Contest #6: RIP

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I know, it sounds sinister. Don't worry.

The idea of this contest is to write a short story of someone's (a good character) death. Whether it be in a hospital bed, a car crash, a big action bit or whatever comes to mind. Aim = make me care. Make me sad.

It MUST have 'RIP' in the title. You can use original characters or make it fan fiction.

It has to be in one part. Repeat, ONE PART.

It would be ideal to make this entry 500-2000 words long. I'm not counting, but around that length.

Marks for: my tears (emotion), description of scenery and characters so I can get a good picture, spelling and grammar, and making it the correct-ish length.

This can be displayed in whatever form. It can be published as its own original story, in a book of contests or sent directly to me by message. Unless it's the latter please just comment the link.

1st place: shout out (advertising one of your stories), follow and a vote on the entry.

2nd place: follow and a vote on the entry.

3rd place: vote on the entry.

There might be a couple of honourable mentions too.

Have it in by the 27th of April. On that date is okay, but once I put in 'closed' I'm not taking any more.

Happy to answer questions in the comments.

Good luck ;)

~ Phoenix Feather


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