Kiss and Propose

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As we want for Lily  answer  we have Jackson and Loriah.

"Umm..." Lily said

"Will....?" Cole said

"Cole that was great but Seliel would think that chesseie" Lily said

"Your right" Cole said

"It okay I love it" Seliel said

"Seliel!" Cole said

"Hey Pix I'm happy for you" Seliel said

"Thanks" Pixal said

"Yes Cole I do" Seliel said

"Go Cole!" Jay shouted

As the Party went on Jackson step inside then Zane.

"Hey Finder" Zane said

"Hey Zee what you doing?" Jackson said

"Same as you doing" Zane said with a smile

"You know it crazy I'm here not married and you here marry like the happiest thing ever" Jackson said

"What do you mean" Zane ask

"I mean is I did ever thing before you and I feel left behind" Jackson said then Zane out his Hand on Jackson shoulder.

"Jackson it okay it a new start but we can do this" Zane said then they hug

"Awww that was sweet" Nya said

"Iet get back to the party" Zane said

As it on Pixal throw your flower that a girl had then a gentle belt that Echo got.

"Hey I'm echo" Echo blush

"Hey I'm Aul" She said

"Go Echo!" Pixal said

Sorry it short see  you next time

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