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Hahaha, the Evil Wizard thought as he slowly walked the halls of the castle. Finally, those stupid barbarians decided to invade this castle and claim war, and while the insides are left unguarded, I can simply walk towards the unfathomable power of the crystal.

The wizard entered the throne room, where the king sat on his throne, grooming his beard.

"What a disgrace, the kingdom losing it's beloved crystal," he teased the king as he slowly approached him, his wand in hand. The king backed up in fright, his back pressing against his throne.

Once the wizard got close enough, he gave one last evil chuckle, and whisked his wand towards the large crystal stationed above the throne. It jerked, but then finally gave in, and got pulled away from it's place.

"Thank you so much, it's really nice of you," he sarcastically called to the king as he jumped onto the floating jewel, and then flew out the window on it without another word.

"THis CAn'T bE!" the king said to himself, "I nEeD mY NEw KnIGhtS!" He was outraged, so he was willing to do anything it took to get his crystal back.

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