|| Round 1 || The Blackened Woods || Allegiances ||

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The Carnations
The leaders of the tribe

Crown Peacock Lily || Overlord NPC || Trans Molly || Biromantic Bisexual
Mates || Nightingale Cherry, Swan Rose
Children || Nightingale Amaranth, 
Nightingale Mollis, Nightingale Bay, Nightingale Hellebore, Nightingale Starfruit, Nightingale Lotus
Appearance || A fluffy, short-limbed, muscular white molly with patches and markings made up of different greys and blacks, as well as freckles and pretty green-tinted blue eyes. She has a fluffy mane and a large burn on both sides of her flank. 
Personality || Optimistic; Opportunist; Protective; Clingy; Friendly; Air-headed; Level-headed
Overlord Ability || For the Others' Sake - Lily will exile you into the forest upon realizing that you are not carrying your weight in the tribe, leaving you to the mercy of the bears that reign outside in those woods.

Crown Nightingale Cherry || Mastermind NPC || Trans Molly || Poly Pansexual
Mates || Peacock Lily, Swan Rose
Children || 
Nightingale Amaranth, Nightingale Mollis, Nightingale Bay, Nightingale Hellebore, Nightingale Starfruit, Nightingale Lotus
Appearance || A large, bear-sized, fluffy molly with a mix of white, light grey, dark grey, and black fur. Her muzzle is black, and she has dark amber eyes. 
Personality || Pessimistic; Paranoid; Protective; Aggressive; Overzealous; Stubborn; Intimidating; Affectionate to Her Family
Mastermind Ability || Don't Forget My Name was Madeline - Every three nights, Cherry will get overly paranoid and take matters into her own paws and hunt down one of the tribe for a little game, to test her theory of whether you were responsible for Finch Cranberry's untimely death.

Crown Swan Rose || Hint NPC || Trans Tom || Biromantic Asexual
Mates || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry
Children || Nightingale Amaranth, Nightingale Mollis, Nightingale Bay, Nightingale Hellebore, Nightingale Starfruit, Nightingale Lotus
Appearance || A tall, lithe ginger tom with ginger markings that get darker further down his legs and at the base of his tail, as well as white on his underbelly, face, and tail tip, with tufted ears and a lion-like tail. He has shining green eyes and a white mane, and a large burn on both sides of his flank.
Personality || Realistic; Strategic; Patient; Calm; Loyal; Tired 24/7; Wants Cuddles
Hint Ability || A Heartbreaking Realization - Every other day, Rose will offer you two extra questions to ask. However, for these last two questions, it seems like the answers will be far more unclear as he is lost in an unhappy realization.

The Proteas
The council, used to help keep the leaders in check

Lord Hawk Rose || Ghostfire713 || Tom || Bisexual
Parent || Hawk Tulip [Adoptive]
Mate || Jaggedbeak Tulip 
Appearance || A tall, muscular, whitish-silver tom with odd russet colored tabby stripes, soft green eyes, and a fishhook piercing in one ear.
Personality || Outgoing; Curious; Charismatic; Oblivious

Lordex Woodcock Wineberry || eriaren || Genderfluid [They/She/He] || Panromantic Omnisexual
Appearance || A long, feminine feline with light brown fur, dark brown splotches, white paws, and heterochromia with one eye being blue and the other hazel.
Personality || Sporadic; Optimistic; Cheery; Jubilant; Intelligent; Mindful

Lord Harpy Gladiolus || Charcoalss- || Tom || Panromantic Asexual 
Appearance || A massive, fluffy cream tom with a light strawberry blonde cape and mask; tufted ears and a plumed tail, as well as pale hazel eyes.
Personality || Flirty; Well-intentioned; Himbo

Lordess Warbler Hydrangea || equinoxz || Molly || Simp
Mate || Coot Camellia
Appearance || A tall, long-legged, white-furred molly with cream-tipped ears, paws, and muzzle; round lilac eyes, and faint streaks of cream on her chest.
Personality || Gentle; Motherly; Appears Innocent

The Violet
The leader of the Lavenders

Sister Goldcrest Hesperantha || bxbblesong-- || Agender [All/Any] || Panromantic Asexual
Appearance || A fluffy, soft-furred cream colorpoint with pale blue-grey eyes; smaller than average.

