Make a wishes!! (Phayo)

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My life isn't good as what everyone have. Living in this huge metropolitan city, need have a lot of money, have a great job, have a lovely one. But mine was not the same as them. I just a waiters, i don't have enough money, 25 baht.. only for today. 5 baht, for bus. 10 baht, for lunch. 5 baht for bus to back home, and another 15 baht for tomorrow. Huh..,what a life. I hope i can get the better job and more money.

I goes to the tample every day. To pray, hope the god can give me what i wants.

"Yo!! please take an order on the table number 05" sounds my manager. I woke up from the chair, and walk to taking the order at the table that my manager said before.

"Order P' "

"I wanted bla..bla..bla.., thanks nah Yo"

"Your welcome P' " i said and walk away, that my job everyday. "Yo.. please taking some order.., Yo.. please make tea.., Yo.. Yo.. and Yo.." i heard my name are be calling all time. I'm really tired with the life, but what should i do. This is the only way that i can do to make a money. I only pass on secondary school, my family was super poor, and now they both are gone.

It only me, that left in this humble world. My uncle raise me after my parents die. My name is Wayo, Wayo Panitchayasawad, just call me Yo, or N'Yo khap, my age is 18, and I'm not schooling since, after my secondary school. I'm working  as, a male waiter here at one of the restaurant in Bangkok, metropolitan city, Thailand.

Every single day on my life is the same, go to work at early morning and back home at noon. Same as this days, after the shop was closer at 6;55 pm, I wai to my senior that same work place as me. I walk to the bus station, it took 2-3 minutes by walking from my work place. After 6 minutes later the bus was arrive, like usually, the bus was full. It an off duty hours, so everyone wanted to back home and take a rest after, working for this hold day.

After arrive at the last station, i steps down from the bus, here is the station that near to my home. A past years ago, My cousin Copter invites me to work at the city, he said that i will get more income money's, then work at the village. So i came to the city and work here, and the house that I'm staying, it rented by me.

I'm walking through a line of shops that selling any kind of various items. I sport on something, it really mysteries shops, i never seen the shop like this before, it such a unique shop. I never know about this mysterious shop before. early this morning, i didn't see this shop here. Mabye they just opened it up, positive thinking Yo.. be positive... i said to my self and walk near to that shop. It really quite in there, i wondering what kinds of things that they're selling.

I slowly opened up the door and the ringing of the bell door sounded, i steps in, it really quite inside of here. Maybe this is the first day the shop operations, it kind a quite i think. 

"Hello..  hello.."

"Hello.. everybody in here"

I walk around the shop, wow.. it really amazing, i doesn't seen any kind of things like this before, it really amazing and unique and antique. I know it, this is an antiques shop, the shop that selling an antique things.

A look around and saw one unique lamps, it similarly to one of the Disney princess story of Aladdin and princess Jasmine.

I touch the lamp it glowing and emitting the light. I don't know what just happen right now but, i glow after i touch it, it really beautiful.. if i have more money i will buy it. But i only have 15 baht now, this lamp must be expensive.

"Young boy, I'm hungry.. did you have some food? i didn't eat food from there day ago" Said someone on my back that really shocked me out. I turn around and saw one old men.

"I'm sorry grandpa, i don't have any food" i said to him, he look really dirty and unmanageable. I fell pity to see him like that, i take out my wallet,  it only 15 baht on it. with a poor heart, i take out the money and give it to him.

"Grandpa, here " i give all of money that i have.

"But.. son it all of your money? "

"It ok grandpa, you need the most, just take it" i said

"Son, you have an kindness inside your heart.. thank you"

"it nothing grandpa, i just wanted to help you"

"Please take one thing inside this shop"

"Ohh no.. no.. no.. it ok grandpa, I'm sincere to help" i said to him and he look like sad, i don't want to hurt his feeling so i said and Points to the lamp.

"How about this lamp? " i said to him.

"Here you go, the perfect lamp for a kind boy like you" He said and give it to me. i take the lamp from his hand and smile.

