❁ Part 3 ❁

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There is a distinct, awful pain that comes with loving someone more than they love you. -Steve Maraboli

A/N: Thanks a lot for the votes & comments to the first 2 parts of this story :)

I am hoping the comments would increase...Please share to make this reach more Rikara fans...❤

Shot 3 : The Fire


"Jaan...?? Don't you understand how much I love you?!" His intense voice invoked goosebumps but Gauri kept hiding under her anger.

"Do you have the tiny bits of an idea? What I do the whole day while you are busy at the office??

When I call you and tell you things you just hum from the other side. I am sure you don't even listen to a word I say.

You won't even kiss me on my lips like before. What do I do? Throw myself on you again and again?

And Then one day you will say Gauri has become such a shameless lewd woman!!

Initially, at least you used to tell me about your office projects but now? You come back home, have shower, play with Pari, feed her, make her sleep and then you too go to sleep!" As she naively oozed all the fire by her words, Omkara kept listening each word attentively letting her spill all her agony.

"In the last twenty days how many words have you spoken to me? Let alone days tell me about the last few months?

Is this how marriage works? Where no excitement or passion exists! Only burdens of duties! Am I merely a duty to you now?

Can you remember the last time you spoke something passionate to me? All the time you are just teasing me.

Am I a joker to you? Whom you can only make fun of any time for your personal entertainment? Is it because I am not so brilli..." He could not let her finish saying further as his fingers pressed deep on her inferno diffusing lips, "Sssuhh...You are too much angry right now Jaan. It's you who taught me we shall not speak much when we're angry.

We tend to say all the wrong things often when we are angry.

And I am sorry. I am so sorry if I made you.." He couldn't complete as she hissed amid, "Don't even dare to utter that word Sorry. I just hate all fake so called sorries."

"Jaan. All the teasing I do is just to make you smile. Everything I do that's for your happiness. I didn't realize it was making you upset. Please forgive me.

When you are angry like this I can't even focus into anything you know it Jaan!" He pleaded softly, those dark eyes distressed in pure agony of love!

To increase the difficulty of the situation Omkara's phone buzzed loudly as she glared furiously.

Taking the utmost sad sigh of helplessness he picked up, "Yeah...I am coming. Just give me one hour." With the left hand, he kept Gauri's adamant frame immured in his loving arms.

Finishing the call he moved towards Gauri and cupped her cheeks, "Baby. I have to go. When I return I'll make it up to you. I promise!" Leaning to kiss her lips which she obstructed by moving sideways, "Don't.

And I don't want to hear a single excuse anymore.

Jaiye aapppp. Just gooohhh..." Shouting madly she started running towards their bedroom as Omkara followed her desperately.

He saw she threw herself on the bed, burying her face in the pillow like a huffed child!

Desolated, Omkara pleaded by pulling her stiff frame in his arms, embracing from behind, "Please let me hug you. You know I can't leave without that."

"Oh, You will leave without it all right." Won't even mercy a glance at him!!

"At least let me see you for the last time." Trying to take a peek, Omkara lovingly parted the hair that covered his fuming wife's beautiful face!!

"No. I don't even want to see your face Ommm! Just go. I don't want to hear another phone ringing." Seething vehemently, Gauri took another pillow and put that on her head, anticipating Omkara's obvious exit!

He loves his work more than anything and she knows all this coercing is a mere temporary illusion!!

Proving her right, Omkara's footsteps faded out within a few minutes!!

Even then Gauri couldn't hold her tears at the disappointment that Omkara still went to the office. He still didn't have that heart to cancel his meetings and for one day give his long overdue attention to his sulking, needy wife!!

The saddest part is that tomorrow is their wedding anniversary and Gauri could take an oath that he didn't even remember that or cared the slightest!

Who remembers some petty anniversary after all these years of getting married, right??

It was 2 Pm at the noon when Pari was playing around and a desolated Gauri was browsing all the channels with her drowsy eyes!

"Mumma...Mumma. Woh dekho file..See?? Led led..And smoke..." Pari's baby voice pitched high as she clapped towards the television.

Breaking the chains of thoughts Gauri noticed the news which said there was a huge fire burning in the Dx complex building. She quickly remembered this property belongs to Omkara's Gurgaon client!

Isn't this the client he was having a meeting with?

Her heart churned with fear as she grasped the fabric of her attire. Not wasting a second more she dialed Omkara's number.

To her worst fear, it went straight to the voicemail.


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