Contest #38

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Greetings, Creatures.

It is I, TimberWoolf, Lord of the Spiders, Harbinger of Struggle and Contestor of Will, Strength, and Patience.

This week you're, metaphorically speaking, in a room. The doors are locked and the windows are barred. From the unknown beyond them, you hear the call.

It's a language you don't understand, made by voices you do not know. It is the call of misery, of opportunity, of risk and reward pounding fists into wardrums. It is the sound of clashing steel and roaring cannons, as light and darkness fight. It is the whisper of murmuring trees setting roots deeper into the earth, of flowers speaking into rivers of gold and silver – it is the call of the world.

An important part of storytelling is conflict. Readers want to know how the characters they love triumph over insurmountable odds, and how values and virtues that were once strange to them now guide them to victory and valour.

And it all starts with that conflict. What lies on the other side of those doors? Desires, fears, change, hope or death?

Your task is to write a story about opening those doors and facing the world outside, which is due on the 17th of March.

Write the climax to the story, where characters face their monsters, fears and failures. You don't always win, but you try and that's important. If you lose, you learn a valuable lesson for next time. If you win, you teach a valuable lesson.

The story can be about anything you please, and as long as you want.

This week's judgement criteria are:

Plot. It's not necessary to explain the entire plot, but I do want to see that the effects of things that have happened earlier in the character's journey.

Interesting problems, characters and solutions. Avoid the clichés. The world shouldn't magically make the character win. I want the character's own actions and values to lead to victory or loss.

World-building. Again, this one is important this week. The story needs to take place in a world that sets up a valid and strong foundation for the events of the story.

Things I don't care about this week, are:

Nothing. I don't care about anything this week. Go wild. Write an epic trilogy, write a short story. Make it fantasy, make it sci-fi, make it simple or complex. Let your inner, starving author out.

Thank you for your time, and have fun getting out of that locked room.


Lord of the Spiders (and other)

Additional Note:

I'm graduating from university this week. It's been a bunch of months and I'm really excited to finally get my degree.

My point is, if the results, once again, say, "I was so incredibly drunk at a club at three AM when I first read this," then this is the reason why. I'm going be celebrating like a madman.


In order to ensure that your submission for this week's chapter of Weekly Wattpad Contests is valid, please follow the steps below:

(1) Write your entry and make sure that it meet the guidelines or requirements for the contest.

(2) Publish it in a book under your Wattpad account. It can be a book dedicated to your entries, a chapter in one of your existing books or just a book with that single entry.

(3) Add "This is my entry for Weekly Wattpad Contest #38" before you write your entry. Make sure Contests is tagged and the contest #number is correct. Note that this does not have to be the title of your published chapter or work, simply just a text input before the introduction of your contest entry as an additional safety measure.

(4) Comment in the comment section of this chapter and state where your entry was published in your profile and the title of it book it is in.

(5) Share the love by voting, commenting and encouraging friends and fellow competitors!

What does the winner get?

Apart from the fact that as a writer you can brag about winning a freaking Weekly Wattpad Contest, the winner will also get a follow from as well as a shoutout in the next chapter, in addition to that, a detailed review as to why your entry was successful will also be published and if you have any works of your own, that will also be read and commented on.

Good luck & have fun!

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