Lysander's POV 2

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I miss Janet.

Honestly, I'm not even sure who came up with the idea of Hawaii, private school, or vegan chicken nuggets, but I'm pretty sure we'll be the best of friends. Not.

"Hey, bud!" Greyson, a guy from my football team said, "Gimme the ball." He said, motioning to the football I was squishing to death due to my stressful thinking.

"Sorry, I don't take orders." I replied. "Sorry, bruh, but I barely take suggestions."

"You're so sarcas- sorry. You? Sarcastic? Never. O-o-obviously." Greyson said.

"Yeah," I said bitterly, "Obviously."

It's pretty stupid because everything sarcastic reminds me of her. And how much I hate her parents, and how I'm still apparently Ryan. But I pretended to be Ryan for me. So I could continue hanging out with her.

I did it for her, too.

I wondered if she's okay, what's happening and if she made friends with a serial killer. Hey, she's really likable, so I wouldn't be surprised.

And I felt especially guilty when I called her one night and she told me she didn't like her school and wanted to come back to our little town in the middle of nowhere, but the school was okay. She mainly was just complaining about the food.

She told me everything- our trust went to that level. But all I could see was guilt- how I didn't say a word about my life and my girlfriend.

I guess all I wanted to prove that if she was okay wherever she was, I could too. But all I felt those weeks was misery. Misery that I couldn't see her roll her eyes. And how much I missed her even though I would never admit it to her.

And that day when her family found out that I, 'Ryan' was the same guy as the one that got 'arrested.'

She was still in her jail school then, so she had no idea. After that, we didn't call once.

She didn't call once.

I know this whole rant makes me sound like I'm madly in love with her and am going to die, but honestly, I'm worried.

After many unanswered phone calls, I thought she was ignoring me. But I knew she doesn't seem like that type of person to do that.

She wouldn't do that.

At lunch that day, I was just kinda pushing my food around my plate. I didn't want to eat- or better, couldn't eat.

"Hey, baby," a girl named Lydia sat down beside me.

I didn't I know I was an eighteen-year-old baby. I'm not proud.

"Hi...infant." I felt weird saying those words to a toddler like Lydia.

"Aww, baby, you're so ca-yute!" And she said it so weirdly that she sounded half British, half robot.

I personally prefer a robot calling me a baby rather than a human calling me one.

"Do you like my makeup, Lysandy?" She asked in a really, really high pitched voice that really made me want to throw up. Like, her voice could break a whole glass building, even at the point I was surprised that I wasn't deaf yet. I was surprised that I wasn't DEAD by then.

"Maybe you should eat makeup so you'll be pretty on the inside too." I muttered, but it seemed like she could hear me. It's so weird how people could hear specific things and COULDN'T hear other specific things. Ugh.

"Aww, babe, you are so fah-ny!" Ok, she's definitely British. I've never heard anyone say funny like that. Man, I've been scarred by a creepy, British, pink-nailed makeup monster. Save me, good lord. Save me.

"Layla, we'll talk to you later... Lysandy and I have something to discuss." Greyson said.

I'm going to murder him later for calling me that.

"That's not my name, sweetheart." She said to Greyson and smiled, trying to be cute but in reality she looked like a witch.

"You can talk now, Lycandy! Lycandy is SOOO much bett-ar. I can't believe I picked a name as stupid as Lysandy." She rolled her eyes, "But you can start talking na-ow."

"In private, please, Laura." Greyson added.

Lydia frowned. "You don't want to stay with me, ho-nay, because we-"

At that moment, I felt deja poo: the feeling that I've already heard this crap before.

"-We are going to leave now, Lucy. Thank you, we'll be back after we finish barfing." Greyson smiled sweetly at her and then dragged me, cutting off my circulation. That day was pretty much my lucky day. Yay. *insert eye roll*

By the time we were at the lockers, we were laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt.

"You should've seen the horror on your face, Lycandy!" Greyson laughed, "Hilarious."

I'm going to roast him so bad that he'll be crying over his own ashes in a few minutes. Or seconds. We'll see how he'll react.

"Yeah, and you should've seen the terror on your face when she called you sweetheart." I said.

He frowned. "Stop that."

"Hmm..." I said, pretending to think really hard.

"No." I smiled triumphantly. 

"So, you wanna barf?" he asked, and we stayed silent for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"How's your girlfriend?" He asked. "The one with the blonde hair."

"Oh. Well, not many people I know know about it. Seriously, Sarah is telling Every. Single. Person. She. Knows. It's really annoying. Or, no. I was wrong. She was even telling strangers, too." I complained.

"How's your-not girlfriend?" He asked, "The one with the dark hair."

He probably only remembers whether or not they're my girlfriend and their hair color. Like, bro, you gotta pay more attention than just their hair color. There's just about two-hundred dark haired girls in this school.

"Oh. Julia? She's in this private school in the Bahamas- no, I think it was the Pacific Ocean. Maybe the Atlantic? I have no id- oh, wait! It's in Hawaii."

Yay. I remember now. I remember her telling me she didn't want to be sent to the Bahamas.


And that was the last word he said to me before he disappeared for a week and came back telling me that Julia was in the hospital.
Hai party people!

Sorry, I rewrote this chapter a bunch of times because I didn't want this to sound like a tragic love story but I wanted to express Lysander's feelings.

But I hope the three-day wait was worth it.

So here's my plan- when one of my books hit 20 chapters, I'm starting another book until I 1) become inactive or 2) I die.

Anyway so if you enjoyed this please comment, vote and share!

By the way: I'm doing this thing for every 3 new commenters or votes on ANY of my books, you guys will get an extra chapter. So if I get 18 new voters, you'll get 6 extra chapters.

I'll add all the people up not next week, but the week after that so you'll have two weeks.


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Thank you!

Have a nice day!


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