Chapter Nine

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"Why?" I asked, ultimately confused, "what's wrong with him?"

They looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It was, but I wasn't accepting it so quickly. Sure, he was annoying at times and a full-time weirdo, he was actually a nice guy. And don't take it as if I was admitting something. I'm just saying my parents are being the criminals right now. And I'm not even sure he knows what he's doing at the police's office.

Chances are that he'll somehow convince them that they got the wrong guy or pretend he's some guy named Rick and he doesn't deserve to go in jail. Something ridiculous like that.

"There are many things wrong with the guy," Mom said. I wanted to say, "There are many things wrong with you," but that'll probably end in getting grounded. We all love that, don't we?

"Like..." I motioned her to complete the phrase.

"Like... oh, George," Mom said, whispering to my dad. So she's just like the police officers. Doesn't know anything yet accuses someone of something. I could sit here all day and laugh at their ridiculous faces if I wanted to. But I don't wanna. I'm a woman with a job. A job to sit around and chill while watching Netflix. I love my job.

"Like he's been taken to the police's office! That's what you call suspicious."

"Why you suddenly happened to disappear for a couple of days seems suspicious too." I said.

I actually knew why they were there- my brother. But I wanted to make them as guilty as possible. Haha. Serves them right.

And I was right. Their faces morphed with guilt and confusion.

"The principal didn't tell you?" Dad asked.

Uh-oh. Ack, I'm stuck. If I tell them yes, they'll probably ground me for what I said. If I said no, they'll make me sit here all day and listen to them talk and emotionally cry about my brother getting punched along with other oh, so sad, family events. Basically a buncha crap. Bonus: maybe they'll even ask Principal Nickel or whatever his stupid name is why he didn't tell us and then I'll have to explain again. Joy.

"Hmm..." I said, pretending I was thinking very, very hard, which I was. But for a different reason. I was thinking very hard on how the idiot got in jail. I may or may not be planning an escape, but don't worry! I'll return him just like I accidentally took a bracelet from a store, but I returned it! Don't worry, okay? Only thing is that I kinda don't wanna return him. Even if he is an idiot. And it may or may not be accidental. Oof.

"I remember him talking about Gary getting punched! Oh, and then comparing how well they can cuss, I think, right?" I asked, pretending to look innocent while literally thinking what if they were actually cussing.

"They cussed? I didn't know that! Thank you, Julia." Mom thanked me.

What? I didn't intend it to go this way.

"How about... we talk about this at home," I suggested before I got into a bigger mess than I already was.

"Home? Oh yes, that would be a nice idea."

I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

"But maybe we should stay here, in case Principal Nick worries about where we are." Dad butted in.

NOOOOO! How dare you, Dad? How could you just do this to me? How could you betray me?

"Maybe we could leave him a note," Mom said. Go Mom! Woohoo!

"What if he's suspicious! Or what if he thinks it's some criminal that kidnapped us that wrote it. Absolutely not!" Dad argued.

He's watched too many police shows. It's ridiculous. And I'm pretty sure he's forgotten that I'm the only kid here, so kidnapped meaning only me or...?

Another point of view: I'm not even considered a kid anymore. I'm 17! That's barely a kid. I'm about to die. How could my parents forget my age?

Maybe Dad thinks he's still a kid... I mean, he's someone's kid. Grandma's kid! But I think I remember once saying she disowned him when he was eighteen. I'm not sure at this point, and I really don't want to discuss our family tree because, chances are, you'll get stuck between the limbs.

I wish they knew texting existed. Wait- I think they do! But Dad says this after I told him to text Principal Nick:

"That's even worse than writing a note! You can't read any handwriting!"

I sigh.

"You could take a picture of the note and send it to him! Then he would be able to see the handwriting and he could see it momentarily! It's a win-win, if I say so myself."

I try not to mention how weird it is to take a picture of a note that you could have typed. I'm an amazing daughter, thank you.

"You see... that's too much effort for your dad." Mom said. Ah, she knows him so well. But that's not helping us in any way.

"And I don't think he's ever seen my handwriting before," Dad added unhelpfully.



I sigh once more. At least I somehow distracted them.

"Your brother cussed, you said?" Mom brought up the subject that must not be named. You-know-what (hey, Potterheads).

"I'm..." Ugh, I have no idea how to carry this on. What have I gotten myself into?

"I'm not very sure, but I'll be glad to hear what actually happened. I must be getting old ears," I said. I don't actually believe I have old ears.

"Don't worry, sweetie, when you get old, you'll still be able to do whatever you want, just slower." Dad comforted me. I think he forgot that he was the older one. And why the heck am I getting advice from the same guy who wants to supposedly murder Lysander?

Oh right. He's my dad. Kinda forgot. Not.

"Your brother just got a few hard punches from someone named Lucas's brother. It's okay, and Lucas seemed like a pretty nice guy. He was SUCH a gentleman. Much more a gentleman your father is." Mom said the last part quieter, thinking Dad wouldn't hear. Ah, too late. He already heard.

For one, I'm sure she's talking about Lysander, the same person she said was "a criminal," because it was Lysander's brother that punched my brother who punched his brother. And I purposely made that confusing, by the way. You're welcome.

I see why Mom thinks Lysander ("Lucas," whatever) is nice, even though she called him a criminal. They both share a name-forgiving problem. Like seriously! To him, I'm like all the "J" names in the world! If my mom finds out that he uses anything but the name my mom gave me, she would murder "Lucas"/Lysander. Ugh! This is so confusing. And probably confusing for you too.

If if she wouldn't murder Lucas, she'd still hate him, even though she also hated Lysander. I really don't want to be the person to tell her that Lysander and Lucas are the same person. She'd just blame me for making her push her anger on to two people even though both people were the same people. Ugh, these people are SO confusing...

"Sure, he sounds nice," I said to Mom.

"Yeah, whatever," Dad said.

The door slammed open. I really, really hope that it wasn't Principal Nick. Well, I wish it wasn't anybody 'cause I don't want it to be anybody.

"I'm looking for Janet Robins." The guy said, not meeting my contact while he wasn't meeting mine.

And the second I looked him in the eye, I knew that I was getting dragged into the "Lysander got arrested" thing, because the guy's eyes I looked into...

It belonged to the guy that arrested (or took, I like to put it that way) Lysander.

The last thing I saw before the gray cushion seats of the police car was the disappointed look on my parents' faces.


So who likes my cliffhanger? Or cliffhangerS.

Nobody? What a shame.

Thanks for reading and this chapter is dedicated to @Millie10Lina ! Thanks for commenting and voting <33

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