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Anne was hiding from her abusive parents under her bed. They were always horrid to her. Always hitting her, yelling at her, blaming her for almost everything. They hated her just as much as they hated monsters. They always called her a mistake. Her parents were unfortunately a bad influence on her as well as since she had never gone outside or to school, she believed her parents racist accusations. Thankfully, her parents, gave up on trying to find her and soon left. Anne thought enough is enough. She decided to run away. She didn't care where she was going, all she hoped for was that she would a family who cared about her and loved her. She snuck down to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks that would at least last her a few days. The tricky part was finding a way out, since her parents always locked all exits whenever they leave. She managed to find a window that was unlocked and jumped through it. She ran deep into the woods behind her house. "Please...I just want a family..." She asked. She decided to rest for a little while. If things couldn't get any worse, it began to snow. She began to feel very tired and sleepy. She then suddenly heard someone walking towards her, she nervously thought it was her parents, but she saw what looked like a young woman a green hoodie and jeans coming in her direction. The figure found her curled up against a tree. "Excuse me, what are you doing out here so late?" The woman asked. Anne stayed silent, not wanting to talk to a stranger. "I think it may be best if you come with me for the night. You'll freeze out here." The woman says. She gently picked up Anne and began to walk somewhere. As they were walking, Anne began to notice something was off about the woman. Her hands felt bigger to a normal person's. She also noticed the woman's face and chest was covered in fur! Anne realized that she was in the arms of a monster. But due to her always being tired, she soon passed out. Anne really hoped that whatever this woman was, she didn't want to eat her.

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