3 wishes

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BookCulbHere this is my weekly challenge~ ❤❤❤

What will you do when you have 3 wishes ? What do you wish ?

Healing ?
Strength ?
Or perhaps time ?

But there's one thing I know about it, be careful what you're wish for.

A wish can tricked you, but you can out smart them.

And that's what I did,
I became what I am today for the rest of my life.

And I never regret anything.


People wish many things, to the gods and goddess they believe. To the night sky where all the stars are, hoping that when there's a falling star your wish come true.

But what do they wish ? A better life ? Fortune ? Love ? Fate ?

When humans wishing something some wouldn't even think about other people, many of them wouldn't think of other people or stranger.

They don't want to wish something for someone they don't know, they rather give it to their loved one or even them self.

How weird...

Humans have a unique mind, a unique sense of thinking. They developed many things each year making it more and more greater.

Yet, all of them succumb to the power of fortune and high class.

Father would always said that the real evil in this world is human, they will destroy anything for anything they want.

Heartless and cold, yet I'm human.

"Kiana!  We need to go ! Hurrryyyy"

My bestfriend Aurelia or I often called Lia dragged me from the couch, making me stop thinking.

I groan at her as she kept dragged me until front porch,

Man... she's really strong

Well she is strong, the girl often goes to gym and exercise. It keeps me wondering how much weight see could pulled.

"What are going to do... again ??"

I look up to her when suddenly she grab my body and put it on her shoulder.

Yup.... she's strong... note for the future and your wellbeing, don't make Lia angry.

"We're I meant YOU supposed to company me searching some cute antique"

"For ?"

"For Jaxon birthday of course ! What else I'm doing to the antique store ?? Searching for a curse antique that might kill me ?"

She scoffed like I'm an idiot, well TOO BAD MISSY ! I maybe acting like this but I've spend all my life in medicals.

"Well... yeah"

"Stop arguing with me and just help find something for my fiancé, kay ?"

She dumped my whole body to the front car seat and me being a grumpy I crosses my arms before glared her.

She didn't get scared tho, of all the things I couldn't do in this world is to look angry or pissed off...

All of my friends and family would say I'm too cute, WHICH THEY ARE WRONG !

the whole road goes silent because I've just finished my night shift on the hospital. Working on ER is a death challange not to mention I'm still an intern.

When we've arrived, Lia straight pulled my hands to the store.

And I have to say, this is my first time going to an antique store. I always told myself to go here when I have a free time, just to window shopping.

The ceiling covered with many antique chandeliers, rows and rows of beautiful yet old glass case or wooden display cabinet sit neatly side by side.

Many trinkets are on display, antique bikes, posters, vinyl, mirrors, etc.

But there's one thing that caught my eyes, a beautiful carved lamp being display besides a tea party sets and and Teddy bear.

I was captivated y the different light tone on the lamp, it gives me a sense of mysterious and yet it's such a beautiful thing.

I search of Lia and to see her already got a set of gifts on her hands, it looks like a collections of books and some records.

"You're done ?"

I ask her before looking back one time on the lamp. Still captivating by its beauty.

"You  keep looking at that lamp for the past 10 minutes you know, if you like it so much why don't you buy it ?"

She said with her eyes on me, I'm a little bit scared though. There's something about this lamp that pulled me.

Yes it's beautiful yet I felt a sort of mystic vibe from it.

After five minute pondering I decide to buy it, who knows maybe there's some type of genie in there.


I fucked up... I fucked up really bad. There's smoke and mist around my room, and do I mention A HALF NAKED MALE ?!?

"Hmm... what's this ?? A cute kitten ?"

The male looked at me and closing the space between us. He even got closer to my face when I see the real him,

My god... he is a such a beautiful male, he have a dark and thick hair shaved each side and a few tendrils falls on his forehead.

Blue grey eyes with a long lashes that make any woman jealous, plump lips and  beautiful five a clock shadow.

His faces looks like god took time to carved him, and I don't even want to look down.

"You freed me from this lamp, kitten. Now I will grant you three wishes"

Wishes ??

" Yes wishes, anything you wish I shall grant it"

Then all of sudden am evil thought passed me, shocking my own self and scared me in the process.

I don't know that my mind can get this violent.

But what do I want to wish for ?

I took my time to calm myself down and think, all my life I want to live forever. I want to have a super powers.

"I wish... for an Immortality I won't get old or sick or died"

The beautiful male smirk and he snapped his fingers,

"Wish granted, what's your second wish ?"

"I wish, I have a healing power so I can cure anything in this world along with me, my body will become resistant to anything, nothing can killed me"

Another snap of his finger and the mist and more start to grow more and more thicker.

"My last wish is that, I become a mage"

He then laugh so loudly


And with the last snap of his finger I blacked out, the next time I woke up. I never knew where he goes, but I know I become something else.

And that's how I become a mage, a human who become one of the living mage.

And I never regret anything. Because I knew this all along.

I always knew the future, and I'm right.


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