The Love of a Sister and Brother

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+Red Army Base: A week passes+

Tika smiles watching her younger siblings play around with each other. Lucille kicking a ball over to their younger brother who in return kicks it back smiling.

The garden providing them with enough room to enjoy the space to play around.

Seth laying by her side on their seat on the grassy floor. Tika pets him happily watching them go about.

"Big sister!" Lawrence exclaims as he runs over to his sister. Attacking her with a opened arms hug.

The oldest laughs as she hugs her little brother back. "What is it Law?"

"Play with us, please?" Tika smiles and couldn't help but accept the invitation. She could even see Lucille just a little away looking at her with a longing look too.

"Alright you two, but you better be ready." Tika says getting up from her spot.

Lawrence looks at her confused until his big sister picked him up, Tika not effected by his weight since he's pretty light. He started laughing while Tika chased after Lucille with him being carried around like a football.

Tika, after twenty minutes, eventually caught her. The twins giggle and hold on to their sister while they play a game or two, like red light green light. The other game being tag, much to Tika's amusement because she's received a lot of training to build up her stamina.

Lawrence and Lucille, who were not trained as of yet, were easy to tire out by third game.

"Big sister isn't fair."

"You don't even look tired."

The two twins were panting and taking large gulps of water from their bottles Tika brought with her. The twins calmly talked each other while their sister went back to attending to her favorite mutant dog.

The twins in regards loved their sister's dog, Seth, with a passion ever since they were small. The big dog would always treat them like they were his own pups or maybe it was because of his own instincts to protect his pack. Seth would always like curling up around them and letting them ride on his back too.

One time Seth had to carry the twins on his back to Base. Due to an attack by a wild bear when they were having a rare family picnic just a mile away from the base. Tika, Torm, and Tord were grateful their furry friend was super fast. Seth had Tord to thank for that since he created him.

Tika gave Seth a couple of his favorite doggy treats she got from their past trip to the nearby town.

Ring Ring~

At the sound of her cell, she pulls out her purple covered phone and answers the call seeing it's her dad calling. His photo on her contact profile is a picture of him sleeping on his desk.

"Hi dad," She greets happily.

"Hello dear, how are you doing?" Tord asks while he stuffs a folder into his messenger bag.

"I'm fine, I'm with the twins right now. Is something wrong?" She asks because she knows her dad doesn't usually call for friendly chats unless he has free time. Knowing today, her father really shouldn't have any free space right at this time.

Tord laughs a bit, "Actually, I'm calling to let you know Thomas and I will be leaving the base for an uncertain amount of time. Apparently I have a couple of scheduled meetings and interviews out of Norway."

Tika's eyes widen at the sudden news. She doesn't remember any meetings out of the country being scheduled since Thomas usually shares them with her in advance.

"I don't know why, but Thomas was looking through today's schedule and found some last minute scheduling from some of the representatives from overseas. We won't be back for some time..."

She was getting a feeling this was going to be a long one. The last time her father went out of the country, it had taken exactly four months until he was able to come home to base.

"I understand... I'll be sure to inform Torm and Tomi about the situation too."

Tord could hear some sadness in her tone while he slips his black messenger bag on. His expression looking apologetic from his side of the phone as he exits his office.

"I'm sorry my princess. I know I've been always busy and haven't been all for family time but..."

Tika nods with an understanding smile. "I get it dad, you have a world a rule and an appearance to keep up." She chuckles a bit at a thought, "Had I been any normal daughter, I would probably be hating you and throwing a fit."

Tord met with Thomas once he got to the hangers where their plane was ready to take off once they boarded. "Tika, I mean what I said."

"I know, I know."

Tord lets Thomas enter the plane first since he's still on the phone with his daughter. "If you really want me to stay, just say it." He smiles letting a opportunity offer on the table. "I'll be happy to clear my schedule today."

A soft smile tugs on Tika's lips as she holds her phone gently.

"You have work to do."

"You sure?"

Tika pets Seth's head to keep him calm. "Yes, don't worry."

