Prologue; The Friendly neighborhood Hero is born

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Y/n  pov

What is that makes a hero what they are? Is it  just being brave or fighting for the little guy no one else will? Does it really take having special powers or can a ordinary guy from the streets be a Hero? Growing up I always wondered that when my Uncle came to me.  


3rd person pov

Ben: Y/n my boy come have a seat with me sport.

Y/n: Okay uncle Ben!

As the young boy sat next to his uncle on a rooftop he uncle rubbed his head.

Ben:So your  Aunt May tells me you wanna become a huntsmen. Is this true Y/n?

Y/n*nods*: Uh huh I wanna do good for people who can't help themselves.

Ben;*smiles* Is that right well champ I'm kinda happy ya got that selflessness from your dad. Now Y/n I might not be some skilled fighter or mega science wiz;but your aunt  and I will always support your choice. I just want you to know one very important thing.

Y/n: What is it?

Ben: If you wanna be a hero it takes more than alot of strength or a fancy suit. It takes a brave heart to fight for what you believe is truly right. In a dark time of crisis what people need is someone who can make them smile.

(Flashback end)

Y/n pov

At the time I had no clue what Uncle Ben had meant and what little kid would? But when I grew older I learned what he really meant.  As my life passed me I had changed alot. Your probably wonder just what I mean huh? Well let me explain from the day this all began in Beacon Academy. I was once just a weak geeky nerd to most. Not that I really cared I didn't mind what most people thought of me. I didn't have any  semblance growing up but I made sure to put my mind to good use.  I had been helping 3 of the teachers finish relocating  one of their things to a new room;when  one spoke with a smile.

Otto Octavius; Thank you for the aid Parker. Sometimes finding good help is harder than you'd think. Even so I'm glad to see this world still has kind hearted young  people like you.

Y/n:*smiles* Oh it's nothing Dr. Octavius I'm just doing what I can around here. I might not be as strong as the others; but atleast I can help in other ways.

Connors: True your not as physically as strong as most students. That said I wouldn't ever say your useless Parker. The truth is without the  power of the brain many of huntsmen wouldn't be alive today.  

Doctor Connors and Otto had no semblance just like me. When I first came here they were the first of the staff to see good in me. I guess you could say they were kinda my mentors in the world of science. Dr.Connors gave me a thing of coffee then Otto had spoken with a smile.

Otto: Curt is right Y/n the mind can be mightier than muscles. Why it's only because of scientific advancements that we have the weapons and means to fight today.

Y/n: I guess your right Dr. Octavius.

Otto:*chuckles* Please Y/n just call me Otto I don't see you as another student.  Your  my friend and assistant Parker, I expect you to treat me as such.

After he raised his mug we cheered before the last of the professors stood up.  

Glynda; Well if that is all I shall return to my class. I have lectures to prepare for the students.  Once again thank you for the assistance Mr. Parker and I'll see you around.

After she left I looked at my watch then got up to leave aswell.

Y/n: Sorry I wish I could stay around but I promised Velvet a date today.

Connors: Ah Scarlatina  then by all means don't let us keep you. You two have a good time out there.

Otto: Young love is a wonderful thing Y/n Connors and I both should know as married men.

Y/n: Thanks you guys I sure will.

Running off I went to meet up with Velvet outside of a building doing a  tour.

Y/n: Hey Velvet i'm so sorry if I was late.

Velvet: O-Oh it's fine Y/n you came just on time!

Rubbing the back of my head while she giggled I could only let out a nervous chuckle.

Y/n:*grins*  So shall we head inside already milady? It would be a waste if I had to bump over a few old ladies to get here  for nothing.

Velvet: *laughs*  You always know how to make me laugh Y/n. Of course let's go!

