Chapter 4

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I was in Levi's room. Actually Levi and I's room. I walk over to the window and wrapped my hands over the cold metal bars that taunt me. I built up as much strength as I could and gave a hard tug to them, but of course they didn't budge an inch. I small sigh escaped from my mouth as I moved to the bed and sat down. 

I look up as a small creak came from the entrance of the room. Levi walked in with a smile on his face, probably just coming from dinner. My stomach gave a pitiful growl at the thought of food. How long has it been since I've had food? Two hours-three maybe? I forced myself to stop thinking of food and to start thinking of a plan to escape. Every single window in this horrid house had metal bars on them. All the doors were locked from the inside and there was no phone in site. Escape from here was almost impossible.

Levi walked up to the side of the bed that I sat on. He lean down and connected his lips with mine. I sat there, frozen like a statue. He has dropped random kisses throughout the day, to the point where I had just given up on trying to push away. I would end swiftly if I stood there and did nothing. 

My arms swayed down at my sides as Levi had one of his hands on the back of my head and the other on my neck. His hot breath filled my mouth compared to mine. When he finally finished he smiled and kissed my forehead softly.

I heard someones footsteps bound up the stairs towards the room. It must have been Calvin-I couldn't imagine Harlan running up the stairs that quickly. Calvin started to yell something from further down the stairwell. Levi quickly backed away from me. It seemed like he wasn't supposed to be anywhere near me-like he would be punished for kissing me, or even touching me.

The door slammed open with Calvin in the frame. His face red as sweat dripped off from his tanned skin. He was panting and was hunched over his knees.

"Come on Levi! There're two down by the lake!" Calvin yelled impatiently.

Calvin quickly swerved his body around, his arms flaring, and ran back down the stairs. Levi ran after him, but stopped in the doorframe and looked back to me. His ocean blue eyes locked with mine. 

"Stay here. Do not leave this room no matter what you hear-and I mean it. Do not open this door." he said almost bitterly. He shut the door, and a click sound was heard from the other side.  I could hear his footsteps echo down the stairs after his brother. 

I ran over to the window, my eyes searching. My eyes flicker over to see Calvin and Levi running across the field. I don't know where they're going. Maybe a hunt? But to hunt what? Calvin said that he found two when he came busting into the room. But two of what? Soon the two disappeared into the woods the outlined the field. I waited intently, shifting my weight from foot to foot. About thirty minutes later they finally come out of the woods.

They were carrying a girl. Calvin was holding her by the feet as Levi held her by the arms. She was violently thrashing around and screaming. My stomach came up to my throat.


They were hunting humans.

I thought that it was sick that they kidnapped people, but what were they going to do with her? Was she another girl for someone else I didn't know about or were they going to torture her then kill her? Hopefully, I wasn't seeing this correctly. 

As I heard the front door of the house slam shut, I ran to the bedroom door and put my ear against it, but I really didn't need to. The girl's high pitched screams ran throughout the house. Her screams were muffled when a door slammed shut, but I could still hear them. Every single scream that ran through the house made a shiver go through my body. What were they going to do with her?

My legs wobbled when I slowly walked back to the window. Calvin was running across the field, back to the woods. He mentioned a second one, so he must be going back for the other. If I ran downstairs, I could try to stop them. She would run away, tell the police, and they would come back to get me. The worst thing I could face is a few punches and kicks from Harlan. 

In my head it sounded like a perfect plan, but I couldn't move. I was too stunned and my body was numb. 

When Calvin finally came back, he was dragging a man by his legs. The man didn't move-he was lifeless. As Calvin brought him closer, I could see that the man's throat was cut and he was covered by, what I expected, with his own blood. 

I covered my mouth. I'm not sure if it was screams or sobs that were building in my throat. I slide down onto the floor, letting silent tears falling down my cheek.

They kill people. I'm in a house full of killers. Escape is surely impossible. If I did ever find an opportunity to and didn't make it, then they would defiantly kill me, but if I stayed here that would mean I wouldn't be living. 

I sat on the floor, crying like a little toddler. I continue to hear the girls screams run throughout the house. I dug the palms of my hands into my eyes and dug my finger nails into my scalp. I know for certain that they're going to kill that girl. Why couldn't it be as quick as the man's?

I let out revolting sobs that I have been containing. I felt frustration build inside me. I couldn't help myself anymore. I kicked my legs out infront of me and let out another scream. I wrapped my arms around my body and started to roll back and forth. This was so absurd, it had to be a nightmare. I couldn't hear the girls screams anymore. She must be dead by now.

These tears have to stop before Harlan, Calvin, or Levi saw me, but I couldn't stop it. The streams continued to flow down my cheeks.

I heard the thumping of someone's footsteps. The door slowly creaked opened as Levi walked into the bedroom. His jaw dropped when he saw me crumbled on the ground, crying. He ran over to me and got down onto his knees. He moved my now wet hair out of my face.

"Sarah, it's okay." He whispered softly.

I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes with the back of my hand. I did my best to try and slow down my breathing. As usual, Levi's eyes looked at me softly. It was hard for me to believe that those were the eyes of a killer. I looked down to avoid his eye contact, but what I saw was so much worse. His hands were covered in blood-the blood of the girl. My eyes quickly flickered back up to his. His eyes weren't nearly as bad as the blood. He brought his face closer to mine. 

"It's okay." he said soothingly "You need to know that I would never do anything to hurt you."

He slowly stood up and walked over to the bathroom that was connected to our bedroom. I could hear a steady flow of water as it splashed against the sink's sides. Hopefully, he was washing his hands. I stayed on the floor, too shaken to get up. I heard the water turn off. Levi came out of the bathroom with a small black case in his hands.

"I'm just going to give you something to help you sleep." He said as he came closer

I heard the zipper of the case open slowly. I tried to see what he was getting out, but his body blocked the view. When he finally turned around, he had a syringe in his hand. It must have been what Harlan gave me when he took me that one night. I didn't want to be knocked out again. I didn't know what they'll be doing to be when I am.

"N-No..." I said weak from all the crying. I tucked my arm against my body. 

"Sarah, it's all right. I just want to help you." he said as he came closer.

"No. Please don't." I said with fear as he continued to come closer.

"Sarah, stop please," he said as he pulled my arm out towards him. I tried to wiggle out from his grip, but he held my arm tight. His thumb slowly ran over my skin. He pierced it with the needle as I let a small whine out. I closed my eyes until it was over.

"Wasn't that bad, now was it Sarah?" he said once he was finished. I opened my eyes as he put the syringe back into the black case.

My eyelids started to feel unbelievably heavy. I passed out much quicker when Harlan had drugged me. I'm now even more helpless then I was before. What were they going to do with me once I was unconscious? Would they rape me? Hah, of course they would.

Levi walked back over to me and pressed his warm lips against my forehead. He took my arm and pulled me to my feet. My knees started to buckle as I fight for them to stay straight. 

"You can't walk, can you?" he whispered into my ear.

Before I could say anything, his arms slips under my legs as he picked me up. He walked me over to the bed and laid me down gently. 

I couldn't open my eyes anymore. Moving my own fingers became harder and harder and harder. I would panic if I had the strength. 

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