Tord enters the plane with his phone still on and connected to the call. He takes a seat across from Thomas who's patiently waiting for take off.

"Alright then Tika, I'll make sure bring you something back from my travels along with something for your brothers and sister. Remember to stay safe, okay?"

"Okay, dad."

The call ends with Tika hitting the red end button. She looks back to her siblings, both staring at her with concern.

"What's wrong you two?" Tika asks confused.

Her siblings come over to her, Lucille placing her left hand on Tika's cheek while Lawrence places his right hand on her left cheek.

"Are you okay?" Lucille asks worried.

Tika smiles, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Lawrence swipes his thumb under the corner of her eye. "Because you're crying."

If anything, the sound of an airplane passing high over their heads didn't sound so loud anymore.

+With Asher+

Asher stood off to the side while he glances over at his boyfriend every so often coddling his brother. Sure he maybe a bit jealous and envying his soon to be brother-in-law for the attention of the devil, but he's letting Torm have this.

He loves Torm.

The raven took a breath and went over why he had to be calm about this. Tomi has been away for seven years. Torm, during the time, suffered mentally at the lost of his mother and then the disappearance of his beloved little brother.

For god's sake, his boyfriend goes to therapy for a reason!

It's only reasonable for him to allow all the overly affection Torm's giving to Tomi. The brother who had given him the freedom and unconditional love he needed after being caged for years. Asher had heard the story from Tika after spending so much time with her to finally know more about Torm's obsession with Tomi.

He sighs and places his hands on his hips shaking his head.

'I love my brother enough to make him hate me if it comes down to that point.'

Truly, Tomi is a force to be reckoned with.. He is the yin to Torm's yang if he had anything to say about the two of them.

His silver blue eyes watch the pair all cuddled up on the couch whispering in quiet voices to each other. Their conversation remaining a secret to Asher's ears as he continues reading at a table he seated himself in the library.

That's not to say Tomi's aware of the situation at hand either.

He had been indulging himself with Torm's company for a full week now. The feeling of being back under his older brother's watch very refreshing. Yet he always notices Asher's presence sometimes nearby, catching a glimpse of his retreating back or longing eyes towards Torm.

After this week, the Demon knew it's time to take a couple steps back and let Asher have his brother back. The feeling was nice while it lasted, but he cannot deny Asher or his brother their love of each other.

As he said before to the raven, he wants his brother happy. Him being by his brother's side twenty four seven will take away the loving relation Torm has with his significant other.

Tomi snuggles himself under his brother chin while it last before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Torm practically purrs act the action feeling all dazed by the closeness he had been receiving from Tomi for the past week.

"I should get going."

Like snap, Torm's out of his daze by his brother's words. He looks down at his brother all snuggled up in his arms, black eyes looking back at him with a smile.

"Don't go..." The Devil almost pleads.

Tomi places a lick to the side of his brother's neck who purrs in response. "I must." He whispers softly.

He slips himself out of his brother's embrace to take a stand. Torm following up on his feet.

"Tormy." Tomi whispers. Torm focuses on his brother, listening to every word he speaks. "Look over there."

The simple order had Torm looking back to a table just few rows down. Asher looking bored while reading a red covered book with one hand while the other supported his head with his hand on his cheek.

Tomi didn't even need to say anything as Torm went off toward his boyfriend. He just turned the other way without a word to drop into the shadow just to his right to disappear.

When Torm got to Asher, the raven looks up from his book surprised to see his devil of a boyfriend. The eldest smiles lovingly at his partner as he gently takes the other's free hand that used to support Asher's head. Torm brought Asher's hand up to his lips and pressed a sweet kiss to his knuckles.

"Hello Lovely."

Asher looks back to the couch where Tomi and Torm were just were to find no trace of them ever being there. Tomi wasn't anywhere in sight.


Meanwhile, Tomi had gotten away from the library and exited the shadow abyss into a familiar hallway. He managed to catch sight of a person from the past making him smile softly.

He ran over to them, "Will!"

