Chapter Eleven (Lysander's POV)

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From the look on Julia's (yes, I have officially stopped calling her random names because I've... ugh, fine, I've used all the ones I could think of but I'm still not going to call her her actual name to her face, and I promise) face, I know she knew from the look on my face I had been crying.

But since you're probably thinking about my helplessly awesome self, I always have a reason to cry. The reasons are always reasonable. Crying over potato chips is pretty reasonable, if I say so myself.

So I was crying because... well, I was buying time. I found out buying time actually didn't cost any money, and that was the amazing part.

I was just slowing the big guys down, trying to give Julia time so she can bust in with her superhero powers and let me out of this Cheeze-it hating place.

Or she could've just fought, argued, but seriously, watching her bust in would be so much funnier.

I was fake crying and making faces at the big guys, asking them if the pillows in jail were soft. I told them I had a sensitive head, and all they told me was, "You just have a BIG head. Don't worry. There ain't no pillows for you to sleep on in jail." Then they started snickering with each other.

But when I was led into the room where Julia was, I actually was crying. What if there really weren't any pillows in jail? I'd die. If getting arrested doesn't kill me, the pillow-less cells will. Or if neither kill me then my mom probably will. So I'll be dying soon. Attend to my funeral just because I'm so awesome. Just remember to bring a whole truck full of tissues. You'll need it.

If I died, I'll just tell my friends to update my social medias just to scare the crap out of people. I have a plan if I die, don't worry. My will will go to the Cheeze-it company. Read that sentence again so you'll understand.

As I walked to the car, I mimicked under my breath, "You're walking on thin ice."

"Well, has anyone thought of going back on the sidewalk? They exist for a reason, idiots." I muttered. I even said it quietly, but apparently, Julia, with her superpowered hearing or whatever, she still heard me. And snickered.

We walked in silence until she asked, "Why are you being so quiet? Did you leave your mouth in the police station? If you did, I'm not going back with you to get it. And WHY THE HECK do you look like you're crying?" She said. "But it's probably going to be something pathetic, so I actually don't wanna know why."

"Lucky for you," I said, "I don't wanna tell you why."

"Oh! In that case, I wanna know why." Bruh. What is wrong with her? Probably everything. But I really don't mind. At least she's not complaining that I'm walking, like, thirty miles behind her. She even had to turn around to yell at me.

"WHY DON'T YOU WALK FASTER? YOU'RE SLOWER THAN MY PET TURTLE!" Never mind. I just jinxed myself. Yay.

" have a pet turtle? What's his name?" I asked, truly interested.

She didn't say anything and crossed her arms. "I'm not telling you. It's private."


Another thing: I'm pretty sure the turtle didn't exist.

"Do you actually know where we're going?" She stopped. "We've been walking in the opposite direction the whole time. What street do you think we are on?"

"Well, it doesn't look like you know where we're going either. How hard is it to stay on a sidewalk?" I said to her.

"Very hard, apparently." She said, putting on a bored face. "Says the one that's walking on grass and TRESPASSING." She pointed at my feet.

It's so stupid how it's considered trespassing when you just walk on someone's grass but it's okay for dogs to come across your lawn and POOP in it. Then it's only not considered trespassing when you walk on their lawn and pick up the poop. What a wonderful government we have.

I want a dog. I guess I'll just have to hire someone to pick up the poop while I just randomly walk around someone else's lawn. Oh, wait! Julia could pick up the poop! Not. Not if she murders me before I get a dog and before I even hire her. She'll just kill me for bringing up the idea. I know her so well, I deserve a pat on the back.

I stopped. She did too. "Do you know what street we're on?" She asked.

"Well, of course I do! Aren't you new or something?" I told her.

"Well, yeah, I kinda am 'new or something.' Even if it is you that enrolled into my school earlier this year doesn't mean I need to know the neighborhoods and stuff. Knowing how to go to the grocery store is enough. And Chic-Fil-A. That's good enough."

I was the one who had moved into a new school that summer. But me, unlike her, learned a little more than just knowing where the grocery store was.

" own a school? Are you the secret vice principal or something? Sorry, I'm just trying to learn about this school of yours and the role you play in it."

She sighed.

"Pretend I never said anything." She said.

"Well, I can't now. I've already heard them and registered them to my brain." I told her, grinning.

It's true! I can't pretend now. If she never said it like ten seconds ago, we would be fine.

"So it's easy to register something I said ten seconds ago but it's not easy to register what the teacher said an hour ago?" She asked, annoyed.

"Yep. You got it all right. Nice job!" I clapped.

I gasped. "Does that mean we'll have to spend the night in the jungle?"

"Where is the jungle, you dingbat? And I though you said you knew where we were." She crossed her arms. "And I'm pretty sure the jungle is farther away from where we live."

"Well, I forgot! All of your talking made me forget about it. Sorry." I said.

"'Sorry?' Well, you see, buddy, I'm not the only one who's going to sleep in a jungle tonight if you don't try to not 'forget about it.' So, I suggest you to try to remember, or else I'm starting a fire and the first thing I'm burning is you."

I'm scared. I don't wanna die. I'm too young to die. How many times have I almost died since Julia came along? A lot, that's what.

Then we heard a shout from behind us. It seemed like somebody was yelling, "Kill Maria! Chick chat dye in?" But the person said it like a question, so that's what I'm assuming. And judging from the voice, it's probably some evil stalker woman that's trying to kill Maria. Uh-oh. Is my name Maria? I forgot. I hope not.

Then the lady started yelling the same thing again.

"Let's see what she wants. She kinda sounds like my mother. What did she say?" Julia asked.

I told her what I heard. Her mouth hung open. "No, that can't be my mom. Why would she want to kill Maria?"

"Because she hates Maria?" I said, unsure.

I wonder what Maria did. What if she doesn't get a funeral? Don't worry, I'll just ask someone that'll bury me to bury Maria as well. I'm so, so kind, thank you very much.

We walked closer, until we saw the woman.

Julia sighed. "Yep, that is my mom. I wonder what she's saying."

"JULIA! IS THAT RYAN?" Julia's mom yelled.

Either she has good eyesight or terrible eyesight. We were really far away from her at first and she could still see us, but now, we were like ten feet away from her and she's yelling like there's no tomorrow. There's probably no tomorrow for Julia. Oh, well. I guess I need to find Bob. He's good company.

Julia's mom spots us.

I heard Julia mutter, "Uh-oh. We're in big trouble."

'Yay,' was the only thought in my mind before her mom led us into the house.

Weeeell. The cliffhanger wasn't so bad... or was it?

I'll be starting school very very soon, so I'll actually be updating more. Yep, you saw that right. More.

That's because we have school issued devices and it's easier to type on it and I can work on it in my free time. But Wattpad's blocked on it so I just type it on Google Docs and paste it in.

aNd I'lL bE sTaRtInG a FeW mOrE bOoKs!!!!

Thanks for reading! Lemme know how you liked this chapter in the comments.

1-10 scale, how funny was it? I'd give myself a 7.

Yes, judging from Lysander's POV, I'm sure you guys could tell Lysander thinks a lot, he's more of a quiet type and only talks when he is spoken to. That's the type of person I'm aiming to make Lysander - quiet, popular, yet not absolute mute.

The next chapter will be in Julia's POV.

And I have to tell you guys something! This book has been stolen and put on and it's been plagiarized.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share if you liked this chapter!

(This chapter was actually pretty long.)

Have a great day!


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