Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Yes. Yes he did." I answered the police officer, "He did make me peel bananas."

"What for?" The police officer asked. I feel you guys, I really hate repeating the phrase 'police officer,' but he's not even wearing a name tag. Illegal person he is, illegal person!

And he literally expected me to know E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. But do I? Nah.

"I'm not sure, but probably for something evil." I heard him mutter 'Like we didn't know that' to himself before he continued asking me questions.

It might be deadly, but I'm not even sure how you can use bananas to take over the world.

"Fred-" I started.

"Which person is Fred? Chucky Freeman or Richard Samuel?" The police officer questioned, and continued drawing a picture of a rainbow. But I have to say, it looks like a pretty nice rainbow.

"The blon- ack, dang it, why are both of them blonde? The tall- UGH WHY ARE THEY BOTH TALL?" I asked frustratingly to myself.

"Well, Chucky is specifically obsessed with this purple dinosaur..." Mr. Police Officer said, looking at me.

Seriously? Chucky? Terrifying people, terrifying names. I see how it is, I see.

"Oh yeah! That guy. But I'm talking about the other one. Richmond Satchel. Or whatever." I said.

"Okay. What's wrong with Richard Samuel?" He asked, not even taking notes because he was too busy drawing his rainbow. The rainbow might as well be more intimidating than Mr. Police Officer.

"He doesn't really seem to know Chu- the other guy's plan. He didn't even know why they took me. He didn't know anything- he just seemed to be the assistant. He didn't do anything bad, really. Ooh, and he gave me some nice food that the other meanie didn't give me." I explained.

"Therefore, I don't think he should be punished for something his friend influenced, or maybe forced him to help do."

"Ahh, nice argumentative essay. Yeah, I went to school and paid attention. Surprising, right? Whatever. But I can't. If I let everyone go that had been requested by someone to leave, the world would be in utter chaos and no one would feel safe." Mr. Police Officer replied.

"But I was the victim - I have a broken leg - and I should have a say in this. Wow, that rainbow is really good." I said, trying to convince him. I know I was kind of trying let a criminal's affiliate go, but I genuinely think Fred or Richard or whatever deserves a chance in life without his buddy Barney.

"Aw, thank you! I actually blended the colors red and orange to get my outcome - the secret is-" He stopped halfway, finally realizing that I was distracting him with the power of compliments. He cleared his throat.

"As much as I want to let Mr. Samuel go, I'm afraid I can't do that." Mr. Police Officer said, standing up. "It was nice meeting you, young lady. Have a nice day."

Then he left, leaving me alone for a very long three seconds before two smelly football players barged in through the door.

"YES!" Greyson pumped his fist in victory, "I GET TEN DOLLARS! HAH LOSER!" Greyson stuck his tongue out at Lysander and laughed.

"For one, that nurse may come and snatch your ten dollars if you don't shut up right this instant." I said, "And for two, why is my existence only worth ten dollars?" It should be way more than ten dollars. A hundred at least!

I'm actually glad I'm not worth just a penny like Lysander.

"Well, my bud Lysander thought this his mmph mm hmph hmp hmmnm m." Greyson said, but halfway through Lysander muffled him with his hand.

Lysander took his hand off of Greyson. "There. Nothing happened."

I rolled my eyes, and turned back to Greyson. "So you were saying?"

"Lysander thought the police officer was going to murder you so he kept on banging on the door trying to come in and be a knight in shining armor." Greyson placed a hand over his heart for effect, "And I was really hoping Knight Lysandy would be useful for once."

"Hey! You can't compliment me and insult me... complisult me? Dunno. And could you just stop with the 'Lysandy?'"

"Well, he just complisulted you, so, honestly, you can't really argue." I pointed out.

"Will you just please shut up for a minute?" He said with a ridiculously high voice.

"I feel like I'm missing something because I'm 1,000% confused on who Lysandy i- OH! It's Lysander. But who came up with i- yeah, I don't want to know."

"Yeah, because our cute little Lysandy is turning into a red crab right there, so he's probably embarrassed about it." Greyson's cheeks were pinched so it looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh. He's embarrassed about it? Well then I want to know." I internally started laughing evilly. Hah!

"I'm only going to tell you because you literally fell out of a plane." Lysander said grumpily.

"Actually, Julia would probably want me to tell her." Greyson said.

"Why?" Both me and Lysander asked at the. Same. Exact. Time. Talk about awkward.

"Because I say it in a better way." Greyson replied, and he whispered to me, "That 'better way' means more embarrassing."

I tried to hide my laugh, but failed. Lysander looked at me and Greyson oddly before shrugging (to himself) it off, but his expression was still really weird.

"So Lysandy found himself an admirer... and she calls him Lysandy!"

I was expecting something more embarrassing than this.


Then I cracked up. Lysander tried to glare at me but he ended up laughing too.

The doors slammed open (ah, all the bad things start with doors getting slammed) and there was a furious guy I called my dad.

"You," He said to Lysander, "get out of here. Don't play innocent with me, because I know who you really are, you filthy criminal."

My dad had never been that scary before.


I hope you guys have a wonderful day and how did you like this chapter? These chapters are pretty slow and easy going but it will get intense again soon (like the next chapter).

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This chapter is dedicated to @AkshayaV675.

Thank you guys and have an awesome day!


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