💎Model *END*💎 (MingKit)

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"P'Kit, it all of your false, Sarah was getting mad with us and she wanted to repeat the blind date,"said both of my twin step-brother, Tae and Tee.

"What!! hahaha, take the responsibility to her, it not my false."

"Of course it is your false, did you want your hilarious picture and those video's are going viral huh?"

Ngeekk.. i feel like struck by lightning, "Ok, i will take the responsible. By the way which one is Sarah, i don't know?"

"What... you didn't know her, she is our classmates that love the wear or buy a pink stuff ."

"I don't know, i don't like to staring at a girl's."

"HAH??? so did you like to staring at a guy's?"

"Eghh... hell No!! i more like to starring at my own self that really handsome."

"Hah, you don't need to said that way P' we know it, ahahaha"

And we keep joking, and it really open an opportunity to me and my twin step-brothers get more intimate after that night.

i look at the pictures that i take with Mollika Ruangkritya, i fell like i am in the heaven. But wait... i fell like something is missing, my watch is missing, where did i put it on??? do it stuck when i change the dress? Akh.. shia... shia..! it is my last present from my Mother. Hah it ok... Maybe that watch was no longer with me, if that watch will be mine again, it will come to me by it own. because of to tired, i decided to take a nap and falls into sleep.


Ming POV..

The next Morning..

It a break time, i avoid my classmates friend to go out from the class yet and i stand up on the table by looking at all of my classmates friend, "guys... did you know?" i ask my classmates friend.

"We don't know... what it about?" ask my classmates friend again.

"Yesterday, i meet one model at the mall, she saved my life, and she the first girl that can make my heart dek... dek.., dek.. dek.."

" Wow, that girl was be very luck if she is dating with Ming..."

"Ahahaha that right.. however i didn't know her name and where she leaves or even her address, if i get her address i will get that girl!"

"Nonsense, boast , loser, cheap publicity, it is important story to tell us hmm?" said Kit that really make me immediately glanced him.

" Are you jealous..."

"Why i must be jealous on yous? haha you will never get that girl, it only on your dream. Did you have her phone number or her address? however her name you didn't know it right?"

"Hahaha...it not a big problem for me, here i get some clue from her. this is the watch that girl are wearing. And did you guys wanted to know? this is limited edition watch so it only have 20 pairs of it, on this watch have symbol number 12 which means this watch is the 12th edition, so i just ask to this watch shop, who is the owner of this watch."

"that.. is.." said Kit shortly when my phone rings.

Superstar (Superstar) meomchuji anha
Superstar (Superstar) baro nanikka
Superstar (Superstar) keuge oechyeobwa
Superstar (Superstar) Superstar (Superstar)

Ppeotppeotan meoriro meoriro nal jaejima
Dapdaphan maldeullo maldeullo gadujima
Ppeotppeotan meoriro meoriro nal jaejima
Dapdaphan maldeullo maldeullo gadujima

( 4Minute- Superstar )

"Wait a second guys.. my phone is ringing."

I stap out from the class and pick up the call, "Hmmm... ohh i see , thank you," i said to that person and end up the call.

With the information that i get, the buyer for the watch is someone's from the large family of Panuwat, the famous for riches families in Thailand, i was thinking, Panuwat families have only one son and it only Kit no other girls. If it Tae, Tee? but they just the new member of the family however the watch are buyed on 2009. But if it is Kit, it really impossible.

I run back to class, i saw that Kit was sleeping with his head on the table. because of I'm so confused and i wanted to make sure that who is the girl, "follow me!" i said to Kit and pull his hand and walk out from the class.

"Eh.. what you want"

When we're arrive at the school back and it really a quiet place , i pull Kit chin dagu staring at his face, "Oh god.. Your face.. it really familiar, this is your watch?" i asked with annoyed face.

"Hmm.. that what i wanted to tell you but you are pick up the call, where did you get my watch? this is expensive you know."

"But why this is yours ? what did i know, this watch is owner by the female model that saving me at the mall yesterday."

Kit was shocked and silence. I started to realize Kit face was really the same as that girl at the mall, but i feel confused so i pull his body and rubbing his butt, "HEI!!! IDIOT, CRAZY..." his hand land on my face it make my nose bleeding.

"Your ass feel the same as that girl, SO YOU'RE THE MODEL AT THE MALL YESTERDAY???"

"Hah... what are you talking about, already doing sexual harassment now instead asking me the nonsense things," said Kit with his red face.

"So it the true right? Shia... Why should I be fooled with you," i said and stap away leaving Kit alone.

"Hey- Ming... you're not telling to everyone's about my disguise yesterday right."

"Do not worried your secret, is safe on my hand, yesterday you're saving my life and now i will keep your secret save with me so i don't have any debt of gratitude with you," And i give his watch back to him.


I was really chaotic and grumpy, it feels frustrated, the girl that i like she doesn't exist, but she is kit... I'm really-really frustrated. I starting at my back, it turns out Kit was sitting with sarah, their proximity and the way they joked with the intimate make me upset. No way, why can i being jealously because of Kit? he is GUY!! realize Ming realize, you should mad at him because he is laying to you not started to liking him.

"What you're staring at" Said Kit grumply.

"Hah.. when did i starting at you, did you think this is your own class huh?" i said more grumpy than hin

"It enough cutey Kit, just ignored the guy like that," Said Sarah pampered while her hands stroked Kit face, and it really hurt my self seeing Kit like that with the girl.


Hah.. my feeling cannot be lied, i am truly in love with Kit. I heart always beating faster and if i saw that guy, i always remembering his face and his staring on at me at the mall that day. it really make my heart melting on that moment, but what should I do?

