Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

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Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

This week, we'll be focusing on writing fantasy stories that focus on overcoming big obstacles and growing into heroism. Rene has gone ahead and asked the judges for ideas. Feel free to write in accordance to these prompts!

Ideas By Beautiful Emma

The main character lives in a society that has been confined to underground for as long as the history books go back. It's said that there was once a great disaster that made underground the only habitable place. Over the years, they have only developed further. No one knows any different to what's down there and they have their own means of survival that differs in at least some ways from the world above.

What happens, when one day, the main character gets lost/trapped and ends up in a tunnel that leads up to the top?

Cracktastic Ideas by Lyssa, I bet she's high

A high mage (high as in high), stumbles into a well that takes him to a new dimension. In this new dimension, he must struggle against his inner demons, which is addiction. In this world, where there is absolutely no magic but has lots of the cracky stuff... Okay, I do not know what is wrong with me.

Let's try again...

A gay dude is on a quest to find true gayness. He meets a cookie monster who threatens to devour all who steals his cookies. Okay, I take back what I said, apparently I specialize in crack fantasy.

More Ideas By A Smooth Criminal aka Ash

Colossal creatures inherited a place long ago. But as time passed, they were considered myths. The main character discovers a giant who lives in the confines of a magical forest. What happens as he discovers it? Does he fight the creature or does he try to tame it? If he tells people, will they believe him? What does the creature's appearance mean?

These are simply the ideas of the judges. However, it would be interesting to see just what exactly you peeps come up with. Personally, I would like to see how the 'High' Mage would be handled and I am interested to see if this giant that is discovered ends up evil or not.

With that said, Lyssa out!

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