Lost the Ring

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As Zane was calm Echo was going to Pixal room but blindfolded.

"Hello Pixal" Echo said

"Hi echo why are you blindfolded?" Pixal said happily

"It bad luck to see the bride on your day" echo said with a grin Pixal giggle

"Oh and Jackson told me to check on you" echo add on

"I'm fine" Pixal said smiling

"Don't worry Pix I'm right here with you are worry" echo said kindly

"Hmm, echo your talking to the wall" Lily said giggle

"I know that" Echo said rubbing the back of his neck then went back out to check on the Ring  (Echo the Ringboy) but when he went back the Ring was gone. Then he ran to that groom room.

"The ring are gone!" Echo shock

"What" Zane said shock

"I said bring the gong" Echo said then the other step out and Echo told everything.

"Okay I think we can do something about it what do you think jackson?" Kai ask but Jackson was nowhere to be found.

"Great we lost the Ring Jackson somewhere what else can go wrong?" Cole said

"Guys that cake was bitten!" Jay said

"Cole you jinx it!" Kai said

Hello my Zaney reader you must be shock that I'm updating Will I don't know see ya

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