The blond caretaker stops in his tracks and look back to see his former charge coming towards him. "Tomi..."

The energetic demon happily reaches his former bodyguard/caretaker and hugs his arm tightly. Black eyes squeezed shut before opening to meet a pair of sea green ones in surprise.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

Will smiles warmly to Tomi, his presence dearly missed. "It has... You seem to have grown up nicely. I heard you're a leader now too."

Tomi giggles, same old Will. He really did miss talking to the blond after he left the base. Will always knew how to handle him after every difficult situation he faced.

"There was a hard rock here and there during my time out of the base. I'm just glad to be home now."

The caretaker chuckles, "When I heard your brother was the one to find you during the party, I was surprised he didn't act out openly."

The two of them knew Torm, but not as much as Tomi. "Tormy may be overprotective and concerned about me, but he knows how to keep his emotions in check. Him making an outburst about me in public would be a low, if I was hurt then it would be a different matter."

"Truly, I believe he and young Lucille share that common trait." Will had been making connections to the siblings ever since the twins were born. It was a little past time for him after Tomi disappeared from his radar.

Lucille fell under her oldest brother, Torm. They share the quiet nature with little to no emotion. The only emotion on their faces were either serious or bored. It was rare for them to act out unless provoked or needed be concern for someone. The concern part of her is very similar to her older sister, Tika.

Lawrence, after sometime building his emotions, tended to fall under his older sister, Tika, and older brother, Tomi. He acquired Tomi's expressive, happy personality while the concern side comes from Tika. On a very rare occasion Lawrence would get super angry like Torm is something really bad happened.

Tika herself was her own category like her older brothers. She's a ball concerned, worry, and most of all a true supporter. She's very able to keep up a relaxed state for herself and find happiness with what's given to her. She doesn't want to cause problems but heal. The flower of the family always wanting to put her family and friends before her own needs.

Torm, like Tika, is his own category. A creation like himself but made for the ideal of war. Caged and experimented on, not made for the term Family. Yet, here he is living a life full of it along with his siblings. His very being quiet, stoic, serious, and most of all very protective of those around him. His second brother being the reason for the the new acquired mental state.

Finally Tomi, even if he is an open book, happy to share, he is still mysterious in his own way. Locking away darker matters deeply away behind a mask. Will can't even begin to discribe the hidden side behind the happiness and love he showered everyone with.

There's just something Tomi's not showing them, but he will not pry.

"You're right." Tomi grins as they continue walking down the hall. "Were you alright while I was gone?"

"For awhile no... I missed you." Will admits truthfully as they walk on. "Then your father gave me the task to care for the twins."

Tomi smiles, "They filled in the void I left, didn't they?"

Will smiles back both knowing that yes the twins helped him coup for not being able to take care of his designated charge. "Yes they did, I thought about you while they reside under my care. Like how I could get them show emotion when you weren't here to teach them."

The Demon had to laugh as he finally let's go of his former bodyguard's arm. He runs a couple steps forward and spins.

"Only you would think that Will."

"Because I know you best after Storm," Will says with a closed eyed smile.

Tomi goes over to one of the large windows stationed in the hall they're in that over looks the garden. Will comes over and stands beside him.

The two of them see Tika laidback against the large mutant dog while the twins lay with her either side. Seth curled around them protectively before feeling their gaze where he looks up to meet their eyes.

"It really is good to be back."

~Time Skip: Around late Lunch+

By the time lunch rolled around the corner, Tomi was quick to grab his food from Sadie. The once young woman now showing signs of age, but none the less continued to act with kindness. She provided the demon with his favorite food with treats.

Tomi thanked her kindly before leaving quickly to avoid his brother's line of sight. He could only imagine what Torm would do once he was in his optical vison again. The demon would like it if Torm payed more attention to Asher after he had stolen the attetion for a week.

Besides, he had his own work to do.

Tika and the twins were the next ones to enter the dining hall and accept their food from the head cooks. Following after them were Asher and Torm who in turn greeted them happily once they got their food and sat down with them at their designated table.