Personality || Sensitive; Docile; Honest; Forgiving; Impulsive

The Lavenders
The healers of the tribe

Healer Heron Poppy || robinstar46 || Tom || Homosexual
Appearance || A short, fluffy grey tom with white patches on his tail, paws, shoulders, face, and chest; amber eyes.
Personality || Independent; Loud; Confident

Healer Owl Evergreen || KawaiiArmy89 || Molly || Pansexual
Mates || Kite Palm
Appearance || A small, yet very fluffy brown and white molly with amber eyes and a stubby tail.

Personality || Gentle; Intelligent; Caring; Opinionated

The Lavenlings
Lavender apprentices

Sprout Mockingbird Nightshade || Ashen_Hearts || No [It/Xe/He] || Pansexual [With Standards]
Mentor || Heron Poppy
Appearance || A large, long-furred, silky dark russet colored tom with darker, swirly tabby stripes, long limbs, a long muzzle, large grey eyes, and a constant half goofy look.Personality || Clumsy; Friendly; Excitable; Quiet

Sprout Peregrine Indigo || Chaos_The_Glitch || Agender [They/Them] || Aromantic Asexual
Mentor || Owl Evergreen

Appearance || A small, fluffy dark grey cat with white toes and dark green eyes.
Personality || Quiet; Passive; Jumpy

The Alstromerias
The travelers of the tribe, they are all currently at home

Voyager Dove Lilac || Mintpelt1 || Molly || Homosexual
Mates || Finch Cranberry [Deceased]
Appearance || A large, long-furred black Maine Coon molly with white flecks and white, mane-like fur on her chest; big purple eyes.
Personality || Quiet; Shy; Keeps to Herself a Lot

Voyager Penguin Sundew || PrincessSunnyy || Tom || Homosexual
Appearance || A tall, skinny black and white tom with some tan fur on his neck and dark green eyes.
Personality || Fierce; Independent; Moody; Protective

Voyager Quail Juniper || DetectiveShadow_ || Tom || Pansexual
Appearance || A short-furred, light grey tom with white splotches and pale green eyes.

Personality || Gullible; Jumps to Conclusions; Talkative

Voyager Starling Belladonna || petrichorheart- || Demi-Girl || Demiromantic Bisexual
Mate || Hummingbird Oleander
Appearance || A dainty, long-furred red-and-black tortoiseshell molly with pink-hued purple eyes.  
Personality || Soft-Spoken; Loyal; Strict to Their Morals

Voyager Blackbird Zinnia || -Creamcloud- || Tom || Heterosexual
Appearance || A short-furred, smokey black tom with a white chest and yellow eyes. 
Personality || Secretive; Logical; Sarcastic; Humorous; Helpful

Voyager Jay Daisy || LDCat996 || Molly || Asexual
Appearance || A light grey molly with darker grey patches, white-tipped ears and paws, and sky-blue eyes.
Personality || Quiet; Antisocial; Occasionally Loud

The Gladiolus
The Leader of the Foxgloves

Commander Quetzal Blueberry || alIycrown || Tom || Pansexual
Mate || Hawk Tulip
Appearance || A fluffy, pure white tom with heterochromatic eyes, one blue and one green.
Personality || Perfectionist; Controlling; Hates disorder; Hates the color yellow

The Foxgloves
In charge of hunting and defending the tribe

Sir Coot Camellia || CrowTheCrow223 || Tom || Pansexual
Mate || Warbler Hydrangea
Appearance || A small, black and white tom with a skinny frame, a long tail, and yellow eyes.
Personality || Energetic; Talkative; Reckless; Clueless

Lady Nighthawk Lavender || QueenPoisonstar || Molly || Heterosexual
Appearance || A fluffy, pure black, well-groomed molly with violet eyes.
Personality || Calming; Gentle; Occasionally Snippy; Affectionate

Sir Jaggedbeak Tulip || Leo-Pad || Tom || Questioning
Mate || Hawk Rose
Appearance || A sturdy, scarred russet tom with short, thick fur and piercing grey eyes.
Personality || Quiet; Intelligent; Reserved

Lady Cardinal Iris || Ferret_sky || Bigender [She/Him] || Heteroflexible
Children || Cardinal Thyme
Appearance || A long-furred, sleek russet tabby with brown eyes.
Personality || Reserved; Cowardly; Paranoid; Protective

Lady Wren Anemone || talfli || Molly || Pansexual
Appearance || A fluffy grey molly with a white muzzle, neck, chest, and tail tip; she has light green eyes.
Personality || Confident; Prideful; Bubbly

