Contest #35

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Happy Sunday everyone, it is the original judge behind Contests here! 

 I hope you all are doing well. I would just like to explain how the new judging system behind Weekly Wattpad Contests will work.

 In essence, I will still be the one logged into the account, mainly because I am currently writing books on this account which may be published at a later stage, hence this is my personal account. However, I will not be the one coming up with the weekly contests and judging them, the person who will be doing that is TimberWoolf and I will only publish the chapters on their behalf. 

As a result of this, all contest related queries should be directed towards the account of @TimberWoolf or commented in the book.  At the end of this chapter, I will also add how you need to go about entering to ensure that your entry is valid. For now, meet your new judge and may the odds be in your favour! 

Hello, dear friend.

I'm very honoured to be here, thank you for having me. My name is TimberWoolf (@TimberWoolf ), and I'm a person of indeterminate description. Some of my hobbies include doing things, and some of my pet peeves are other things.

I've done some exceptionally deep thinking about this chapter, and, given that it's 'that' time of year, I think it might only be proper to have, with great reluctance, a 'Valentines Day' themed contest. Now, if you must know (which you must, indeed), I don't celebrate Valentines Day. A couple of years ago I was stood up on a Valentines date (boys are so rude), and I went out on my own anyways, because I'm a strong independent guy like that. This was in the height of my zombie obsession, mind you.

I happened to meet a lesbian couple at the bar who introduced me to a shot called 'Adam and Eve', but I've decided to rename it the 'Zombie Shot', on account of it being green and red.

It was a hectic kinda night, I can tell ya, but Valentine's Day has since been known as Zombie Appreciation Day in my circles, and every year my friends and I get our Zombie costumes out and go paint the town red and green. It became a trend in my community when I was at college, and, though my friends and I have parted ways, we still celebrate it like that all across the globe.

I've made the profound realisation that there are only three things in life that truly matter: zombies, books and friendship.

The contest, hence, will be prompted by the line: "On Valentines Day, only three things truly matter:"

When you've decided on those three things, think deeply about how those conclusions can be reached as resolutions to narrative and character problems.

The rules are:

- Dress up in a costume (preferably as a zombie, but whatever you like works too)

- Write a short piece (no more than 5000 words, please)

- Have it done and submitted by Saturday Evening (23rd of February)

- Any genre is welcome for this one. Romance, Sci-Fi, Historical, Non-fiction, Young-Adult, Children's, Supernatural, Horror... Anything you please, but please try to refrain from adult content.

Winners will be selected on the following criteria:

- Creativity: interesting characters, situations, plots.

- Theme: A single, strong theme should be present throughout the story.

- Narrative voice: A consistent storyteller is important for this contest. The narrator should have a personality that is evident in how they relate the story, view the events and the conclusions they come to.

Things that I really don't care about for this contest are:

- Grammar and language: It's perfectly fine if you're not a master wordsmith just yet.

- Cliches: I usually avoid them, but if you like them, feel free to pile them on.

- Literature stuff: Other than a theme, you don't need much of the classic writing techniques. Symbolism? Throw it to wind if you want. Three-act structure? Make it one if you so please. Whatevs.

Bonus points will be awarded for the following:

- Colour. Valentines Day is remarkably red, white and pink, but you could make your own theme colours if you want. Blue, Green and Gold? Silver and Purple? Brown and Black? Anything you please.

Winners will be announced when the next weekly contest is put up.

I thank you for yor time and I hope you have a lovely Zombie Appreciation Day this week. I'm looking forward to all your entries.

Yours sincerely,

The Great TimberWoolf in the Sky.


In order to ensure that your submission for this week's chapter of Weekly Wattpad Contests is valid, please follow the steps below:

(1) Write your entry and make sure that it meet the guidelines or requirements for the contest. 

(2) Publish it in a book under your Wattpad account. It can be a book dedicated to your entries, a chapter in one of your existing books or just a book with that single entry. 

(3) Add "This is my entry for @Contests Weekly Wattpad Contest #35" before you write your entry. Make sure Contests is tagged and the contest #number is correct. Note that this does not have to be the title of your published chapter or work, simply just a text input before the introduction of your contest entry as an additional safety measure.  

(4) Comment in the comment section of this chapter and state where your entry was published in your profile and the title of it book it is in. 

(5) Share the love by voting, commenting and encouraging friends and fellow competitors! 

What does the winner get?

Apart from the fact that as a writer you can brag about winning a freaking Weekly Wattpad Contest, the winner will also get a follow from @Contests as well as a shoutout in the next chapter, in addition to that, a detailed review as to why your entry was successful will also be published and if you have any works of your own, that will also be read and commented on.

I hope you all are excited as I am about this new venture. 

Good luck and happy writing! 

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