Chapter 9

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           Ming was thinking about what Kit said to him the other day and the idea of them being apart from each other even for awhile was unacceptable for Ming he couldn't live that way.
            Wayo was at the campus and see Ming, he wave his hand at him, but he didn't react. Ming just passed by me like Yo wasn't even there. Ming was acting like this all week and nobody knows what is wrong with him. Ming started to acted more weirdest as days passed.
          Kit was in his dorm and his phone ring, he see Forth's name on the screen that surprised him a little, but he take the call.
Kit: " What's up Forth? "
Forth: " I want to talk to you about Ming. "
Kit: " What about him? "
Forth: " He skipped classes for a week now and we all are worried about him he is pale, weak and he is not eating. Yo visit him yesterday and see all the food that we brought to him on the counter. "
Kit: " Ok, I will go check on him right away. Thank you Forth. "
       Kit was surprised when Forth told him about Ming's condition, he take his wallet and his phone and go to Ming's dorm to check on him.
        Kit arrived in front of Ming's door and knocked at it after awhile Ming opened the door and looked at Kit. Ming looked so bad, he was dirty his eyes were swollen probably from the lack of sleep and looked so absent even he was physically there.
        Kit entered the room go to the counter take the food and give it to Ming that was in bed already and said.
Kit: " Eat. "
        Ming was surprised by this new side of Kit he take the food and start eating.
Kit: " I'm going to the pharmacy to buy some vitamins for you. You stay still and eat all I give you. "
         Kit was heading to the door when Ming opened his mouth and said.
Ming: " P' I want back. "
Kit: " Back to what? "
Ming: " Back to us being together. "
Kit: " I think is better if we stay apart for each other for a little more. "
Ming: " P' I can't live without you and I won't. "
Kit: " Don't be so dramatic. "
         Kit open the door and leave in order to buy the vitamins from the pharmacy. When he was back at the dorm, he opened the door and to his surprise Ming wasn't there he pulled out his phone and call him after some time he answered the call.
Kit: " Where are you? "
Ming: " On the roof. "
Kit: " What are you doing there? " asked Kit puzzled.
Ming: " I'm going to kill myself, there is no point in living if you are not with me. "
          When Kit heard that, he rushed himself to the roof because he knows that this time Ming was serious about this. When he arrived at the roof he saw Ming at the edge of the building and that image make his heart beating faster, he yelled.
Kit: " Ming, don't do this! "
A.N: I hope you liked this chapter and if you want more vote and comment it helps me a lot. See you next time. If you have any advices just tell me.

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