Chapter 14

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan

I was getting agitated.

I felt like a prisoner. Being locked in from one place to another. And from last night's events I knew the man wasn't letting me out anytime soon.

I looked down at my red palms. My hands were hurting from banging the door since early morning. But I had failed to get any attention as my cries of desperation got plainly ignored. Sitting up from my position against the white door, I walked towards the very comfortable bed and slumped down. My body rolling as I laid on my back now.

Everything was white here. The walls, the doors , the curtains and damn that beautiful closet. The flooring was pure dark wood. And from the photoframes hanging on the walls it was very much clear that the room belonged to Zaryaab Alam Khan.

The furniture was dark expensive wood engraved into beautiful design and craft. A plush white rug lay under the table before the bed and a mini living room dividing the bedroom. Everything was simple yet it spoke of aura and intimidation.

The intricate lamps on the bedside table and the white and pastel blue tapestry on the wall opposite the window were impressively beautiful. They were designed in tradition and cultural of Swat.

Ruler of Swat.

I scoffed internally. Rolling my eyes dramatically. Poor people of the beautiful city wouldn't be even able to say anything in fear of the man. They must be very terrified of him that is why they hadn't taken any action against him till now.

Tsk tsk

I stood up again with a new found energy and marched towards the bedroom door. Till now I had been trying from the white door, I had come in or dragged in but now I was going to make my point clear.

Pressing my ear against the door, I heard nothing on the other end. And then I knocked loudly.

" Open the door please."

" Anyone please help."

" Please open the door. I beg you please." I cried hopelessly.

Just when I thought defeat was kissing me I heard juggling of keys and hurried footsteps. I knocked lightly as I felt someone on the other side. The key met the lock and the handle twisted before it was opened.

The first thing I heard was a loud gasp.

The first thing I saw were two hazel cold eyes staring at me.

I gulped nervously seeing two unknown women stand before me staring at me like an alien. I tugged a thick lock of my hair behind my ear awkwardly before lowering my eyes and looking up to them again.

" Taso sok ye?"

(Who are you?)

The short older woman asked as her hazel eyes scrutinized me, up and down, up and down. I look confused at her as I shook my head.

" I don't understand um-m pashto." I said looking at them as they exchanged glances. I recognized the young woman from the other day as she stood crying in a corner when the guards were beating the man.

She smiled and translated and suddenly I tensed. Not satisfied with the answer to that question.

" I-I am Zaryaab Khan's w-wife." I saw the woman give me a sharp glance before she spoke.

" Don't talk rubbish, girl. And tell me who you are and what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I-I am telling you the truth. I am his wife. He brought me here with him." I justified seeing the younger woman gasp again. The two women talked away in Pashto as I stared at them.

The older woman was short not that short just a few inches shorter than me. Her wrinkled face showed authority, her hazel eyes cold and sharp. The bridge of her nose pointed. She supported a pale blue long shirt with matching trousers, a black maroon shawl remained on her shoulder whilst her veil loose on her head. Her salt pepper hair in a bun.

The gold bangles in her wrist clanked as she probably ordered the other woman. Sparing me a sharp glance she walked off making me look helpfully at the young woman.

" My name is Norie, and what is your name?" She asked as she extended her hand.

" Afaaf." I said suddenly feeling shy.

" Come Bibi, I have some orders for you." She said as she walked back in the room and I hesitated looking at the hallways outside.

Yaar Kiya musibat hai.

I followed her inside the bedroom as she stood in a corner.

" Do you have a fresh pair of clothing or should I bring you one?"

" Yes, I have-"I reached towards my brown bag finding a grey dress in it.

" Then please come, I'll show you the guest bedroom and you can shower. I'll take you downstairs then. Dadi Gul has called for you." I gave her a curious glance but she took my bag leading me out of the room.

I felt relieved that at least I was out of the prison. Looking around the haveli I found it all white. Wood flooring with dark brown doors that had these ancient intricate engraved designs on them. The doors were on one side and on the other side were railings and I could see that downstairs was an open veranda. Wooden stairs came into view but Norie turned into the passageway making me follow her.

" Umm, do you know where Z-zaryaab is?" I asked.

She shook her head.

" No Bibi, but he is attending some important business at the moment."

" Probably finding people to beat." I muttered under my breath.

" Please call me Afaaf." I said smiling at her as she returned the gesture.

" How can I call you by your name when you are our master's wife." She opened the door to the guest bedroom and kept my bag on the bed.

" No, no. You don't have to fear your master. Believe me, as long as I stay here in this city, I'll make sure that you people never get hurt by him again." I said placing my hands on her shoulder.

She shook her head.

" Hurt by him? I believe he is the most kindness man I have ever seen in my 27 years of life"

I shook my at her this time. Were they so terrified by him that they couldn't even speak anything bad about him?

" Don't worry, I'll get you out of this."

" Okay. I'll be outside. Just give me a call when you have showered."

And then she left.

I took a comforting bath in the awfully beautiful bathroom. Draping the grey veil over my head, I walked out of the bedroom. Norie lead me down the stairs and I fell in love with the haveli almost immediately. It was beautiful.

Huge, open and wide. Various lamps hung from the ceiling while indoor plants were potted everywhere. We walked past the veranda and into a beautiful corridor that had pillars on both sides that combined on the ceiling forming an arch.

