Ice Cream & heaven

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Ice Cream & Heaven

Afternoon Saturday is the time where anne family come together and just talk well, not Anne.  As she quietly browsing Internet on her phone ignoring her sibling talking with her parents.

She was the youngest of them all and also the quietest. Meant she doesn't say to much and when she did many people get offended to easily by her blunt answer or comebacks.

“hey, Anne” Louis her older brother by 2 years nudge her from the side looking at her with the eyes her  entire siblings have except her, blue.

she cocked her head to the side before raising her perfect eyebrow.

“can you help me with something ?” he said before grimace as if the tought was too… disturbing.

“sure, what is it ? Unless if it's me talking to your girlfriend Or should I say girl of the week then I'm out” Anne put her phone before looking at his brother quietly yet her eyes has that twinkle of mischief.

Louis narrow his eyes at his little sister at the mention if his girlfriend and side chicks’.

“no… not that. Who do you think would win ? Mom or dad ?” Louis look at his mother and father argue about which cake her mother should make tomorrow for Ryan, their oldest brother birthday.

Her mother decide on making chocolate cake while her father demand or wanting vanilla and caramel cake.

Anne snort and looking at Louis “of course dad would win. And I as a caramel lovers want the cake”

“pft…. I pick mom. Ryan favorite cake is chocolate, doofus” Louis mess Anne hair making her nose crinkled and she let out a huff.

“okay then, deal. Loser buy an ice cream for the winners” Louis said grinning at his little sister knowing ice cream is her most favorite desserts ever.

“sure, may the best men win. If I win you have to buy me those expensive ass hell 2 magnum ice cream tub” she grinning wildly at the tought of her brother spending on that expensive ice cream.

“sure. But if I win buy me a cherry Gracia Ben & jerry I cream tub and that Häagen Dazs cookies and cream and chocolote" Louis grin at the tought of it. He was so sure he would win.

Beside Ryan is a mama's boy. Their mother doted him much more since he's looks so much like their father.

“but seriously can you help me talk with this girl ? She seriously not getting the messages that I don't want to sleep with her again” Louis look at her sister who then glared at him.

“do you want to die ?” she said before chasing her brother around the house.

30 minutes later the two of them came back to the living room with Louis face full of bruise while anne grinning wildly.

They look at their mom and found out she is cooking a cake.

And it was a chocolate cake.

Louis let out a scream of joys and laugh at his sister look.

“you owe me a bunch of expensive ass ice cream tubs sis !” he said while laughing at his sister.

Anne grumble as she begrudgingly go to her room before taking her wallet out. It's not that she's cheap person but she's been saving money so she can buy a book she really want.

As she came down from her room, she met Ryan her oldest brother, Who is just came from shower.

She kick Ryan in the back making him fall down with a slam on his face. Feeling satisfied and happy she grins at him.

“happy birthday big Bro. And fuck you, you make me lose on a bet”

A groan came out of Ryan as he look at his baby sister. Narrowing his eyes and let out a growl.

“what's that have to do with me ?!”

“you loved chocolate cake” she said before walk on his body and go down stairs.

Just in time an ice cream truck jingle was heard and she came out of the house ignored her brother teasing look as he snicker at her.

Just she was in the front lawn she look around trying to locate the ice cream truck.

But there was no ice cream truck so she guess she have to go down a block to the convinient store.

“great now I have to walk 10 minutes” she grumble and reluctantly walk on the sideways.

The world must be really hate now… she sigh and kept walking towards the convinient store.

About 15 minutes later she already have a tub of cherry Garcia Ben & jerry, a Häagen Dazs cookies and cream ice cream and the chocolate one.

She cringe when she looks at the price tag of each ice cream tubs.

As she was walking down the Isle towards the counter she sees something with more exactly is a person wearing a black hoodie with a banana, glaring at it.

Or maybe maybe at maybe at the floor.

Shrugging and ignored the weird black hoodie dude she put the ice cream tubs on the counter and look at the female who's chewing a gum.

She have that look, ‘the one that is SO done with this jobs but still do it since the payment is good and she needs the money’.
“how much ?” Anne ask straight to the point not wanting to talk to her, not that she wants to either.

She rolled her eyes before saying something that came in form of a mumble.

She sighs and trying to keep her anger down.