Kit POV...

School break time I'm sitting alone at the park at the back of school, accompanied by my color brush and water beside me,"Wow.. nice drawing!!" said one soft voice that came from my back.

"Ohh.. hey Beam, long time no see you, you already discharge from the hospitals."

"Yup.. I'm healthy now, wow Kit you're really focus on the drawing.. you must be hungry and thirst right? let me buy something for you? wait a minute OK.."

"He-hey, Beam.. you don't need to do that"

"It Ok..." I saw he is waving his hand and walk away. That is Beam, my best friend seen we're child. He is the great person, kind, lovely and really soft person, huh... if Ming attitude are as a good as Beam..nah.. why i should be thinking of Ming, it really make me more grumpy.

I back focused on my drawing, i draw the beautiful building that have in front of me, suddenly i feel like there is someone touch my hair, "Wa.. you're fo fast Beam..." i said and looking up, I'm wrong, it not Beam but someone else.

"Can't i sit next besides you?" Said Ming lowering his voice not like usually and he sit next besides to me.

But i stand up and wanted to sit far away from him, "Huh.. Why? Please don't go..." He said while grabbing my arm. My brushes are drop down to the grass with some of water color are split and Ming pick up of it, "Hmmm what a nice drawing you have there, it really nice."

"Erm..thanks, it just a normal drawing" i said with hideing my blushed face, "Ohh.. Btw what are you doing here? you hate me right?"

He look at me and take up one of his eyebrows with the confusion impression on his face, "Hate you? i
think you should get some punishment from me because of saying the nonsense things," he said while taking my paint brush and scratch my face, "You didn't know another side of me," Said Ming again.

"Ouch! ahahaha it ticklish"

"Kit You're cute if you're smile.

"Hah..?" ask me confusedly

"It true Kit your cute, i like to see your face like this it really cute with those dimples, i guess you only can be grumpy."

My face suddenly became hot and blushed, his hand rubbing softly my hair and then my face.

"I'm coming kitt... ah sorry for disturbing you guys," Said Beam with the meals on his hands.

"I'm going first..." Said Ming with mad voice.

Ming POV...

Time back home from school, i decide to kidnapping on Kit.

I saw that Kit is putting his books inside his bag and walk in front of me with not looking at me ether, without his knowing i following him from he stap out from our class until the quite places.

When we're arrive at the quite place, i walk near to and hugged his neck and arm from his back, "Hey.. hey who are you? Emmmhh" i cover his mouth with my hand and take him to my car.

"Get in!" I said to him after i opening the car door.

" Hey Ming. What are you wanted from me by pulling me like this ???"

"I wanted to kidnapping you, My Love " I said and push him to get inside of my car followed by me.

"H-hey.. what you want? i have to send by step brothers back home, if not my Mummy will mad at me"

"Don't worry ok" i said and closed my face to his face, my heart is beating so fast and he started to being wrong reaction with my face that less than one inch from his face.

"Hey... what are you doing? " Said kit by pushing my chest.

"You make me crazy, So you have to take the responsibility on me."

"What do you mean?"

I pulling Kit body and hugged him, it true my heart was beating more faster. I release the hug,"I think i will never let you go, whoever the true is you're a guy, but I'm really fall in love with the girl that saving my life yesterday."

Kit was silence, his face was become red but a little bit sad."You're in love with that girl not me."

"But the true is that girl are you, i do disappointed with you because you're lie to me, but i can't lie to my own heart, it really make me crazy thinking of you all the time..."

"Sorry... but it not like what you think Ming"

I immediately pulled his chin and kissed his lips, i closed my eyes but still my heart is beating so fast.

"Erh...what wrong with you?" Said Kit while pushing my chest.

"Be mine, please..."

Kit face return to be red and he was really shocked, "I will not force you, but I will never give up to get love from you" I said and gently rubbing Kit cheeks.

"I..hrm.. Aaaa..." Said Kit

However, I pulling his neck and kissing her lips gently " i can feel that my heart is beating." We're hugged and i rubbing his butt.

Kit eyes are sad and make me even more annoyed with him, " What wrong? why you jus silence your self? did you mad at me?"

He shook his head slowly " i just don't believe with your behavior to me right now, it like I'm on dreaming and this is what i am hoping for, from you."

"What? what just you saying?" i asking him confusedly.

He immediately hugged me and put his chin on my shoulder,"I like you for a long time ago, Ming. Just you are always evil to me, but with your changes now I'm very happy"

I can't stop smiling after hearing the words from kit, I'm really glad that my love is reciprocate. We're back on kissing, i kissed his forehead with full of softness "but i have one requested" i said with the evil smile on my face.


"I wanted you to dress up like the girl again hahaha..."


Kit POV..

Dream came true... i will never expected that this merical can happen, used to be me and Ming we we're hostile, always fighting, and always abusive-hating but now being a pair of lovers and walking through the hallways at school, while ming lay his hands on my shoulders. A lot of confused eyes see our closeness with the joke and look very happy it really made me feel happy.

"Aishiteru..." Said Ming

"Aishiteru yo, Bokumo..." i said back. I hope that our love never ended and we're loving each other forever.

Kit Panuwat

Mingkwan Dechapanya

The twin Tae & Tee


MarcPanitchyasawad tulikachakraborty2 chesky_division LostOne21 karinberry babykimwoo12 Findthetruelove charoliajessica RenKenSasaki DarelNarag ana_hime anne261979 deebamanja venushades98 Hey guys, new chapter and the end from "Model" i hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comments .. See you on the next story

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