Chapter 1: Where Walks The Wild Men

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Twigs cracked as the footsteps of two people and their heavy breathing could be heard in the dense forest. More footsteps could be heard not that far away from them, they were being chased and whoever was chasing them, was catching up.

Suddenly one of them tripped and fell to the ground which caused the other to stop and help their comrade. A flashlight switched on and illuminated the two. They were twins, one was a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes and she wore a grey hoodie with black jeans and sneakers.

The other was a boy with wavy blonde hair and brown eyes who wore a blue hoodie, black shirt, blue jeans and dirty black sneakers.

The two covered their eyes at the bright light and feared the worst but that fear dissipated as one of the realized who caught them.

"Mom?" the girl asked.

The person moved towards them and it in fact was their mother. An older woman with brown hair and brown eyes, she wore a long sleeved shirt with a black jacket and black jeans with brown boots.

"I heard that you two were running but I didn't want to believe it." Their mother said as she hugged her kids "What were you two thinking!?"

"We can't stay here mom, dad's gone crazy!" the girl said fearfully.

"Yeah, ever since that woman arrived the entire pack changed." The boy explained "They've been trying to kill Cas and passing it off as "accidents"."

"And don't think we haven't seen the way dad's been treating you." The girl, Cas, continued.

Their mother flinched and unconsciously touched her bruised black eye "I know things have been tough but you can't just abandon the pack because of that. Cassie your next in line for goodness sake!"

"I know that's why we were running away." Cassie said with a nod.

"We have a plan." The boy said.

"Remember the stories you used to tell us when we were kids? Well turns out they're real mom, Logan is real!" Cassie said.

"If anyone was gonna help us then it would be Logan." The boy said.

Their mother stared at them in bewilderment and shook her head unbelievingly "Those were just stories to make you feel safe when you were scared, Logan is nothing but a legend."

"Mom we asked around and Supernatural creatures are dying, all the vampires that massacre small towns are dying, all the witches that sacrifice people for rituals are dying." Cassie explained.

"And all of them were found with or near some sort of symbol." The boy continued.

"Three claws, three scratches. Just like the stories you told us, those were the marks of the Wolverine."

"Okay even if what you were saying were true and not pure coincidence, how would you even find him?" she asked unbelieving.

"The murders were hard to track down but all of them were leading to Mystic Falls, we assume the next location would be a bar on the road near the town, hopefully." Cassie explained "Mom please, we need help..."

Their mother stared at them conflicted, they were right though. Something changed when that woman arrived, her husband was angrier and started to abuse her while the rest of the pack did nothing. Even during a full moon, he would hunt her and leave life threatening injuries, she would leave him but she was afraid that he would hurt her again or worse. Her kids weren't faring any better, she's seen the 'accidental' murder attempts on the both of them. They were right, they weren't safe and if they stayed then they would all die.

"Let's go." Their mother said.

"What?" Cassie asked.

"If you two really think Logan is real then maybe he will help us but if any of the stories are true then you two will be in more danger with him than here, that's why I'm coming with you." She explained as she walked up the hill near them and onto the road where a Land Rover was waiting.

The two followed and soon all of them got in and fastened their seatbelts.

"Chris you said it was near Mystic Falls right?" their mother asked.

The boy, Chris, nodded as he took out a marked map "Yeah, we're closer to it."

"Good." Their mother said as she started the car and did a U-turn, driving off into the night.

Five men stepped out of the woods and onto the road, watching the distant car. One of them took out a cell phone and dialed a number, putting it to his ear.

"We found them..." he said as the person on the other line spoke "Yeah, she went with them..." there was another pause and soon the call ended.

He looked at the other four expecting men "We capture the twins and kill their mother."

They nodded and all of them began their trek, following the car.


The land rover drove off the road and onto a large dirt patch and parked it, the twins' mother sighed tiredly as she looked at her two sleeping children. She looked to her left and saw two other cars parked on the patch then to her left and saw a motorcycle parked there. It was a very clean, sleek motorcycle with a sliver design, one headlight and a brown leather seat.

She hummed when she turned her head to look at the bar, it wasn't too big and it looked old and rustic, as if it was trying to maintain an old western theme with 'GREG'S GALLOP' written on a sign in bold red. It was now about 9am in the morning, she unbuckled her seatbelt and shook her daughter to wake her up, Cassie woke up with a jolt as she looked around.