"Hm? Where's Tomi?" Lawrence asks seeing their brother was not joining for them for their late lunch.

Tika looked to her older brother and Asher and noticed their demon brother not present. "Wasn't he with you two?"

Torm's instincts perked up when he was slowly realizing his brother wasn't with him anymore, nor was he in his line of sight. "Tomi?!" He says standing up from his seat quickly.

Asher grabbed onto his boyfriend's hand tightly to assure him to keep calm. "Hold on their Devil, Tomi's not in any danger. Sadie told me he picked up his food before us." Sadie was kind enough to inform him after Torm left to sit with his siblings. "He told her he has work to finish so he won't be joining us for lunch."

Torm remain standing for a few more mintues before reluctantly sitting back down. He stared at his food for a moment while Asher sighs. Tika looks at Asher with some pity knowing how hard it was for him to be such a patient partner to her brother. She respects him a lot for that.

Lucille looks at her older brother while she eats as Tika and Asher move onto some topic about their current work development. Her big brother, as she took note, always seemed focus on Tomi when he finally came back to them.

Not only her, but Lawrence as well. It wasn't a secret since they knew about this before, yet clearly experienceing it in person is a different story.

"Big Brother?"

"Hm?" Torm looks up from his food to his youngest princess of a sister. "Yes, princess?"

"Could you teach me how to play the ukulele?"

Torm expressed a look of surprise at the request. It was very rare for the twins to ask of such, much less to learn an insturment. "I don't mind teaching you Luci, but why the sudden interest?"

The youngest sister pushes her food around her plate with her fork. "Well, Tomi's teaching Law how to play the bass... so I thought I could ask you how to play the ukulele." She shakes her head  and looks down at her plate not being able to look at her older brother properly anymore. "You don't have too if you're busy."

For a moment Torm stayed silent, making Lucille's nervousness quell in her stomach, until he said something utterly different.

"How about later tonight in the lobby before we go to bed? I can teach you the basics and see how it goes. If you want to continuing learning more we can talk about it then."

Lucille looks up to meet her brother's gentle gaze, a smile pulling on her lips.

"Yes please."

Torm smiles back happy to hear his little sister's voice accept his proposal to learning the ukulele.

He'll let her try it out first to see if she wants to actually learn it. If she doesn't maybe she'll find violin a better instrumetn for herself if he recommended it. Lucille looks like the person to play the stringed instrument anyways, if she wants she could learn both.

They both continue to eat their meals. Torm slipping his hand with Asher's hand at one point earning a blushing lover.

Tika muffles a giggle behind her hand while taking care of the twins next to her. She makes sure to wipe up their messes and tells them to chew their food carefully.

"That reminds me," Tika said as she gets Asher and Torm's attention once again. "Dad and Thomas are going to be out of the country for sometime. Thomas sent me a list with some notes from Dad."

Torm rolls his eyes, "Let me guess, his outside representatives booked him last minute again."

"Yeah," She answers putting her used utensils on her plate. "From what I read so far, Torm's in charge of the base while Asher holds second in command. Dad noted he couldn't get a hold of grandpa and grandma since they're busy in Europe."

Asher looks surprised that he's being in the second in command position. "Is it really okay for me to be SC? I would have thought Red Leader would put you in that position."

Tika shrugs her shoulders. "He placed me in third command just in case anything happened to you two." She hums in thought for at a moment, "I think he put you in second because of the fact Torm will take leadership one day with you by his side."

The raven glances away with a small blush. Did his boyfriend's father really trust him enough to be placed in second command?

"Do Luci and I have any jobs?" Lawrence asks after sipping his glass of water.

Tika looks at her little brother happily, "You and your sister get the fun job of taking care of Seth when I'm busy."

The twins look at each other happily. They got the easy job of taking care of Seth. Maybe if they do a good job, then they could ask their father if they can get their own animal companion as well.

It's just another somewhat peaceful day.

~Later in the night~

A dark blanket was finally covered the evening sky, only getting darker by the minute.

