Dream 2 - The Interesting Family

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Once upon a time, my family and I were introduced to a home where the kids were not exactly right of mind. There was Fred and his "siblings" and his "parents". (There were three people watching over the kids dressed in white scientist robes and there were about 3 other kids with Fred). When we visited, Fred was very shy and had not shown his face whereas his siblings greeted us with their unique greetings.

Then slowly my parents left, then Jimmy's parents left and I was left in the house with Chan, Chen, James, Jimmy and Jai. It started getting awkward because the mom of the household started stuffing herself with food while Fred's eyes were peering out from behind the sofa. Fred's 'sister' wouldn't take her eyes off the TV and his 'brother' was obsessed with his hair. One of the fathers spoke as though they had one more kid but they had to send him away (I think he was extremely deranged that he was killed through sedation). Then all of a sudden Chan, Chen, Jai, James, and Jimmy left and I was left alone, getting hungry watching Fred's mother and getting harassed by Fred's need to sit on me, on the couch.

I proclaim my leave as I divert my eyes from the craziness of the house but Fred attempts to win me back by introducing me to a new invention that he's making of which provides a handy disguise in troubling situations. I reject his offer to use the invention and make my escape, but he shouts, "You won't leave that easily!! You're making a mistake!" Which is when I yell back as I'm running "I'll take my chances!" He disappears from the sliding door as I run off his driveway. There was no car or mode of transportation that I could use to get home so I started running in a different direction.

As I got about 3 streets away from Fred's house, I see car headlights and jumped in the bushes on the side of the road. Then I hear this whirling mechanic noise and hear Fred exclaim "HAHAHA, you're an idiot if you think you can escape! I'll find you no matter where you flee and I'll bring you back to where you belong! Mama and Papa are waiting!! (Imagine that in a crazy manic voice with a crazed face)." I jet out of my hiding place and see a small drone chasing me with Fred in some pod like vehicle close behind. I start running away and we end up running into a main square of some sorts in a city that is full of bright lights.

I try to make quick decisions on my escape and suddenly spot Jimmy and the gang, I was relieved to see them but they scolded me for not leaving any sooner. We couldn't leave as easily since Fred appeared and was trying to take me back. The six of us begin to run from the square only to end up at a dead end. We look towards all directions and then see an elevator to our right. I tell the gang that I will distract Fred so they could make a run for it and jumped into the elevator. I click for the next floor and before the door shuts, a hand reaches out to grab me but I somehow banged the arm out of the elevator doors and saw Fred's eyes turn red as he takes his arm back. We both realized that the floor the elevator was going to was the ninth and there was a conveniently staircase Fred could take to catch up. Fred practically flies up the flight of stairs and glares menacingly as the elevator comes to a stop.

I brace for something to attack as the doors open but instead hear a familiar voice say "Oh honey, fancy seeing you here." It was one of the three people from Fred's house, but with less scientist vibes. When I stepped out of the elevator and look around for Fred, he was nowhere to be found. I slowly walk towards the scientists with questioning eyes but they show a deck of cards, thinking this would answer my confusion. They started talking to a card "Alright Fred, enough terrorizing the town today. She isn't capable of joining us anyway, a waste of precious time. (They look at me) Sorry to be a hassle, we shall take our leave now." The lady of the group looked depressed and the other guy had a stern face.

Then they all left and I collapsed to the floor.

Then I woke up. (3/17/15)

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