Chapter 6 - EDITED

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The fresh air made Kit calm down a bit, he stayed there for another three minutes and after that, he goes to Ming's room.
     When I entered the room I see the others staring at me as though I have something on my face or worst like I was a criminal. After all that staring, someone dares to say something and that someone was Yo, I was shocked.
Yo: " P' are you ok? " said Wayo a little scared, however.
Kit: " Why wouldn't I be ok?.....Of course, I am ok. "
      All of them start to stare again, but this time I chose to ignore them and I sit in the chair next to Ming's bed. I hold his hand into mine and kissing it.
      All decided to leave and left me alone with Ming, I stare at him, like he did to me before, he was so handsome and gorgeous at the same time. I heard a knock at the door and the doctor came in.
The doctor: " It's time to operate him. "
Kit: " But P' you said that you need to wait until he wakes up. "
The doctor: " There is no time his internal bleeding is getting worse. We have to do it now until it's not too late. "
Kit: " What are his chances in this condition? "
The doctor: " Don't worry he will be fine. "
     I was reticent, but what can I do? He needs to get better and that is his best chance. The nurses came and took him, I was standing outside the room and waiting for the operation to be over, I was useless I can do nothing to help him and that feeling was killing me inside.
      Two hours had just passed and I was more impatient with every hour passed in that I hear nothing about Ming.
       After five hours of living hell, the doctor came out from the room. I stand up and run towards him.
Kit: " P' how is Ming? "
The doctor: " All goes perfect, he is now in his room resting, I gave him a strong sedative so will last some time until he wakes up. "
Kit:  "Thank you P' "
     Kit was relieved and happy because all is good now and Ming will wake up soon.
     That soon wasn't as soon as I thought he wakes up in the morning the next day.
      He was trying to lift himself, but with no use, so I help him get up and after that, he looked at me with a lost look, he frowned and then said.
      Ming: " Who are you? " he said puzzled.
      My heart is beating fast, he doesn't remember me, he could have amnesia or something, I'm scared right now I don't know what to tell him, but I decided to say something.
       Kit: " Ming, it's me Kit. " I mumbled.
      Ming still looked puzzled after what I said, but his expression suddenly changed he starts smirking and then said.
Ming: " I'm Kidding my KitKat. "
     Kit was angry and indeed he deserves to be angry. He smacked Ming's head for what he did. Ming rubbed his head and said to Kit.
Ming: " Don't be mad KitKat "
     Ming lean his head towards Kit to Kiss him and Kit accepted, they passionate the kiss more and more they were starving for each other lips.
A.N: Another chapter done I think I will end this soon or maybe I will continue who knows the thing is that I'm lack of ideas so please help me. See you next time!

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