The twins were settled down for sleep by their sister, she tucked them into bed and kissed their foreheads for the tonight.

Torm and Asher went to their shared room early to catch up on their sleep before they're hit with a load of working coming for them tomorrow. The Devil knows better after leading the Army a few times when his father wasn't around. His boyfriend gratefully following after his example.

Tika was going to sleep but she thought it would be best to do one last trip around the base to make sure noting is wrong. She also need to wish the night soldiers their safety as she makes sure they make it to their posts.

Along the way she met up with Tomi.

He had just bid Will and Ace goodnight before he goes back to the Shadow Base for the night. Ace needed to stay at the Red Army Base for data collection on what the base had to update their systems back at their base.

"Hey Tomi." She waves as she walks over to her older brother.

Tomi turns his head her way and smiles. "Oh, Tika." He meets her half way and gives her a hug, then a kiss on the cheek. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Tika lays her head against his chest smiling calmly. "I'm just doing one more round to make sure the night soldiers are in their posts. It also gives them some time to inform me if something does happen, then at least one of us is still awake."

Tomi chuckles and spins around with his sister still in his embrace. He stops and pets her head. "That's nice of you Tika, but remember to take care of yourself. I can't have my sister sleep deprived now, can I?"

As always Tomi sounds as playful as ever. He lets go of his sister in favor of holding her hand instead. They walk down the hall to continue their conversation.

"What about you Tomi? Shouldn't you be in bed too?"

"I have to be getting back to my base. I've been away for a week now and my soldiers are bound to start worrying even if they know I'm here." Tomi tells her as they round the corner going towards the main lobby of the base.

She looks at her brother with concern, "Then I should send some soldiers with you. It's too dark out to be traveling this late." Her hand coming up to rest on his shoulder.

Tomi smiles as they start approaching the main lobby. "I'll be fine Tikky," he said using her old nickname sweetly. The Demon places a kiss to the side of her head in assurance.

"But Tomi, what goes on in the dark beyond our base is frightening..." She remembers all those times in the past where someone would get caught into trouble. "Who knows what can happen to you..."

"I've done this before, I'll be traveling in the shadows anyways. No one will see me." Tomi squeezes her hand in comfort. "I'll be back in a couple of days and you'll see I'm fine. Alright?"

His sister lets out a shaky exhale not knowing she had been trembling a little for awhile now.

"Be safe, please?"

Tomi stops them in the middle of the lobby and gives her a reassuring embrace. He lets her take a couple of breaths until she relaxes against his chest.

"I'll be back and I will be safe."

He places one last kiss on her forehead before he leaves. His hand letting go of hers as he turns to walk to the main doors to exit.

Tomi nods the two night guard at the door good night, they in return, do the same.

They open the doors for him and close it just as he steps out.

The sound of heels clicks against the concrete until they fade when he enters the shadows of the abyss.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

~+With Torm+~

Torm woke up from his sleep with a startled jolt.

He brings his hand up to rest over his heart as he looks around the room frantically.

He can feel it.

Something's wrong, but what? He couldn't pin point what was happening or what's going on.

Torm looks to the window, it's still dark outside so it isn't morning yet. Cold sweat has him shivering and nervous.

What could it be?

What's happening?

He looks over at his sleeping lover who is deep in his peaceful sleep. No, it's not Asher who needs to worry about, he's safe.

The Devil slowly and carefully gets off the bed, quickly exiting the room swiftly without a disturbance.

He goes down the hall to his sister's room and enters quietly to not wake her either. The brother goes to her bedside to see his sleeping sister calm and asleep. Seth curled up by her side in protection.

She is safe.

Again he leaves without a sound, he enters up the hallway to the twins' room. Inside, he finds his two youngest siblings sleeping peacefully.

They were safe too.

Torm takes the time to focus on his breathing. He remembers Dr. Grace told him to even his breath to return to focus.

"Mhmm? Big Brother...?"

Torm focused on his little sister when he heard her waking up. He walks over to her, checking to make sure she is indeed okay. "Hey little princess. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

The young girl shakes her head. "No... I just a bad dream..."

