Chapter 13

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"I think this goes against protocol" I hear and I open my eyes and see Austin standing next to the bed and Leo behind him

"Shut up Austin." I hear Will groan holding me closer

"Yep I might have to call this in." Austin smirks and I snort

"We're underage demigods that preform surgeries at this camp. Their is no protocol except patient confidentiality. And keep a sanitary establishment" Will snaps sitting up and I sit up next to him but lean against him

"I'm joking, actually I came to talk with you about something." He said getting nervous and I sit up

"Would you like me to leave?" I ask and he shakes his head

"Uh no, Leo told me he told you guys about our relationship so I don't mind if you stay" He admits and I glance at Leo who walks up and grabs Austin hand

"Will...I know you wouldn't care about me and Leo obviously, I hope you understand...I was more of a personal thing...a-and I..." he takes a shaky breath looking down and Leo squeezes his hand

"My Mom didn't accept me and even though I knew you's still very hard. After my Mom you were someone who was always there. Your my older brother...and I was scared." He says letting go of Leo hand and folds them across his chest staring at the ground

Will gets off the bed and Leo moves to stand next to me and I glance at him and tilt my head to the door and he nods and we walk out and I close the door and happen to see Will hug Austin as Austin starts crying and I smile lightly and close the door completely

"He needs this." Leo says quietly and and I nod

"He does, you doing alright? Like after everything from the past?" I ask and Leo takes a breath

"Yeah. Honestly it still feels surreal." Leo admits with a laugh and I laugh too

"So how is your wound?" Leo asks me and I pull my shirt a bit and show him the healed and now scar

"Will fixed me up. As usual." I say and he smiles

"Austin and I spoke privately and he was panicked and checking me over. Apparently your father came to came to camp scaring a bunch of campers but he told Chiron what happened. And Austin was freaking out about Will, me, you." Leo said and my eyes widen

"I hope he's okay. You know, my father called me right before we went through the portal warning me to watch out for Hitler...I wonder if he knows how this happened...I guess when I'm better I'll pay him a visit." I say and the door cracks open and Will pokes his head out and looks at Leo

"Hey will you come in here real quick?" He asks and Leo nods and waves bye and goes up and Will speaks to Leo quietly and Leo nods his head and goes in the room and Will steps out and closes the door and walks up to me

"Hey everything okay?" I ask and he sighs

"Yeah...Austin had a lot going on while we've gone...apparently we've been gone for 3 months even though it felt like a week for us. He's been having nightmares but not the usual demigod nightmares like regular people. And he wasn't handling it well. Leo was the first guy he ever fell for so it took a toll on him. So he is going to be visiting with Marcus from Athena Cabin, he's become the camp therapist" Will says and I frown looking st the door

"Poor Austin, maybe with Leo back things will be better" I say and he nods and kisses my head

"Let's go to your cabin." He says seeming tired and I smile and grab his hand and we leave the infirmary

We walk out and I see Hazel talking to Mariah and Andrea and Chiron walks up to them and I see Andrea fall backwards in shock and I snort as Mariah picks her back up and pats her shoulder

"Seems like Mariah adjusted quickly." I mention and Will turns and smiles

"She is pretty cool, she is gonna be a great addition to Apollo Cabin. She definitely didn't belong in that time line." He says and I nod

"That's good, I'm glad we helped her. She saved us back there." I said he nods

"She really did honestly, the information she had was very helpful." He says and we get up to Hades Cabin and opens the door and immediately goes to my bed and plops on it making me laugh

"Dramatic." I comment and he smirks and sits up

"You know, I never thought I would miss the dark walls of this depressing cabin." He jokes and I walk up to him rolling my eyes my arms crossed across my check

"Even more dramatic." I comment and he grabs my waist pulling me to him as I stand between his legs

"You love it." He smirks and I run a hand through his curls

"A little." I smile and he rests his head on my stomach holding me too him by my waist and sigh

"Will...there's something that's been on my mind a bit." I mumble and he looks up at me

"What is it?" He asks and sit next to him staring at the ground

"You don't think I'd end up like him do you?" I ask and his eyes widen

"Are you kidding me? Of course not, Nico you're nothing like him." He says seriously and I look up at the roof of my cabin

"But Hades kids never get happy endings, they all end up insane or have horrible luck. My father even told me that...but he said he wanted me to be an exception but...Will I did almost go down the wrong path, multiple times! There was the situation with Percy when my Dad threw him in a cell, there was King Minos, you can't deny people where scared of me even Jas-....even Jason was scared of me...Piper....Leo...Percy even was a little nervous around me at one point..." I state and Will grabs my shoulders making me face him

"I think you were leaving out details there for some of those. When your Dad threw Percy in a cell you didn't plan on that happening did you? You wanted information and you were also trying to help Percy. With Minos you were an 11 year old boy who lost his sister and was trying to get her back you weren't even gonna hurt any demigod with that you were wanting your sister and you still made the right decision in the end. And with everyone being scared of you? Look what happened when they got to know you! You have friends who love and care about you and Jason would be so proud of you Nico! Life get hard and you been through some of the hardest parts of it! And in the end you always come back stronger, never try to compare yourself to that Tyrant because your not him. You are Nico di Angelo! The Ghost King! The Prince Of The Underworld! The best brother for your sisters, the bestest friend to anyone, and my boyfriend...who I love so much." He states and I stare him in shock

"I...I never thought of it that way Will...thank you so much...I love you." I whisper and he pulls me in his arms holding me tightly

"Never doubt the person you are or the person you're gonna be because no matter what you're great and you're gonna be great." He whispers to me and I hide my face in his chest

This is probably the most at peace I've felt in a long time.

"Nico." Will says and I hum and look up

"Tomorrow, I know you plan to visit your father but after you come back I wanna take you on a date. We haven't been on one in awhile." He smiles and I blush and nod

"That sounds just like what the doctor ordered." I smirk and he snorts and gently pushes me and I fall back on my bed

"Okay now look whose being dramatic" He chuckles and I kick off my shoes and he does the same and lays next to me and I adjust myself so I'm facing him

"Will thank you. For everything." I say and he leans down and kisses me and pulls me close

"Thank you." He says and I frown confused

"For what?" I ask and he looks down at me and smiles softly

"For being everything I could ever need."


2 Chapters Left!

I know this is shorter then usual but oh well.


Love you all so much!


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