Results and Contest #29

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Hey competitors! I have received a staggering amount of entries, so do you all prefer long entries or small ones like our last one? (Please answer in the comments!)

So, aftter scouring through the hundreds of entries I was sent I finally settled on three.

1.) Ouatlove_

I was once told as a child that everyone had a star. I was told that every time you saw a shooting star it was a God, that's why they're so rare. The wishes we make on the stars are like our prayer to the gods. If we were lucky enough, our wishes would be chosen.

2.) ShannanMairdo3.) MeghanStevens

Ok, and now for the new contest! It's called 'Phobia' you have to write a piece which is 100-500 words long telling me about a time which was the scariest moment of your life. Good luck!

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