"Hey it's okay, we're safe." Her mother soothed as she rubbed her daughter's arm, Cassie calmed down and nodded. Their mother then shook her son's knee from the back seat at an attempt to wake him up "Chris sweetie, it's time to wake up."

Chris groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and yawned tiredly "Are we there yet?"

Their mother smiled as Cassie giggled and spoke "We're already here dummy, c'mon we gotta meet a legend."

They got out of the car and walked towards the bar but their mother stopped which caused her kids to stop and look at her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Cassie asked.

"Before we go in there I just need to make a few things clear, no drinking from either of you." Their mother stated.

"Seriously?" Chris asked as Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, you're still underage and we have more important things to do, understand?" their mother asked seriously.

"Yeah." Chris replied.

"Anything else?" Cassie asked.

"Stay close to me and if we do find Logan then let me do the talking." Their mother stated.

"Okay." Cassie said as Chris nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." Their mother said as the three entered the bar.

As soon as they entered the bar they were hit with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, Cassie cringed at the smell as Chris covered his nose. There was a bar with bottles of alcohol on the rack and behind the counter stood an old man with a long white beard and white hair as he wore a brown suit and black shoes, he stood there cleaning glass cups as a stereo sat next to him on the counter and played soothing guitar music.

There were a few tables around the bar and on one of the tables were two men who talked and drank with each other. The twins followed their mother as she walked to the counter and sat on one of the seats, both seating on either side of her.

"Mornin', I'm Gregory but you can call me Greg, what can I do for ya?" the old man greeted kindly to the family.

Their mother smiled "Hi, we just came for a drink before we hit the road."

"Ah, a small pit stop. Well what would ya'll like?" Greg asked.

"You got any whiskey?" Chris asked as Cassie looked at him in shock.

"Christopher!" Their mother scolded.

Greg smiled at him humorously "How about a coke?"

"Coke's good too." Chris replied nervously as his mother slapped the back of his head.

"I'll take a beer." Their mother said.

"Two cokes and a beer coming right up." Greg said as he turned around to pour the drinks.

"Whiskey? Really?" Cassie whispered.

"What did I tell you?" Their mother asked angrily.

"Sorry I thought it would be cool, I mean it always is in the movies." Chris explained as Cassie snorted and their mother rolled her eyes.

She looked around the bar and noticed another person in the bar, she wasn't surprised that they didn't see her since she sat at a table at the back of the bar. It was a woman with her face down and three empty bottles of whiskey laying down on the table, obviously she drank too much and passed out.

"Here we are." Greg said as he put their drinks on the counter.

"Thank you." Their mother said as she handed Greg a 50 as her kids sipped on their drinks "We're actually here for something else, mind helping us Greg?"

"I'll do what I can." Greg replied.

"We're looking for someone, goes by Logan. Have you seen him around here?" Their mother asked as she sipped on her beer.

"Logan..." Greg muttered as he thought about it but then he remembered "Ah, Logan's here actually."

"He is?" Chris asked.

"Where?" Cassie asked as she looked around then focused on the two men who sat a desk not too far away from them.

Greg nodded towards the woman who was asleep at the back of the bar and the family was shocked at the new piece of information.

"Logan's real?" Cassie asked.

"Logan's a woman?" Chris asked in shock.

"I'll be back, stay here." Their mother said as she stood up.

"I'd be careful if I were you," Gregory said as she looked at him "That woman doesn't want company and when someone bothered her, they had to be dragged out of the bar. The blood took a while to clean up."

"Mom you can't go." Cassie said as she grew fearful for her mother.

"Why not? That's why we're here, isn't it?" She asked.

"She could kill you." Chris warned.

"We're dead either way, at least with her we have a chance." Their mother said as she left them at the counter and approached Logan.

As she continued to take her steps toward Logan, she felt fear overwhelm her and the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end. She forced herself to push down this fear and finally reach the table as Logan's snores could be heard.

She reached out to tap her but suddenly Logan's arm shot up and grabbed her arm, twisting it painfully and the mother let out a sound of pain as Logan growled lowly. Cassie and Chris stood up and were about to run to their mother protectively but they stopped when their mother raised her other arm in an attempt to stop them which they did.

