Illuminating Caverns

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Awa'atlu was the Metkayina Clan's domain.

Located off the coast of the Eastern Sea, the Metkayina were unlike the other Na'vi clans, instead of housing a connection to the forest and its wildlife, they were instead linked to the sea and the marine life of Pandora that lay within it.

The adult members of the clan consisted of fierce warriors and skilled healers, while the younger members of the clan had to undergo a number of rites and rituals, including Iknimaya.

The overwhelming sun hit Awa'atlu from the moment it crept up over the horizon. Bringing forth a new day onto Pandora.

Most of the Metkayina people were already out, completing their regular routine. Whether that was fishing, weaving baskets, clothes and other sorts of receptacles. Or in the case of Alazaye and Tsireya, simply swimming around in the water that surrounded the clan's home.

The two girls had been joined at the hip since they were young. They were similar and different in many ways. Under her mother, Ronal's training, Tsireya was learning to become the future Tsahìk. The young Na'vi was kind and more open-minded than most others of the clan.

Then there was Alazaye. Daughter of Emye, one of the fiercest warriors the Metkayina clan had seen. As a result, the Na'vi woman was stern, culminating in an often tense relationship with her eldest child.

In spite of that, Alazaye blossomed within the clan. She had essentially perfected the skills she had been taught by elders of the Metkayina by the time she had reached fifteen. She embodied the youthful and wild spirit that was often associated with teenagers, unafraid of anything. Something she would proudly boast about.

Despite the strained relationship between her and her mother, Alazaye was incredibly close with her father and littler sister. Ruepìno and Hutkuä.

Ruepìno being a hunter for the clan, who adored both of his daughters. He was far less sterner than his mate, Eyme, and would try to act as a neutral party between mother and daughter whenever a quarrel would occur between the two.

And Hutkuä was Alazaye's much younger sister, being about four. The two sisters, despite their age gap, cherished one another greatly with Ala keeping a close eye on her little sister regularly and Hutkuä never failing to make her smile even through her sometimes sour moods.

As Alazaye and Tsireya dove under water they plunged around under the surface, the underwater life of Awa'atlu peacefully existed around them. Schools of fish and other exotic creatures swam past, unbothered by the two Na'vi girls' presence in their home since the water was practically their home as well.

Gracefully swimming around each other, the two friends occasionally communicated through the underwater sign language used by the Metkayina people while submerged in the depths of the deep blue aqua.

Life was peaceful for the Metkayina people, something they were grateful to the great mother Ewya for. But even as such, what good was living without experiencing a taste of risk. Even if it was only a small dosage.

Which was exactly Alazaye's view, especially when it came to matters such as traversing outside the known safety of the reef and discovering more of their exquisite home of Awa'atlu, Pandora.

There where rules and restrictions in place about clan members being outside the safety of the reef. While foragers and higher up members in the clan regularly left beyond the borders, usually to hunt, the young clan members, which especially included Alazaye and Tsireya, where supposed to stay within the reef.

And although Ao'nung, and his own friends, did teeter on that restriction themselves, they had more or less gotten away with their little ventures outside the barrier reef thanks to Ao'nung being the Metkayina leader's son. But he still did get the harsh scoldings from his parents when he was caught.

So, for the last few weeks, Alazaye had been begging Tsireya to venture just outside of the clan's reef with her. Wanting to explore some of the caverns that lingered just outside of the barrier, ones that the clan hunters would regularly frequent around when attempting to trawl.

But being more cautious than her older friend, and also aware that their parents wouldn't be too thrilled or understanding, Tsireya wasn't as open to the idea.

Especially given who her parents where.

Tsireya was the daughter of the clan leaders, Ronal and Tonowari.

Her mom, Ronal, was the Metkayina's Tsahìk and one of the clan's strongest warriors. She had tattoos on her face and stomach, which was also carrying the small unborn life that would be Tsireya's younger brother or sister. Something that she was excited about.

Tonowari was the Olo'eyktan. Much like his mate he was also a combatant, always on the front lines of battles with his people. With tattoos that covered his face and trailed down to over his shoulders as well, each intricate black marking holding a special meaning to the clan leader.

