Chapter Thirteen

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"Uhhh... um... well, sir, I think you've mistaken. I'm L- Ryan. Surely you've mistaken me for someone else..." Lysander said to my dad. The quiver in his voice and the way he was fidgeting didn't really help much. 

My dad narrowed his eyes. "What's your name?"

"R-r-Ryan." Lysander stuttered. Is it that hard to speak? He's speaking to my dad like he has a gun pointed at him. Well, his death glare is scarier than a gun, but I'm not telling anyone that. Oops. I just told you.

"Do you have a brother?" My dad questioned.

"Y-Y-yes sir. He's the one your son beat up." Lysander replied, no longer that nervous. He's leveled up to biting his nails instead.

What Lysander said didn't help. 'The one your son beat up.' Well, my brother also got beat up. And it kinda sounded like Lysander was blaming my dad. Or my brother.

My dad sighed. Then he turned to me. What role do I have in this? Oh, wait. I still have to stay away from the 'guy that belongs in jail.' Totally forgot.

"What's the guy's name?" He asked.

"Harry Styles," I replied smoothly. Lysander choked. On what? Air, that's what.

"Harry Styles... tall guy?"

"Yep," I told my dad, "tall guy. I mean, look at Ryan! See how short he is?" And as I said this, Lysander slowly bent his knees as if to prove that he was 'short.' That was a lie; he literally was taller than my dad. Maybe he's even taller than Harry Styles. Maybe.

"Whatever, but I'm keeping an eye on you," he said the last part more quietly and walked away into the kitchen with my mom. What is with my parents and escaping into the kitchen? Is there a magical portal in there I never knew about?

You know you've won an argument after the other person says 'Whatever.' Ten points for Team Julia.

"I'm staying the night here," Lysander said all of a sudden.

"Excuse me?" I asked. So he can just prance in my living room, tell us he's staying the night here and take all my Cheeze-its. Nuh-uh, so not happening.

"I said-" he started.

"I heard what you said, moron! Why my house? Why can't you just spend the night at, like, Bob's house or something?" I told him, because for one, I'm not giving up my room. So not happening today. And two, if he finds my Cheeze-it stash, I'm dead. Or, no, he's dead. I'll murder him. I literally spent a whole month saving Cheeze-its. And three, I'm getting way too annoyed of him. I need a break.

"I don't wanna stay over at his place! And he doesn't even live in a house. It's more like an apartment. Or a shack." And I was really, really surprised that he even knew what a shack was. He's still stupid. I mean, you can't necessarily be considered a genius when you know what a shack is.

"Picky," I muttered. Like seriously, though! He's staying over somewhere that's not his house and he's still being picky about it? He's lucky enough to have friends generous enough to provide a hospitable home. Well, I'm not one of those 'generous friends.' I'm not offering my home even if I get the title of 'generous friend.' I'd rather be 'mean friend' if it means I stay in the comforts of my home with my family.

"And Bob doesn't even own a house anyway. So if I went to where he lives, it technically would be his parent's house." He said. Did he actually think he could just say he's staying the night and not get a fight from me?

"Well," I said, looking at my fingers, "it seems like I don't own a house either. So if you're staying with me, we'd probably be outside, setting up a tent that will eventually fall apart."

"Well," he mimicked, "I know your parents."

"Even if you know you know my parents, Ryan, your parents don't know them. So, technically, you're staying over at a stranger's house. Well, strangers to your parents. And you wouldn't want that, don't you?" I grinned.

He sighed. "Whatever."


Yay. Now time for me to stop with this (sadly) very short party. It only lasted for, what, ten seconds? No, it wasn't that long. I think maybe only two.

"I'm staying here, anyways. No comments." He told me.

"B-" he cut me off.

"I said, no comment!"

"It wasn't a comment, you idiot. I'm helping you here." I told him, annoyed.

"Oh. Sorry. Talk, now!" He said. Stupidly.

"Look, I'm not listening to you. I'm helping you, and human rights exist for a reason." I rolled my eyes.

"I," I said, pointing to myself, "am not listening to you," I told him, pointing at him.

"Now, lemme tell you the rules we have in our house! And you better listen, because I'm not repeating myself.

"Number one: don't go into Julia's room when there's a 'go away' sign at her door. Or better, don't go bother her or go into her room at all."

"Are you sure those are your parents rul-"

"Number two: don't do into Julia's Cheeze-it stash."

"You have a Cheeze-it stash? Cool! Where is it?"

I think I may have made a mistake by telling him that.

"Number three: be kind to everyone."

"I'm not a toddler, I know this st-" he started.

"And number four: keep on telling Julia she's amazing because she actually is." I finished, internally smiling. And grinning evilly. But mostly smiling.

"You sure this is from your parents? You've seemed to memorized it..." he said.

"Yep. Super sure that this is from my parents. But don't ask them about it because they've probably forgotten about it. And I'm a wonderful kid, so that's why I have it memorized."

Truth was, I came up with it on the spot. But I don't think he has the guts to tell me. Wimp.

"Okay... let's go tell your parents then." He said.

"Wait... why are you staying here?" I asked, truly curious.

He hesitated before telling me. I knew it was something bad from the tone he was using and how he wasn't as laid back and idiotic like he always was.

"My mom... she-she's in the hospital."

From the conversation on my message board, AkshayaV675 really doesn't want me to kill any of the characters. Well, I'm not, at least not yet, but you know what I mean. I'm just going to make them suffer. Like, a lot.

Thank you for reading! I love you guys so much. And in a few days, when my other book is complete, you guys (We the Weirdos readers) will be my top priority. Updates will be more often as well.

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This chapter is dedicated to BooksRulesAlt .

Have a nice day!


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