"L-Logan?" The mother asked as she gritted her teeth when Logan's grip got dangerously tighter.

"So you know who I am and you still had the balls to approach me, you got a death wish or something?" Logan asked as she raised her head and glared at the woman in front of her.

Logan was gorgeous woman with tanned Caucasian skin, short, dark brown, wavy hair, a lean fit build and large assets. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt and over it was a brown leather jacket, blue jeans and black shoes.

"Dude...Logan's hot." Chris said as she stared at the woman, Cassie elbowed him on the arm and he rubbed it in pain.

"P-Please I came to ask for your help." She begged in fear.

"No, now leave." Logan said as she shoved the woman back and he glare stayed.

"The stories said you protect the supernatural and will come in their times of need, please Logan we need you." The mother begged desperately.

"Whatever it is you got going on shouldn't involve me, people die when I get involved." Logan said seriously.

"I am willing to take that risk, you were our last and only option." She replied.

Logan stared at the woman for a moment then looked to her kids by the counter "Your kids?"

The mother looked back at her children then back at Logan and nodded "Yes."

Logan sighed as she leaned back in her chair "Get them to come over here and tell me your problem and I'll maybe consider helping you."

The twins approached Logan's table as their mother waved them over, Logan gestured for them to sit down as she took one of the bottles of whiskey that still had a quarter of the drink inside and drank it. the family took nearby chairs and sat down as they watched Logan warily and fearfully.

"Big fan Ms. Logan, ma'am." Chris said kindly with a smile but it soon was replaced with a fearful look as Logan glared at him.

"You know who I am, it'd be rude if you didn't tell me who you were." Logan said as she rose an eyebrow.

"I'm Miranda, Miranda Walker." Their mother, Miranda, introduced and gestured to her children "This is my daughter, Cassie Walker and my son, Chris Walker."

"Walker? I've heard about you guys," Logan commented "What the hell would cause three wolves to be so far away from their pack and look for me?"

"A witch." Miranda said.

"A powerful one." Cassie added.

Logan nodded "I'm listening."

"She showed up 6 months ago, she was bloody all over and very injured. Chris found her in the woods and helped her by bringing her back home." Miranda explained.

"I still regret doing that..." Chris muttered as Cassie squeezed his shoulder as a form of support.

"Everything was fine for a while but then everything slowly started to change, she was allowed to stay so she could heal and we could help her get back on her feet but as she stayed the pack wasn't the same anymore. Slowly everyone started obeying her and started serving her as if she was the leader, well...she might as well have been." Miranda explained as she was on the verge of tears.

"Mom..." Cassie said sadly.

"You don't have to-" Chris was about to say but Miranda stopped him.

" have to know the full story." Miranda said as Logan nodded "The pack leader, Arthur, my husband, started sleeping with her. It wasn't even in secret, they made sure I could hear them or see them if possible and nobody cared, even my closest friends didn't care."

Miranda cried as her kids comforted her, Logan poured some of her drink into a glass and slid it across the table in front of Miranda.

Miranda took the drink and chugged it down as she tried to wipe the tears and stop them from falling "Thank you."

Logan nodded as Miranda continued "The abuse started 3 months ago, he would beat me for the smallest things and beat up Chris for no good reason."

"He hates me." Chris said.

"No he doesn't." Miranda denied.

"He's always hated me. Ever since I came out, He'd always give me the hardest jobs and get angry at me even if I did what he said correctly, the beatings were inevitable." Chris said as he scoffed.

"There'd be murder attempts on Cassie as well and everyone would just pass it off as accidents and move on." Miranda said.

"And that's why we sought you out, we tried fighting her but the entire pack protected her and we didn't even get close." Cassie said as Chris nodded.

Logan finished her drink and put the bottle down on the table "Your pack's been charmed."

"Charmed?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah, this witch is strong enough to charm an entire wolf pack it seems. She must need werewolves for some kind of spell or some crazy plan, either way your people are in trouble." Logan said.

"How come we didn't get charmed too?" Chris asked.

"Sadist probably wanted your family to suffer so she didn't charm any of you and if they're trying to kill Cassie then that means they don't want a wolf that's next in line to be around, you are next in line right?" Logan asked as Cassie nodded.