Both leaders where wise but firm, though Tonowari was typically more gracious and benign than Ronal. Though even then, he could still be strict especially when it came to Ao'nung and Tsireya.

Undeterred, Alazaye continued to try and bring her best friend around to the suggestion.

"Tsireya, please, we can just sneak off this afternoon" Alazaye suggested, trying to bargain more and more with her best friend. She wouldn't go outside the reef without Tsireya.

There was visible uncertainty and hesitance in the younger Na'vi's face, which of course didn't go unnoticed by Alazaye. "Ala, we shouldn't, my mother and yours will not be pleased if they find out" Tsireya continued to affirm the knowledge that both Ronal and Emye wouldn't be all too understanding of their daughter's journey outside the reef if they where caught.

"But they won't" Alazaye refuted. "As long as we're careful and quiet about leaving, and don't use up a whole day's worth of being beyond the reef, no one should even notice" She pleaded her case some more.

Tsireya glanced out across the clear waters that surrounded their island home. Alazaye could practically the wheels of thought turning inside her best friend's head, as if she was weighting out her options of whether or not she should comply with Ala's appeal.

Following long moments of Tsireya's contemplation, the tsakarem looked back to her friend. Her decision made.

"Alright then"


Calling their Ilu's to them, the two best friends set out late in the afternoon. Equipped with an insatiable curiosity.

They cautiously looked around them, making sure the coast was clear for them to embark on their expedition outside of the barrier reef of Awa'atlu.

Clear turquoise waters glistened under the warm sun as each of their Ilu' sailed towards the mouth of the cave system. With each passing wave, the girls' anticipation grew and they exchanged glances filled with sheer enthusiasm.

Once they had crossed the barrier of the reef, the two girls resurfaced on top of the tranquil ocean. Their Ilu's remained submerged under the waveless waters.

"This is exciting, isn't it?" Tsireya inquired, glancing over to her best friend.

Alazaye nodded. "But, if my mama finds out I was outside the reef she'll confine me to our Marui for a month" She then proclaimed, remarking on how strict her mother could be when it came to things as simple as leaving the security of the Awa'atlu reef.

Detaching their queues from their personal Ilu, the teens calmly dove into the water and swam through the large entrance to the cavern.

As they descended into the crystal-clear waters, a world of unrivalled beauty was unveiled before their eyes. A mesmerising array of coral reefs, vibrant fish and marine life greeted them. Alazaye and Tsireya marvelled at the kaleidoscope of colours, their senses overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounded them.

Taking in the exquisiteness within the cave that all but demanded their attention, their deep breaths they'd taken before diving where long-lasting. Allowing them to remain beneath the surface of ocean.

Guided by their love for adventure, they swam deeper into the labyrinth of caves. The water grew darker, and the only source of light came from the glowworms that accented the ancient stalactites and stalagmites that had been sculpted over countless years.

Alazaye and Tsireya navigated through narrow passages and expansive chambers, each discovery filled them with awe. They encountered delicate sea anemones swaying gently, schools of neon-coloured fish darting in perfect unison, and elusive sea turtles gliding gracefully through the water. Every moment was a breathtaking testament to the wonders of the underwater world.

Their bond as best friends grew even stronger with each shared experience. They communicated through hand signals, the underwater language they used to converse with each other and their spirit siblings, their eyes twinkled with excitement as they made new discoveries together.

While they continued to swim through the underwater cave, the bioluminescent creatures that illuminated the walls made them feel as if they were floating through a starlit sky. A moment of pure enchantment.

Shining down onto their turquoise skin, the glow-in-the-dark organisms made the ripple-like stripes that accented their skin even more noticeable than in the typical sunlight.

Their exploration continued for hours, with the girls discovering more beauties that were held from inside the caverns, but eventually, it came time to bid farewell to the underwater caves.

The two Na'vi girls swam out from inside the caves, finding that their Ilu's where circling around in the water just outside the submerged grotto's entrance they joined their queues with their Ilu's and took off back in the direction of Awa'atlu.

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