moves towards the table. Torm came in next, following his sister to the table.

Lawrence gave him a short glance before taking the penciled he picked up to his desk.

Their older sister placed the tray she was carrying down on the table, making sure she didn't place it on any of her younger siblings' drawings. She then helped Lucille, who came over to clean those drawings up, put them on her desk.

Torm places his tray down on the table after the girls went to put the drawings away in a safer location. He took a seat on the floor waiting for his younger siblings to come sit around the table so they could start eating.

The Lawson siblings have clam chowder for soup, Ruben sandwich for their meal with a side of seasoned curly fries. Their drinks a healthy helping of water while their desserts were those of their favorite. Torm got his usual parfait, a strawberry one this time, Tika with her cherries, Lucille with blue moon flavored ice cream, and Lawrence with a few different flavored macaroons.

"So how were your classes today?" Tika asks the twins curious to know how their classes were going.

"They're fine."

"Ms. Mavis seems happy things are moving smoothly in class."

"That's nice to hear," Torm comments after finishing his sandwich. He picks up his napkin to while his hands. "How about your friends?"

"Tobias got scolded by Ms. Mavis for trying to talk to me during class."

"And you didn't get in trouble because..." Torm drifts off waiting for an answer from her.

Lucille looks at her brother, "I wasn't answering him, I was merely listening to the teacher teaching class."

"Good job." Torm chuckles lightly, patting his little sister on the head.

His youngest sister felt a little warm at the praise from her big brother but held it still in place. Although the feeling was kind familiar when Mr. Ghost comes over and makes them feel all happy and smiley.

Lawrence was silently listening to them with a glance  to his older brother's way every so often. He wanted to apologize but he couldn't find the right way or time to say it seeing as if he said Tomi's name his older brother will break down crying again.

"Law? You've been pretty silent. Anything happened today for you?"

He nods a bit, "I signed up for the drawing club with Luci for when Will's late picking us up."

Tika clasps her hand together happily, "That's wonderful! It's great your taking up art, Torm and I have always been more for making paper crafts."

"Like the origami around the base?" Lucille asks. She and her brother have seen some origami art around the base, mostly on the desks of soldiers like the strategists, the uniform department, or the other departments that require a sit down work desk.

It was also a common sight to see them on their father's desk, flower and crane origami by the photos he kept there.

"Yeah... now that I think about it, those are pretty old by now. I should make some new paper cranes to replace the damaged ones." Torm says thinking about the destroyed ones he sees that had been set back into place by a passing soldiers.

"How about the drawings then?"

"Hm?" Torm hums questionably as he looks at his little brother looking back at him with his usual plain expression.

"You know the drawings taped ones in father's room? Luci and I even seen a few of them in the other departments too." Lawrence says. Those drawings were pretty old by the looks of them. The papers were wearing thin and the colors were slightly fading. "Are you gonna replace those too?"

For a moment their brother's red eyes glitched blue, then another time where Tika became concerned. "Ah... Those drawings..." His voice wavering a bit. "We can't take those down. They're his drawings..." Torm starts mumbling.

He set his parfait down, his hands shakily putting it down on the table. Torm gets up from his place on the floor covering his mouth with one hand.


"Excuse me."

The eldest Lawson sibling quickly makes his way out of the room making Tika sigh as she closes her eyes. If she's correct, Torm will most likely retreat to his room. She hopes enough that Asher is done with his duties for today to comfort her brother this time.

She opens her eyes to meet the eyes of her younger siblings showing some expression of question to her. "Those drawings are special because they relate to Tomi too. You should have seen Torm the first time one of the new soldiers tried to take one down from the uniform department. Growled at the soldier fiercely that the new recruit wet himself." Tika would never forget that day in her mind, not because it's really funny, that's beside the fact.

The anger of the devil, their older brother, should never be messed with at all cost.

Maybe now she knows why her mother of all people quickly tries to calm her older brother before he becomes chaotic. Their mother would always be relaxing her older brother in some way when they're together in the most interesting way just by calm talking and petting around his neck. Most cases when Torm couldn't get in touch with their mother, it would be Tomi and Tika handling keeping his temper on the down low.

"Tika... who is Tomi?" Lawrence asks again with a different tone from this morning. "All we ever hear when someone says his name is that he was a very special person to big brother..."

Tika smiles at them sadly, "Because Tomi is a special person to Torm." She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her little wallet. It has a simple design, nothing fancy or flashy. "We have some pictures, but we never got to show you." Picking out a laminated photo she gives it to the twins to look at.

In the photo Lucille held for her and her brother to see were a family of five. In the back, side by side smiling, is what they recognized was their young looking father and the other person they now know as their mother after being introduced to the android but in the flesh when he was still alive.

In front of them are three teenagers, two they recognized to be their older siblings while the one in the middle is who they assumed to be Tomi since there was no one else in the photo beside the five of them. Tomi stood between their older siblings, hugging their older brother's arm while he smiles softly at him. Tika on the other side of Tomi giggling behind her hand looking at her two male teens.

"This is Tomi?" Lucille says looking at the happy teen in the photo.


"But what's so special about him besides the fact he looks like mo- wait," He stops realizing what he was just about to say. "He's a Lawson..."

Tika nods again as her siblings start to understand. "Tomi is your second older brother and Torm's first little brother." She lets the twins continue to look at the photo. "In total there are five of us, Torm the oldest, Tomi the second oldest, me the third oldest, while Luci is the second youngest, and Law finally being the youngest out of all of us. We were all supposed to continue growing up together after mom died, but Tomi disappeared one day. "

She takes the photo back when her little sister offers it back to her. "Tomi was the closest one to Torm between him and me." Tika fondly remembering the sweet moments between her big brothers. Then she remembers the items her twin siblings have in their possession.

"Fun fact you both should know is that you both have something Tomi used to possess." She points to Lucille's necklace. "Luci here has Tomi's necklace and," She points over to Lawrence's bed where Tomee Bear sits leaning back on the boy's pillow. "That bear, Tomee Bear, belonged to Tomi. Mother gave it to him since he used to get bad nightmares when he was younger."

"This used to belong..." Luci holds her necklace.

" him." Law finishes looking at his bed where his favorite doll sat.

Tika glances at the clock and gives out a little gasp. "Would you look at the time, it's rather late. You two should head to bed, I'll take care of the trays. We have to get up early tomorrow for your parent teacher conference."

The twins slowly get to work to change into their jammies while tika stacks the traps on top of each other with the dirty dishes on top. She leaves with a quick goodbye and that she'll see them in the morning.

However, as the twins slept, they couldn't help but look at their prized possession with a lost look in their eyes.

Another chapter for the lovely audience ^^

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

If you guys have any questions go get the Amino app and ask me in the chatroom. I'll be answering questions from there from now on or on my instagram. My pms on Wattpad will be closed from now on since I don't really check them a lot.

Anyways, cute and lovely Fanart Hall of Fame is just down here!

Enjoy ^^










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