Contest #60: Stars

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~Stars: You Are The Sentinels; Silent And Sure~

Dots in the sky,

Shining bright in the distance.

Diamonds, crystals, tears,

Reflected in your iris.

The daughter of the moon,

Sisters of Sun.

An invisible line joining them,

In your mind drawn.

You just made a constellation,

What did you see?

Hello everyone! So, did you have a fun October? Well, Renzy's little team surely had their fun.

However, all good things must come to a past one day or another. Henceforth, in honour of the October's passing, Ash, resident heartbreaker with a heart of porcelain, and assistant judge has a contest for you guys. Something relaxing and fun to do in the wake of the oh so monstrous October.

In this contest, you have to imagine a constellation, it can be anything: a rabbit, a person or something else. You don't have to draw this constellation, just a faint idea of what it's supposed to be is enough.

Now frame a story around that constellation. An origin story or legend about a significant event that happened, which led to people searching the skies for this particular shape. What happened which was so interesting that people started seeing instances of that story in the sky?

Write an entry surrounding this.

Great huh? Well, Ash has a certain flair for such poetic things and I certainly do not blame her. Her works are diamonds and we believe that the works of the community amount to more than all the diamonds in the earth and beyond.

Allow your imagination to wander, savour the sweet nectar of the stars and have fun writing! Because in the end, what is the point of writing if you aren't enjoying it? Have fun my little stars and good luck! May the light of sun, and moon, and stars ever guide you as you craft your entry with all the heart and the passion.

See ya next week!

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