"Will you help us?" Miranda asked, Logan's nose slightly twitched and she sighed.

"Let's focus on getting rid of the wolves outside first, yeah?" Logan asked which surprised the family, Cassie stood up and rushed to the doors.

She looked through the glass to see five familiar men standing outside on the dirt patch, they spotted her and the main one smirked as he waved.

"Guys it's Jason." Cassie said as she looked back at Logan's table.

"Your ex-boyfriend Jason!?" Chris exclaimed.

"Yeah, him and his goons must be here to take us back." Cassie said.

"Or kill you." Logan said as she walked over to Greg's counter and drank the rest of Miranda's beer.

"Not funny." Chris said frustratingly.

"Was I trying to be funny?" Logan asked Greg who shrugged.

"We have to get out of here." Miranda said.

"What are they doing now Cas?" Chris asked.

"They're just standing there, one of them sat on the bike parked there." Cassie said as she looked through the window.

"What!?" Logan shouted angrily, she walked towards the doors and looked through "Son of a bitch!"

Logan shoved the beer bottle into Cassie's hands and burst out of the bar "Get the hell off my bike!"

"Make me sweetheart." The goon sitting on her bike said with a smirk as Logan clenched her fists and growled.

"Chill lady, we're just here to get some runaway dogs." The leader, Jason, said with a smirk of his own as he stood in front of her "You catch my drift?"

Jason was an average looking young man with spiky blonde hair, piercing brown eyes and he wore a black shirt, black leather jacket, blue jeans and brown shoes.

Logan grabbed his collar and got face to face with him "Tell your idiot to get off my bike before I turn his sorry ass into roadkill."

The guys now looked at her as a threat and stood ready for a fight while Jason tried to pry her hand off but she wouldn't budge at all. It was at this moment, the Walkers rushed out of the bar and all eyes were now on them.

"Get them!" Jason shouted as he desperately tried to get out of Logan's grip "And help me!"

Three of Jason's goons ran towards the Walkers as one other tried to punch Logan from behind but she caught it with her left hand and bent the man's arm as it broke and he cried out in pain. She kicked him farther away and flung Jason away as he flew towards the side of the land rover, he hit it and fell to the ground with a thud.

One man tried to fight Chris but he kept dodging the punches as Miranda kicked another on the side of his head while the other grabbed Cassie and she struggled to get him to let go. Logan ran towards them and grabbed the man attacking Chris by the head and snapped his neck, she kicked the man holding Cassie on the leg and it made an audible crack as it broke. Cassie shimmied her way out of his grip and twisted around, raising the beer bottle Logan gave her and slamming it down to his head and the man fell as he was out cold. They heard a thud and saw Miranda had effectively knocked out the man she was fighting though she was out of breath.

"Wow." Chris commented involuntarily.

"Was that all of them?" Cassie asked.

"No." Logan replied as they heard a groan and Jason stood up with his friend.

"You have no idea who the hell you're dealing with!!" Jason shouted.

"So do you." Logan replied.

Jason growled "You Walkers are poor excuses for wolves, you may be the alpha's family but we're leagues above all of you!"

"What are you talking about Jason?" Cassie asked.

Jason smirked, his eyes glowed yellow and his fingers grew claws as his hair grew longer and his sideburns grew and his face became dog like with fangs sticking out, his ears grew larger as well. His friend did the same which surprised the Walkers while Logan rolled her eyes with a groan.

"I'm getting too old for this shit." Logan muttered as the two roared and attacked Logan.

"Logan!" Cassie exclaimed.

"No don't get involved, she can handle this. You can't." Miranda said as she held Cassie back.

Jason clawed at her as she ducked and dodged while the other went for a kick but she caught his foot and pulled him towards her and gave him a hard punch on the crotch. He screamed in pain as he reached for it but Logan had other plans as she grabbed him and quickly put him in front of her as Jason clawed at her but he instead scratched his friend's back.

Jason widened his eyes as his friend fell to the ground in pain, Logan used this distraction to give Jason a hard punch then multiple jabs. His nose bled profusely as well as his lip, he tried to claw at her again but she caught it. Jason smirked as he used his other arm to stab Logan in the stomach, blood pooled the area and stained the shirt as Logan growled.

