Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Why haven't I seen any cool creatures yet?" Lysander whined over the video call we had the day after he left.

"Maybe because all you've done the last twenty-four hours is sleeping and riding a plane for countless hours." I reminded him.

"Oh, right!" He exclaimed, "I remember now!"

"About time," I muttered, "Congratulations," I said to him, "You're a genius," I remarked sarcastically.

He didn't get sarcasm, so he said, "Aw, thanks! That's what my pre-k teacher said, too."

He had a crappy pre-k teacher.

I sighed loudly.

"I guess my pre-k teacher's the only one that thinks I'm a genius..." He frowned.

Hey, at least I was being truthful. His pre-k teacher? Not so much.

"I hope I see some elephants here soon," He sighed, quieter than mine.

"Where are you again?" I asked, confused. Do elephants belong in Brazil anyway?

"Brazil. I think that's in Europe."

"You mean South America?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah. That's what I meant." He corrected himself.


"What type of elephant?" I questioned.

"The Antarctic elephant." He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"You mean the African elephant?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's close enough to what I said." He argued.


"Lysander, you can't find the African elephant in Brazil," I told him.
"I can't?" He asked himself in disappointment.

"Africa and Brazil and thousands and thousands of miles away from each other! And why in the world would you want to meet an elephant?" I asked. "Them big. And them can step on you." I paused. "Actually, I like them. Ask them if they could step on you and squish you for me. Thanks."

"I guess I had the wrong place..." He genuinely looked disappointed. I guess he really wanted to meet an elephant.

"How's it going?" I asked to fill the stretching silence.

"Eh," He said, "Well, nothing's really 'going' because all that I've seen here is the crappy shack my dad owns and the airport. Plus some grey seats because I remember sitting in some taxi thing."

Seriously? 'Taxi thing?'

"Sorry, the president's calling me. Talk to you later." He hung up before I had a chance to reply.

Pretty sure the president calling Lysander was a regular thing.

Sighing, I got up and tried to do something productive like trying to finish the eighth season of Criminal Minds. Before you do it, don't judge.

Instead, I wasted my time and did homework.

Stupid, terrible, annoying homework.

Looking at the huge to-do list, I sat down at my desk.

I didn't get any sleep that night.

"Hello, class!" The teacher said enthusiastically, "I have some good news."

Teacher code: Good news = probably pop quiz.

This is very logical because a teacher's good news is a student's bad news. It just works like that.

The class continued chatting because the bell to signal first block starting hadn't rung yet.

"HELLO, CLASS." The teacher yelled louder.
The entire class went silent.

"I know you are a very mature class," The teacher said, looking intensely at the one guy laughing loudly, "So I will only share this information with this class, but if you are immature and do not meet the standards of going on this trip, your class will be replaced with a more mature one."

Whispers went all around the room.

"What? A trip? Please, if we're going to the zoo, I will die." One whispered.

"At least it's not that one time when the teacher took us to the pumpkin patch," One murmured.

"You were in elementary school! That's what all little kids do," The other one replied.

"No, that was freshman year." She replied.

"Okay, that was definitely a stupid field trip. Does that teacher think your class was three?"

"They acted like it..." The girl whispered back.

"You can't complain to me if your class was acting like toddlers!" The other girl said.

"Oh, yeah? I just did!" I definitely like this one better.

"No you didn- oh, wait. You did. Bummer." She rolled her eyes.

"CLASS, IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP RIGHT NOW, YOU WILL NOT LIKE TO SEE WHAT YOUR PUNISHMENT IS." The teacher yelled. Even another teacher popped in and asked her if she was okay, and she replied, "I'm hanging on. If I murder someone, I'll need you to help me through the rest of the day so I don't kill any NOT innocent lives. Proceed with your life."

That other teacher never came back.

"This is a program where MATURE students are selected to travel to a country- and this year's country is Brazil." She emphasized the word mature.

"We will meet with someone we are familiar with there and will be taking him back to our school." Then it hit me.

She was talking about Lysander. She was even looking at me.

"This trip will be beneficial for your college applications (not that I believe any of you will be accepted into college or anything) and for a few individuals in particular." She looked me in the eye, but no one noticed because there was an ongoing argument on who the familiar person was.

Let's just say someone said Joe Biden.

"Maybe it's Stephen Curry!"

Who the heck is that?

"No, it's definitely Harry Styles."

Weeeeeell, my parents did call Lysander Harry Styles once.

"Nah, it's Michael Jackson!"

"He's dead! It's Michael Jordan!" I heard the teacher mutter, "You know who's the one that's going to die if you don't stop talking now? Me!" But no one seemed to hear her. Sad.

"He's dead too!"

"No, he's not!" One argued.

I didn't know I was friends with any of them. Someone else even said Justin Bieber.

I was one of those people who just listen to music and don't even care about the artists' names (not that I listen to Justin Bieber or anything), so I actually (for a long period of time) thought his name was actually Justin Beaver.

I would not like to describe how I found out I was wrong. All I'm saying is that a lot of embarrassment was involved.

"I'd really like to meet Selena Gomez," The girl beside me said. I recognized her as Teresa (the sixty-percent poop brown-skinned one? Yeah, her).

At least, now, she wasn't talking about hot guys and whatnot.

I decided not to point out the teacher said 'him.'

I'm glad my other classmates were smarter than her. Like, very glad.

Someone gasped loudly that the entire class went dead silent. "WHAT IF IT'S TOM HOLLAND?" They yelled.

The whole class started hooting and hollering and yelling. Why is everyone so in love with him? He's literally the actor for Spiderman. Is Spiderman that important to society?

Apparently so.

"Here's the list of people going," The teacher said.

The teacher went down the list of people and when she finished, I realized one thing.

She never called my name.

So who likes the reintroduction of Teresa (poop skin girl)?

Anyway thanks for reading.

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I'm thinking about it, and it's been confirmed. The last chapter of the book will sadly not end in a cliffhanger (unless I can evilly change my mind).

At the end of it, it'll probably include a few short (one-shots) stories at the end, so it'll have more or around 44 parts.

Have a nice day! (And I have a feeling that updates will be more frequent because I'm trying to finish the book soon!)


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