I looked at everything like a child would do in a candy store. I saw guards in uniforms standing here and there. Norie fixed her veil over her head as we stepped into what seemed like a large hall area. Large windows were all around that gave the view of the beautiful garden outside.

The hall was dozed in maroon and white. The sofas were all white and posh with maroon details. An Afghani carpet spread out on the floor, a glass table placed in the center. The walls were covered in wall length tapestry and I was amazed at how beautiful they looked.

A clearance of throat had me looking up at the two figure that stood by the fireplace. Making me lower my gaze.

" Is it the truth, what she told me?" The man looked around eighty years of age as he asked. A cane supporting his figure.

I lifted my gaze and nodded, shifting on my feet.

" I still don't believe it." The old woman said her hazel eyes snapping at me.

My heart ponded in my chest. As I stared at them.

" My name is Bakhtiyar Alam Khan and this is my wife Mahparah Gul Khan and we our Zaryaab's grandparents. I believe my grandson would have at least asked me before taking such a step."

I clenched my shaky fingers as I looked at my husband's grandparents.

I've been raised better by my grandparents.

His voice hits my ears like a spell and I run my tongue over my dry lips.

" We did get married. Um, -"

I scratched my arms seeing them look curiously at me.

" Um- when I ran away from home- actually-"

" Ran away from home."

I heard three voices speak at the same time as silence fell after that.

Zaryaab Alam Khan

" What's for dinner?" I asked as I sat on dining table seeing Khan dada look at me blankly.

" God, I am starving." Jahan took the seat next to me as he rubbed his hands. A habit he had whenever he was hungry.

" You'll see." Dadi Gul Jan placed the jug on the table harshly and Jahan exchanged glances with me.

" What's wrong with them?" He whispered to me unnoticed and I shrugged my shoulder.

" Norie, now bring dinner." My grandmother called out as I drew patterns on the off white plate aimlessly.

The dishes were kept and I filled my glass of water. Taking a gulp.

" How are you Nor-" I heard Jahan ask but he stopped mid-sentence making me look up at Norie.

Before I could stop myself, the water from my mouth came splashing out. I coughed profusely as I stared at the woman standing besides Norie, serving Dadi Gul Jan.

Jahan rubbed my back as shocked as me.

I stood up from my place and heaved.

" Dada-"

" Sit down Zaryaab." Dadi Gul Jan said not sparing me a glance.

" Actually-"

" Have your dinner." She said again and I gulped before sitting down.

" Afaaf have a seat, have dinner with us." I saw the woman shift before she hesitantly took a seat besides my grandmother.

Oh God, Of God, they knew.

" So, you married and didn't even bother telling us." Khan Dada said.

" I am sorry, I didn't know that the truth would come out like this." I cleared my throat guilt coating my esophagus.

I dished out the gravy as Jahan passed the plate of salad to me, his demeanor utterly stiff.

" She doesn't even knows how to cook." Dadi Gul Jan said making a bad face as she chewed.

I took a glance at Afaaf seeing her look down at her empty plate. A loose veil over her head. The bruise on her forehead wasn't unnoticed.

Taking a small bite, I felt the saltiness hit my taste buds and I resisted the urge to complain.

Dadi Gul Jan pushed away her plate.

" Norie, go bring the rice and take away the dishes and these plates." She instructed making Norie collect our plates. Once she was gone, my grandmother shot me a glare.

" I didn't expect this from you." She spat angrily and I lowered my gaze.

" It was written this way for us-"

" Don't you dare talk rubbish to me Zaryaab Alam Khan."

" Dada, Dadi she was alone and was in need of help-"

" Excuse me, I didn't come running to you for help." I was cut off as Afaaf spoke up standing from her place.

" I didn't even have a choice at that night except to help you." I said standing up as well.

"Don't you put the blame on me, you put my life at danger-"

" It wasn't as if you were safer before-"

" At least I didn't have crazy men with guns chasing after me." She retorted.

Our eyes were accusing and glaring.

" At least I was keeping you safe after that."

" Really, well I didn't feel safe at all after the stunt you were about to pull last night."

" It was something totally out of anger."

" Anger, you stupid man."

" Shut up, don't make me angry-"

"Or else what-"

" Quiet down both of you." Khan Dada banged his hands on the large table making me and Afaaf still.

" Sit down." He ordered and we dropped our battles before complying.

" You guys fight like teenagers." He said huffing.

I glared at the woman seated opposite to me seeing her return the favor.

" Zaryaab you take this woman back to from where ever she ran from." Afaaf's head snapped to my grandmother and I saw the fear in her brown eyes as she shook her head slowly.

" She has already lost all her honor running away from her home." Dadi Gul Jan muttered as she looked at Afaaf with disdain.

" Afaaf will go nowhere." I looked at Khan Dada as he continued.

" Her protection, security and honor is in our hands now, she is the daughter in law of this haveli, and she will not be treated any less. She is Zaryaab's wife."

I saw the look on my grandmother's face as she then turned to her husband,

" But she ran away from home." I couldn't bear to hear the words again seeing the tears rolling down Afaaf's eyes. And I said,

" That doesn't defines her Dadi Gul Jan."


Hey beautiful people, hope you guys are well and rocking 🌟🌟🌟

Sorry for being late.

Happy reading ,

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Until next time,


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