"Son of a bitch!" Logan shouted angrily.

"Hurts doesn't it?" Jason asked.

"You stained my fucking shirt!" Logan shouted.

"What?" Jason asked but he screamed in pain as Logan punched his stomach then she grabbed him by the neck as he was hunched over, she raised him up in the air and slammed him down to the ground with a bone cracking thud.

"Night." Logan said as she raised her foot and stomped on him as everything went black for Jason.


A liquid was poured onto Jason's head as he jolted awake, he shook his head and saw Logan retract a beer bottle and drink it.

"He's awake." Logan said as she smiled at Jason "Morning sleeping beauty."

Miranda, Cassie and Chris stood by Logan as Jason saw that he was now tied up and leaning against the land rover.

"What are you doing here Jason?" Miranda asked.

"You think I'm gonna talk?" Jason asked with a scoff.

"Strike one." Logan said as she sipped on her beer.

"Did dad send you?" Cassie asked.

"Ask him yourself." Jason replied with a smirk though it was less appealing as most of his teeth were knocked out.

"Strike two." Logan said as she sipped on her drink once again.

"Jason just tell us man, what have you got to lose?" Chris pleaded.

"Piss of fag." Jason responded.

"Strike three." Logan said as she finished her drink and grabbed Jason by the collar, dragging him towards her bike.

"Logan what are you doing?" Miranda asked.

"Getting some answers." Logan replied as she dropped Jason next to her and picked up three bricks, she raised the back part of the bike and put the bricks under it.

She dragged Jason so that his head was now directly under the bikes back wheel, Logan put the key in and turned on the bike. She revved it up and Jason screamed in horror as the back wheel spun.

"Now, ask again." Logan said to the family.

Miranda shook her head at the way Logan handled things "What are you doing here Jason?"

"I-I-I," Jason stuttered as he tried to move but Logan's foot on his stomach kept him in place as she revved her bike up more "We were sent here by Arthur to take Cassie and Chris back!"

"And Miranda?" Logan asked.

"W-We were ordered to kill her!!" Jason screamed.

"Why!?" Chris asked.

"I-I..." Jason stuttered again and this led to Miranda kicking a brick away and the wheel got closer to his face.

"Why Jason!?" Miranda exclaimed.

"Because you'd be out of the way and that would finally let Arthur and Mary get married!" Jason exclaimed in fear.

"Mary?" Logan asked.

"The witch." Cassie explained sadly as Logan nodded in understanding.

"They wanted me out of the way so they could...get married?" Miranda muttered in shock and sadness.

"Why!?" Chris exclaimed.

"I don't know!! Okay!? I don't know!" Jason exclaimed.

Miranda kicked another brick away and now the wheel was right on top of Jason's face, his nose felt the pain of the turning tire "What do you know!?"

"Okay! Okay! The wedding's gonna happen today at the chapel near the pack house at 6 o' clock!! Everyone's gonna be there!" Jason shouted in horror as he cried "That's all I know!"

Logan turned off her bike and the wheel stopped spinning as she kicked him away and placed her bike back on the ground.

Logan sighed as everyone was quiet, she took out a cigar and placed it in her mouth. She lit it with her lighter and let out a puff of smoke as she sat on her bike "So what now?"

"W-we have to save them," Cassie said "We have to save the pack."

"No, we have to kill the bitch that took my husband from me." Miranda said scornfully.

"Well I guess you're lucky since both goals have the same conclusion." Logan said "Can we make it in time?"

"You're gonna help us?" Cassie asked.

"I'm involved, aren't I?" Logan asked sarcastically as she blew another puff of smoke.

Miranda checked her phone and saw the time was about noon "We can get there at about 5pm."

"Perfect." Logan said as she dropped her cigar and stepped on it "You guys up for this?"

"We came to you remember?" Chris asked.

"Right." Logan said as Jason let out a weak laugh.

"You guys can't stop this, it's already in motion. It doesn't matter how determined you are; you'll never be able to fight against an entire pack." Jason said with a grin but the it disappeared when Logan stood over him.

"They can't but I can." Logan said seriously.

"Who the hell are you?" Jason asked in fear.

"Logan." She replied as she bent down and gave him a right hook and he was out cold.

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