Chapter 1

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Castor opened his eyes and saw snow first thing. It was freezing! He'd never seen snow before, but he decided he had to stay calm about the cold. He looked around, but saw nobody. He saw a spot without snow and walked toward it. He then noticed a red dragonet looking at him with large orange eyes, standing out amongst the cold tones resembling moonlight. The dragonet's eyes turned to slits, then suddenly, the dragonet pounced at Castor. Castor yelped, not because of the impact, but because the dragonet was scorching him! Castor scrambled out from under the dragonet and backed away. "Who are you?" The dragonet asked, stalking closer toward Castor. "I'm Castor..." Castor answered. He was suspicious of the dragonet, they looked like a Hivewing! "I am Solarflare. But, you need to leave before Queen Towering kills you." Solarflare warned. Castor was confused. That wasn't the name of the Hivewing Queen, was it? "Where am I? What are you?" He asked, as Solarflare rolled his eyes. "Don't you know? You look old enough to know." The dragonet said, but Castor shook his head slowly. "You're at the Skywing Kingdom. And I'm a Skywing." Solarflare explained, but he quickly moved on from it, "Can you fly?" He asked. Castor narrowed his eyes, before the Skywing started yelling, "CAN YOU FLY?!" Castor backed away for a moment. "I don't know! Can you?" Castor snapped back. The dragonet looked roughly to be 3 to 5 which Castor was sure wasn't old enough to fly properly. Solarflare huffed. " was hoping you could carry me..." Castor thought for a moment... "Of course not. Go work on that with your big wings. I can't fly either, rightfully so, however." He snarked, although he was older than the dragonet seemed to be. Either way, he couldn't fly with the dragonet. "You're an odd Seawing. Why are you named Castor anyway?" Solarflare asked, which confused Castor. "I'm not a...Seawing? I'm a Leafwing." Castor replied. "What? What do you mean? What type of games are you playing with me?" Solarflare asked, in an aggravated tone. "I'm a Leafwing." Castor said, louder...Solarflare growled, "What type of dragon is that? Are you even real?! You've gotta be an animus's lure, to capture me!" The Skywing was pacing around Castor in circles, trying to figure out. "I think I am real, thank you. What is an animus though?" Castor asked, and Solarflare paused. "You're either playing dumb or actually dumb. EVERYONE knows what an animus is. Magic dragons! Gifted!" He answered. Castor sighed. "I'm not playing dumb nor...dumb. I'm from Pantala." He said, which evidently shocked Solarflare. But Solarflare wasn't surprised, he was angry..."You think I'm stupid enough to believe some place called 'Pantala' exists?!" The dragonet accused. Castor quickly replied with; "Well, yes, I do believe you're stupid enough to believe anything if someone coats it with enough gold, but it is real...and it's my home." Solarflare looked surprised at the words of the Leafwing, before leaping at Castor, burning him for a moment. Castor immediately jumped back, having kicked Solarflare off before the dragonet could injure him more. He let out a low growl. "How could you know...wait." Castor paused, before starting to get a tad worried... "Am I still on Pantala?" He asked. If he wasn't at Pantala, how could he ever see his family, friends, anyone he knew again? " You're on Pyrrhia." Solarflare replied. Castor was becoming concerned. "I need my family!" He exclaimed, running into the freezing water, determined to swim back. Solarflare huffed. "It'll be a long time before you see them again." He said, grabbing the Leafwing and pulling him from the water, though he knew it wasn't the safest thing to do. "For now we need to run, as fast as we can. Queen Towering wouldn't hesitate to kill both of us." The Skywing said. Castor sighed, but nodded. He knew he'd need to be alive if he ever wanted to see his family...well, wanted to see his father again. Solarflare was trying to remember how far away the Sandwing palace was when he started hearing yelling and metal clashing. Castor heard this too. Despite not having shown any respect to the Skywing dragonet before, he looked at him with an odd trust. "Uh- this way!" Solarflare said, as Castor followed him, running faster. Castor was nervous about this, as there were no hides, and they stood out greatly in the whites and blues. The sounds slowly quieted, but they soon started hearing the sounds of...scraping? Castor and Solarflare were both unnerved by this, but when Solarflare caught sight of a darker colored dragonet "hidden" behind a large block of ice, he had noticeably calmed down. "That's, 1. Not an Icewing or Skywing, and 2. An idiot." He said, quietly, to Castor. The Skywing was surprised when the dragonet replied, "Did you have to call me an idiot? You can see me, that's clear now." The dragonet slunk out from behind the ice block. Their eyes were cloudy, and the pupils could barely be seen, from far away or up close. Solarflare waved his paw near the dragonet's face. No reaction. "You look a lot like an Icewing. You're a Nightwing though, right?" Solarflare said to the dragonet. "Close." When the dragonet walked closer to Solarflare he said, "You're as warm a volcano, and not just in the figurative sense. You're a firescale, correct?" The supposed Nightwing asked. Solarflare was shocked the dragonet was able to guess. "You're right, yes." He replied, with a puzzled look. "What is your name?" He asked to get over his confusion. "I'm Weddell." The Nightwing answered, and Solarflare nodded. "I'm Solarflare and the other dragonet here is Castor." He said. "We need to leave, though." Castor muttered. "Oh, okay." Weddell replied. When he was about to leave, Solarflare grabbed him quickly. Weddell was shocked by it, but looked in the direction of where he was touched. "You need to come with us. Queen Towering is here."

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