Torm leans down and nuzzles his cheeks gently against hers. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Mismatch eyes look at his glowing red ones as they become worried. "In my dream... someone was calling for help. I don't know who though..."

The devil smiles a little, "It seems like we had the same dream. That's why I'm awake and checking on everyone." He shifts to sit on his sister's bed.

Lucille makes room for him before going to sit on his lap. Her older brother petting her head in a soothing manner.

"Torm... When do you think Thomas and Father will be back?"

"Soon enough when time allows." He answers calmly. "Work is a pesky little thing, but we do it for the sake of others. Our parents work to protect us, and we work to help them as such."

The young girl looks confused, but Torm knows she'll get it eventually. She and her twin are intelligent for their age since they get it from their mother's side. Creativity wise comes from their father's side.

"Hey, wanna start learning the ukulele now for a little bit? We're awake and I doubt we're gonna fall asleep any time soon." Torm offered as he holds his sister and carries her when he stands up.

Lucille lays her head against Torm's chest and nods. "Yeah," She smiles.

The Devil holds his sister as he carries her to the leaders' section lobby. He sets her down on the couch and leaves for a small moment to pick up his red ukulele and a blanket. When he returns his sister is looking at his instrument with an emotion of excitement in her eyes.

Torm sits down next to her and wraps the blanket around them. He smiles as he starts to teach her the basic parts of the instrument. She listens and observes with interest.

He couldn't keep his promise earlier but now that they're both awake they might as well do something productive.

~Unknown Location~

"Honestly, this was just too easy~"

The stranger displays an insane grin as they circle around their prey.

"Hmm~ A true beauty really! I'm impressed a creation such as yourself is a spawn of the Devil."

The silent and slightly trembling prey couldn't move much. They couldn't move much more when they felt their captor place their foot on top of their hand.

"Such a beautiful young spawn..."

The prey on the ground tried his voice, only choking out a few.

"Y- ugh... -ou!"

"Shhh~ Sweet little demon." The captor leans down and lightly holds their prey by the chin. They grab the dropped mask and place it back over their captive's face.

He needed to see...

He needed to see this bastard for what he's done to him. His mask obscuring his view and the way his vision kept going in and out by loss of blood.

"You will do us both a favor. I get what I want and you get your future early, Tomi."

Tomi puts an effort to struggle some yet again, he's having trouble with some blood loss and fatigue.

"You know you want it, little demon."

"I-I-" He coughs a few, "I n-ev-ver w-wa-nted-"

"Never wanted it like this? Well too bad my dear~" A gleeful laughter erupts from his captor. "Come now my dear, I must make sure you're indeed receiving your future before I give you back."

Tomi didn't have the strength to struggle anymore as his energy was draining away slowly. "Ugh..." He groans as the stranger picks up his beaten up body gently and carries him on their shoulder.

"You'll thank me for this, love."

The demon blinks a couple of times and closes his eyes.

'Mommy... Daddy...'

An image of his parents smiling at him and hugging him comfortingly made him relax a bit.

Click click

'Bryon... Asher...'

The two young men looking at him. Bryon showing him a friendly smile while Asher gives a soft smirk.

'Tika, Lucille, Lawrence...'

He pictures Seth running over to his little sisters and brother. All of them laughing and waving at him.

The sound of something closing caught his ears. Black eyes open half way before falling close to welcome darkness.

"Help me... Tormy..."


Okay, I didn't say this last chapter, but-


I should have addressed it last chapter yet I didn't because I was busy. I'm so sorry my dear sweet child. Torm, Tomi, Tika, Lucille, and Lawrence are my babies ^^' I take care of them I swear, but when I used them in this story it's... uh, okay.

Oh yeah, here are the other siblings' birthdays:
Torm: 2/28
Tomi: 5/7
Tika: 8/10
Lucille and Lawrence: 10/18

And here we have this week's lovely Fanart. Thanks again to all the wonderful artist for their time to work on these. You are appreciated!






-Local Anon

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