"Take care of this lamp. This lamp are the magic lamp, if you make a wishes, your wish will come true" Said the grandpa and vanished away..

"Grandpa.. grandpa.. grandpa...... "

I woke up and looking around, I'm on my bed, wearing my pajamas. Oh.. I'm dreaming, but it feels real. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, i open the pipe and washing my face. I looked at my face on the mirror and i used my hands to pating on my face. it just a dreaming Yo, it just a dream. I said inside of my heart to chilling down my self.

I staps out from the bathroom and straight to the kitchen, i feel hungry. I opened the refrigerator, and the weird thing happened. My refrigerator full with the food, i don't remember that i buy all of this, i don't have any money, it only 15 baht left.. eh.. wait, i give all of my money to that grandpa. wait.. is that real.. I run into my room and take out my wallet on my pants.

I take out and shocked. Another weird thing happened again, what the hack is going on....this is not my wallet. in this wallet have 1,000,00 baht. This is a lot of it, why the money is in here, i don't have huge money like this. where did it came from. I still shocked and confused, where all of this things came from.. I found a small note inside my wallet with that cash money.

"Take care of the lamp and make a wish.. your wish will become true"

said the note, I look around and found the lamp on the table, the lamp that i first found on the antique things shop. what.. but why the lamp is here and where it came from.. how can it be here, i think i don't taking anything.. ohh yeah, i remember. It that Grandpa give it to me, and he just disappeared.

Ohh no, i should return it back to the shop, i didn't know that grandpa and he give me the things from that shop.. Btw who is the owner of the shop. I must return it back but wait, it glowing and emitting the light so bright. My hand slowly touch the lamp and miracle happened, the lamp vanished and appeared a man, without any clothes on his naked body.

He came to me and hugged me, "Thank you, for helping me.. all of 45 year i be looking for you, you're the one.. i know it" he said and hugged me again.

it really awkward being hugged by a man but i feel protected, i never feel like this before. and it fell weird again. But wait, he is naked right.. shia....!!!

I give him some of my bigger clothes, but it still small on him, his body more bigger then me, he more taller than me. So i decided to used that money on my wallet to buy some clothes for him. I take him to the nearest mall from my house, i sent a message to my manager said that I'm not working today, because i fell not healthy today. After i get a yes for take a break for hold day, i take him to a mall and park.

After done buying some clothes to him and he wear the clothes that i buyed for him. He look amazing and super handsome, i just fall in love with him, i don't know why.. he is the guy and so I'm, why can't two guys falling in love together. I don't know but, i think i like him. I take him to the Park, eating ice-cream, and walking around the park.

Now, i know his name is Phana, Phana Kongthanin, but i call him P'pha. I watching him walk in front of me, suddenly he stop walking and turn back to me. I was shocked and stop walking also, he start to open his mouth and speak.

"Wayo!! you have one more wishes, please make a wishes" he said and looking deep into my eyes. I give him a nice smile and said,

"I wish you will be my boyfriend" i said by closing my eyes, I'm scare if he will hate me or slap my face but i fell like someone is hugged me. I slowly opened up my eyes and i saw he is hugged me.

"Thank you for making that wish, it really the wish that i wanted to heard from you, for now on you're my boyfriend and you're mine forever" he said. I hugged him back and speak.

"Your most welcome, you're mine forever too"

End flashback

4 year later.. 😍😍

"Baby!! what are you doing out here alone" P'pha voice make me back to the real world.

"Nothing Bie, i just remember our first meet, on that time you're naked.. and hugged me" i said with a tittle laugh.

"Baby!! you still remember the past huh.." he said with the kiss in my forehead.


"Yes baby..!! "

"Will P'pha love me forever? " i ask him.

"My baby wayo!! look at me, you're mine forever and i will always be here with you forever"

" I love you P'pha.. i love you"

" I love you to baby.. you're mine, and i will love you forever"

Wayo panitchayasawat 

Phana Kongthanint

The End

BookCulbHere I'm done my weekly challenge for this week.

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