I met Velvet during my first  year and  I wish I could tell you it was romantic. The truth is I was actually being bullied alongside Jaune;after trying to help him no less.After Velvet's team helped me I slowly began to see her more  and more. While we went through the tour of a science lab I watched Velvet take a bunch of pictures. After we enjoyed sometime together I  Velvet asked me to take some pictures of her.

Velvet: Could you  please take some pictures of me for the school paper Y/n?

Y/n: For you Velv sure thing!

While I took some pictures of her I had no idea that what would happen;could change my life so much. Since I was so focused on the pictures I never noticed a spider was crawling on my hand. Before I knew I was bit causing me to groan in pain.

Y/n: AH!

Velvet: Oh no Y/n are  you ok?!

Y/n: Y-Yeah i'll be fine..

Timeskip brought to you by this

 Y/n  pov

That day changed everything and things were even worse when my Uncle and I had a falling out. 


Ben:Y-Y/n...I-I...l-love you s-so much..



(Flashback over)

To say I wish it never happened would be a understatement. But since the day he died I made a vow to live by the words he once told me. That I use the  great powers I gained from that Spider's bite; to serve the great responsibility of becoming a true hero. It's been a month since then and I was walking through the streets when I felt something was off.

Y/n:(Mind) Huh my  Spider sense is going off? What could it be?

3rd person pov

As Y/n looked around he saw a car flying towards him causing him to duck. After it blew up Y/n ran through the group of panicking people and into a alley way. Putting on his suit Y/n shot a web onto a building and flew out of the alley.  Seeing a  man  blasting away a bank door Y/n swung in.

Y/n: Hey there is this  party invite only or can I join in?

 The man growled before trying to blast Y/n away causing him to jump on a wall.


Y/n: Oh I'm just a Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. That a pretty neat suit ya have there. Let me guess your quilt man! Mr. Triple ply Oh I know I know the cushion.

Shocker: The name is Shocker you web headed freak. I'd tell ya not to forget it but seeing as I'm gonna kill you;there's no need.

Shocker laughed then fired sonic blasts at Y/n who dodged them. Jumping off the wall Y/n spun around the next blast.

Y/n: Shocker huh why that of all things huh? You know I think I like Quilt man more! Oh or it because it's gonna be a SHOCKER how quick you fall down!

Y/n pulled himself over to Shocker and punched him in the face;only to hurt his hand. Shocker charged a blast up then punched  Y/n threw a wall.

Y/n: Ok that hurt.

Shocker: Ha that all you got Spider? Bad jokes and running around like a wimp?

Y/n: Hey I'd have you know it's called witty banter and everyone loves it.

Before Y/n could say another word a monitor came on showing a certain man speaking on his channel.

Jonah: Hello everyone of Vale it's time for me to once again address the elephant in the room. It appears that witnesses have found that Spider Menace in a bank which is in the middle of a robbery. 

Y/n: Oh crap baskets come on J.J that's just bad timing. 

Shocker tried to blast Y/n once more causing him to jump in the air. After he did he saw Shocker sent a rock at him;then swung it away in to the  monitor.


After the monitor broke Y/n spoke while the monitor fell on Shocker;knocking him out.

Y/n:Sorry J,J but looks like you'll be off the air for a bit. But hey atleast that big head of yours did something here today.

After Y/n patted himself off he webbed up Shocker then went out the window. Swing through the streets he saw one of his friends messaging him.

Y/n:(mind) Oh crap that's right I got that party to attend. Well no one said being Spiderman was gonna be easy.

To be continued

A/n: Ok everyone sorry I haven't updated this in so long but i've had my reasons which also go into why I picked the Sam Raimi style as the base for the reader here.  You see I actually have a emotional connection to the films since they were movies I used to watch with my mom all the time when I was young.  They were kinda the reason Spider man was my first favorite hero. But  my mom died a few months ago of pancreatic cancer so writing this fucked with me alot for awhile. But now I'll be doing my best to keep this story a flout  since most family issues are fixed for now atleast. Until next time I hope you all enjoy the book.

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