McKenna finding out you're his daughter (TRE)

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The Remarried Empress


Warnings: Yandere Platonic!McKenna, Yandere themes, Mentions of harming others, a little bit of wholesomeness (at the end), Sovieshu actually being likeable, foul language, Trashta

Word count: 1202

Requested or not

(Shout out to rinzu0708 thank you for requesting my love💕)

    When McKenna found out he had a little daughter he was on a emotional roller coaster. He was sad, shocked, happy, but most of all angry. Sad that he missed out when you were born and 4 years of spending time with you. Shocked and happy that he had a little baby girl. And furious that your mother hid your birth away and didn't even contact him about his baby girl. Oh how he wanted to hurt her the way she hurt him and his little girl.

    After all that's what a father does, isn't it? To protect his child from people who are bad influences and can harm them? I mean that's what led him to kill your mother when she tried to take you away from him. But what most pissed him off was that she had the audacity to tell you that he was the bad guy but luckily you didn't dare to believe, you were daddy's little good girl.

     Even so he took you in after your mom "abandoned you leaving a note". Oh how it broke his heart to see you crying. 'It was all because of that selfish woman.' The whole day he comforted you and wouldn't let you go anywhere without him, saying "Don't worry Daddy's here now, I'm going to always protect you." And that's what he exactly did. He took care of all of the boys who tried to use you and who he thought wasn't good enough for you.


    You were 12 years old when McKenna decided to finally let you out of the Western Empire to travel, of course with him and with a special guest, your uncle. Which obviously was decided by your uncle, the now Prince to the throne of the Western Empire, Heinry. A couple hours later you were woken up by Mckenna gently shaking you making you groggily groan. "Come on little one, it's time to wake up, we're at the Eastern Empire."

   As soon as you heard that you quickly get up after rubbing the sleep off of your eyes and get off of his lap as Heinry chuckles amused by your reaction. You were like a little child tasting candy for the first time in their life. "Now remember to let me do all the talking and don't forget the rules your daddy set for you okay princess?" You nod excitedly as you fix your hair and outfit. "yes uncle Heinry!" "Good girl"

  It was the next day and it was starting pretty well until something happened..

   "Daddy!" You run with your heels on, sobbing into his chest making him tighten his grip on you concerned. Lifting your head up with his hand so you look up at him only to see a colored bruise on your face rising anger into him "What's wrong little one? What happened?" You sniffle trying to calm down "I a-accidentally bumped into a woman w-with silver hair and s-she yelled at me and s-slapped me-!" At that moment he saw red.

  He picked you up like a light feather putting your head against his chest and stomped over to a room that looked unfamiliar to you but to your surprise you see your uncle with Empress Navier and the Emperor of the Eastern Empire, Sovieshu. You flinch as you hear your father raise his voice. "His majesty! I understand that you have some girl as your mistress but that gives her no power and right to hit my daughter across her face!"

    Sovieshu looks at Mckenna shocked and looks at you who was hiding their face in McKenna's chest. "Mckenna what are you talking about?" Sovieshu walks closer to Mckenna and you, seeing your teared, exhausted, and bruised face. "What I'm talking about is your damn whore that had the audacity to slap my daughter." As soon those words left McKenna's mouth two of the royal members gasped while Sovieshu looked angered. "Where is she?" After figuring out where the mistress went let's just say..McKenna had his fun protecting you from Rashta.

    Oh he loved giving her the pain she deserved after she hurt his daughter but, what left him dumbfounded was that Sovieshu allowed him to do whatever he wanted to with her. That made him feel pride as he didn't stop till he saw blood everywhere. Silver hair long gone as it was washed in her blood making a dark red. Cuts and bruises everywhere someone looked. Her lungs barely keeping up with oxygen as she struggled to breath. No mercy shown as Mckenna did the worse on the worthless woman who hurt his daughter. He didn't care. He was furious, reckless, angered, and saw nothing but red.

   "Take her to a cell, I don't want to see her face at all and make sure she isn't near my daughter. If I see her I won't be so remorseful next time. I will kill her." With that done he wiped splashes of blood off his face and cleaned up his clothing and threw his gloves away that was soaked in blood. After a couple of minutes talking to the emperor, Sovieshu decided to also punish Rashta by only giving her small portions of bread to eat and a glass of water.


   Mckenna was in your room talking to Heinry as Navier helped you take a bath as you were fragile. "I was thinking maybe we could help n/n make a cake or something since you know she loves to bake, it would also cheer her up" Mckenna nods agreeing. "Won't we need permission from His majesty?" He asked making Heinry shrug. "I highly doubt it, he adores n/n. You saw his face when he heard Rashta slapped her" "That is true"


  You squeal as the woman and 3 men start throwing flour at you making you try to run and take cover. As you crawl away you find another hiding spot and make a run for it only to get picked up by Sovieshu making you laugh, squirming in his grip as Heinry starts tickling you. "Daddy help!" When Mckenna heard those words he playfully grabbed a spatula and pretended to slice Heinry and Sovieshu making them weakly fall to the ground as he picked you up as Navier was laughing while measuring the actual ingredients.

    "Daddy, my hero!" At that line everyone started laughing and tried to actually make the (Favorite Flavor) cake without fooling around.

That turned out to be a lie because all of the adults and you were 2 hours in and you guys were only on the part of mixing the batter. Which of course you wanted to do until your father, Mckenna spoke up from the foolishness. "Little one?" You hum looking up at him as you stop mixing, tilting your head confused.

"How'd you get that bruise
on your arm?"

Thank you for reading! Please vote or comment if you like it, it would mean a lot to me!

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