Lady Robin Lily || WarriorStories101 || Molly || Heterosexual
Appearance || A small, short-legged molly with brown fur, white marbled tabby markings, white paws, a white underside, white ear-tufts, a white muzzle, and pale gold eyes.
Personality || Clever; Resourceful; Blunt; Overly Obediant

Sir Hummingbird Oleander || karmacursedme || Tom || Queer
Mate || Starling Belladonna
Appearance || A fluffy, pure black tom with a glossy coat and gold/blue eyes
Personality || Flamboyant; Graceful; Prideful; Arrogant

Noble Kite Palm || Darkheart277 || Agender || Bisexual
Mate || Owl Evergreen
Appearance || A tall, slender, brown tabby with green eyes.
Personality || Outspoken; Seemingly Generous; Truly Selfish

The Foxlings
Foxgloves apprentices

Bud Petrel Sorrel || DreamingWarriors || Tom || Pansexual
Mentor || Wren Anenome
Appearance || A mottled brown tom with a lighter underbelly, amber eyes flecked with yellow, and a short fluffy tail.
Personality || Energetic; Positive; Clumsy; Impulsive

Bloom Lark Briar || Indigo-Spraymist || Molly || Heterosexual
Mentor || Jaggedbeak Tulip
Appearance || A pale brown tabby with bright green eyes, a white chest, and white paws.

Personality || Observant; Shy; Antisocial; Smart

Bloom Swallow Azalea || SuzzTheAce || Molly || Homosexual
Mentor || Coot Camellia
Appearance || A pure white molly with green-hazel eyes.
Personality || Introverted; Quiet; Gentle

Bloom Raven Holly || Egdpenguin || Molly || Bisexual
Mentor || Kite Palm
Appearance || A very fluffy, solid black molly with piercing yellow eyes.
Personality || Laid-back; Funny; Protective

Sprout Cardinal Thyme || BlossomieOwO || Non-binary [He/They] || Bisexual
Parent || Cardinal Iris
Mentor || Cardinal Iris

Appearance || A reddish-brown tabby cat with a thick, white mane of fur around their neck, white toes, a tufted tail tip, and golden eyes.

Personality || Quiet; Wise; Relaxed; Patient

The Planters
Felines expecting or nursing kittens

Lady Finch Cranberry || DECEASED NPC [KILLED DAY 0] || Molly || Homosexual
Mate || Dove Lilac
Appearance || A large, ginger tabby molly with a long tail, sharp claws, and shining green eyes.

The Nurterers
Felines that help raise kittens

Sir Hawk Tulip || Megekityxoxo || Tom || Bisexual
Mate || Quetzal Blueberry
Children || Hawk Rose [Adopted]

Appearance || A tall and sleek, gruffy brown and tan tom with one green eye and one yellow eye, a brown striped mask, and a classic tabby pattern.

Personality || Cool; Collected; Short-tempered

The Seedlings
The rascals themselves

Nightingale Amaranth || Kit NPC || Tom 
Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose
Appearance || A fluffy, small-bear-sized monotone calico tom with red freckles and two red wing-like patches on his flanks. He also has a white man, lion-like tail, and toes, as well as dark amber eyes.

Nightingale Mollis || Kit NPC || Tom
Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose
Appearance || A thin, short-limbed, fluffy white tom with grey and red patches and black stockings, along with two black wing-like patches on his sides. He has a white man and a short lion-like tail, as well as dark green eyes.

Nightingale Bay || Kit NPC || Tom
Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose
Appearance || A muscular, small-bear-sized, fluffy black tom with a white face/throat/man/underbelly/lion-like tail, as well as multi-ginger-colored patches (two on his sides that are wing-like) and dark amber eyes.

Nightingale Hellebore || Kit NPC || Molly
Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose

Appearance || A fluffy, small-bear-sized fluffy tortoiseshell molly with white dapples and a white face/man/two wing-like patches on her side/lion-like tail, as well as pretty green, blue-speckled eyes.

Nightingale Starfruit | Kit NPC || Molly

Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose

Appearance || A fluffy, reddish-pastel calico molly with a black mask/muzzle and two wing-like patches on her sides, as well as heterochromatic green/amber eyes. She has a white mane and a long, twirled lion-like tail. 

Nightingale Lotus | Kit NPC || Molly
Parents || Peacock Lily, Nightingale Cherry, and Swan Rose

Appearance || A tall and chubby, small-bear-sized fluffy reddish-white molly with ginger tabby markings that get darker the further down her legs and at the base of her tail, as well as two dark red wing-like patches on her sides. She has mesmerizing amber-pupiled green-blue eyes and a while mane.

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