“how much ? Because I can't hear you talking but I know you talk shit about me inside. So… before I smash your head in the counter, tell me ?”

“20” she said after 5 minutes staring at anne glare.

“isn't that easy” she put twenty on the counter and take the groceries bag and does straight towards her home.

just at time she was walking across the street, she hear that damn same ice cream truck jingle.

the one with the bell so loud 4 blocks kids would came rushing towards here and body slam the car.

Just want to eat an Ice cream.

The jingle became loud that she when she looks on her right.

It was just the right time as her mind goes blank. But what she did know is that she fall down.

And sure as hell she's dead by running into an ice cream truck or the other way round.


That what's she remember at the moment she woke up. She looks around at the place she is now, she feels so serene.

So peaceful like there was no wars or sickness is even surround humans. And the place she is in, it was normal to say the least

But there's something else.

“I must be in hell” she said and shake her heads. There's no way heaven is like this.

And suddenly a kid with a diaper on pop up in front of her, making her scream

And slam her hands towards the kids, making him fall down with a thud.

“OH SHIT! kid ! Kid ! You okay !?!??!?! I don't want to get into a prison just because I bitćh slap a kid ! The prison have no WI-FI and their food taste like shit !”

She keep rumbling to her self and shake the kid forward and backward trying if he can get up. With a few more shake he didn't get up she start to slapping his cheeks.

“wake up !”

She scream at the kids ear before smacking the kid head so hard the kid wake up.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ?!?!” the kid a with a deep voice said making anne scream louder and bitćh slap the kid again.

“AAAHH ! A MAN DISGUISE AS A KID ! PEDOPHILE ! CHUCKY IS THAT YOU ?!?! HELL NO” as she just want toto throw the kid away the kid vanish from her sight


She looks around to fine the kid and suddenly a hand grasp her from behind.

She look at the male hand and see the black hoodie brooding man at the convinient store.

“AAAHHH A CREEPER !” she said and suddenly run away from the man

“WAIT !” the man said but she ignored the male voice before she hide in one if this perfect trimming bushes.

How in the world can someone trim a bush so perfect ?!?!? And what the fudge is that ? She look a t something shiny and it suddenly turn into a a female so tiny with a wings on.

She screamed so loud as she push back from the bush, a hand grip her shoulder again making her scream even louder.

Her musical teacher would be so proud that she can reach the high not so fast and smooth, not to mention she can be a scream band, l vocal lead singer.

She got the talent.

“will you just shut up ! Damn… you scream so loud that even in the deepest pits of hell lucifer can hear you” the gruff sound of male came behind her.

And just she was about to smack the male again a hand stopped her.

“not gonna work again this time kid” the male said with a a little amusement on his voice.

“where am I ?” she said and look up at the tall male.

“heavens -”



HEAVEN ?!?!?!??!

She tought before lookin at the male dumbfounded and her mouth agape.

“okay… if this heaven then Jesus would have shotgun and smoke a weed, no offense to Christians tho”

And now it was the male who look at anne dumbfounded.


“ ?!?!” she ask again this time not wanting to joke around anymore.

“heavens gate” the male said exhausted before mumbling ‘shouldn't take this job….”

The male yanked her towards a podium and she sees a male or more preferably a 12 years old kid sitting at the highest chair with two grown man on each of the kid sides.

She think… maybe… she will go to heaven ! She was so excited at the tought but dreaded at something else. But what about her family ?! They must be worried sick ! Especially Louis !

before she can say something else the 12 year old kid in front of her said

“depart from me I know you're not”

“what ?” is all she can say, because her mind somehow is empty.

“you're not. Send her down” is all he say and anne snapped before she look at the male.

“WHAT !? what do you mean by depart ?! What do you mean by sends me down ?”

Just as a guard came

“explain this you stupid kid ! What did I do to deserve this! You !”

“you're not ready…. Depart from me I know you're not ready, you're not on the list. Little girl I shall bless you for a second chance. A chance to redeem yourself”

And the last thing she know her mind already blank.

She just died with a style, by style she got hit by an ice cream truck. 

Not too mention she smack the living out of a death angel.

And she meet a cryptic 12 year old kid. And all this time thinking the god she know was a 12 year old embodiment of a kid.

What a journey


Sorry if there's a grammatical errors or typos..... no time of proof reading....

Also this is very random. Don't  mind me.


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