Weird Fantasy

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His hands gripped both of her wrists tightly as he growled into her ear, "Cassie… You love me, right? Tell me how much you love me."

Cassandra gasped as she woke up breathing heavily. Running her fingers through her hair, she groaned as she switched on the bedside lamp. Yellow light floated in the room, momentarily blinding her. She sat up, reaching for her phone on the table beside her bed. Switching it on, she opened the messages app and clicked on the very familiar name.


It has been a while since she started getting these weird dreams, the one where she surrendered herself to him, and he went as rough as he could on her. And there was only one incident that could be held as the culprit for giving birth to such a type of dream.

It was just another normal day in her life, or so she supposed. It was evening, near sunset, and both of them were walking back to their apartment, after hanging out with Rapunzel and Eugene. It was a custom, as both of them were neighbours. Soon it started to rain, and as none of them had to precedent it, they were left soaking in the rain.

"AARGH!" Cassandra mumbled angrily, "What in the name---" she was too busy wrapping herself to notice the bike coming towards her. Varian grabbed her wrist with one hand and put his other hand around her waist, pulling her towards himself. Shocked, she stared at the speeding bike which wheezed past her and then looked at Varian.

The knowledge of how close he was to her and the way he felt against her made her blush insanely, and as he pulled away from her, she craved for his touch and his warmth.

"Are you ok?" His hands still on her arms, he looked into her eyes.

Cassandra could feel the blush once again creeping up in her cheeks, she was aware of how hard and fast her heart was beating, but still could not access the situation around her.

"Cassie?" His voice took on a more worried tone as he shook her, pulling Cassandra out of her reverie.

"Huh? Oh yes." Shrugging off his hands from her arms, she looked away as she put a respectable distance between them. "I am okay."

But she was not.

She bit her lip as she debated with herself whether or not to call him. Being friends with him for this long time had taught her that Varian rarely slept early at night, and this was the only midnight. Hesitating for a while, she decided to go with it, because she could no longer help herself, every night was torture, and she wanted more from it.

Switching on her phone once again, she typed.

Hey, are you free?


Varian had been sorting out his test tubes when the screen of his phone lit up. Squinting, he picked up his phone.

A message from Cassandra.

Her name was enough to turn the colour of his cheeks pure red. 

They were drenched wet in the rain, as none of them had predicted the weather to turn out like this. Cassandra was angry and complaining about it, but Varian didn't hear, he was looking at the speeding bike and calculating his movements. Before he knew, he pulled her towards himself. He would've sworn if it was needed, he had no thoughts other than protecting her, but the moment she was in his arms, he felt himself losing consciousness. Not wanting to, but reminding himself of her personal space, he pulled away from her. And how badly he hated it.

But still, to make sure she was safe, he kept his hands around her arms.

"Are you ok?" He asked, worriedly. 

Wondering what could've been so urgent at this time, he opened the message.

Hey, are you free?

His eyes widened as his heart started to beat harder in his chest. Did he do something wrong? Why is she asking that at such a time? With trembling hands, he typed back.

Yes. Is everything alright?

A few seconds later, another message popped up.

Yes, everything is ok. Hey, can we meet right now?

He stilled. Why would she want to meet him, at this time? Curious, he messaged back.

Of course.

With that, he dashed out of his room towards hers, stopping only when he was in front of her gate. His hands went up to ring the bell, but suddenly he stopped, noticing the slightly open door. Knowing Cassandra, she never, ever kept the door of her flat open. Could it be that her flat was broken into? And that message a bait? Why would that be he didn't know, but he decided to be on guard and quietly opened the door to her room.

It was dark, with the place lit up just by the moonlight streaming through the open window. There was something eerie about the atmosphere, but Varian decided to stay strong and look out for Cassandra. He hoped she was fine.

Feeling someone's footsteps approaching him, he stilled. Fingers brushed his shoulder, and he didn't lose the opportunity to grab it and tackled that person on the couch. However, when he met their eyes, he was shocked.


Cassandra was shocked to be tackled like that by Varian, that too in her own house. She could feel his hot breath over her neck, and as she reached up, she could feel herself losing her consciousness.  She was aware of how hard her heart was beating, was aware how intensely those furrowed blue eyes were staring at her, but she didn't know what was around her. And she didn't care.

“Cassie?” His voice only incited her, and she reached up, closing her eyes, as well as the distance between them.

It was just a moment, but for Varian, he felt that he was losing himself, and the world in that kiss. It wasn't even deep, just a small peck and a light suck on his lower lip, but he felt his whole world being surrendered to it, to Cassandra.

As she moved away from him, he looked at her slowly opening her eyes. There were like a million questions in his eyes, but he was too stunned to voice them.

Cassandra slowly opened her eyes and felt so grateful to see his face as the first thing. But as she looked deeper into his eyes, she sensed unvoiced questions engraved in his eyes.

"What is it?" Sensing the hesitation in his eyes, she prompted him. 

"Just… Did you mean it? That... kiss?" 

So pure, so innocent.

Cassandra softly stroked the front line of his hair, "I did. And would mean it every time we do it."

Varian's eyes widened, he had never thought that this day would come, that Cassandra could do that, say that. Freeing her left hand from his grip, he put his right hand near her cheek, not touching.

"May I?" He asked.

Cassandra pulled herself up, near his ear and whispered, "Go bolder."

It was as if lightning struck Cassandra, the moment his hand touched the back of her neck, pulling her towards himself, and pressing his lips against her. She intertwined both of her hands in his hair when he freed the other one and held her by her waist. She leaned back and surrendered herself to the sensation. 

Varian could feel the jolt of energy passing through his body, he had waited for her, waited without any hope, and now that she was here, in his arms, he refused that he would ever let her go, of course, unless she wanted that herself. But no, he wouldn't entertain those thoughts, it was time for him to shut down his brain, and as the kiss grew deeper, he could feel a new kind of feeling enveloping him, the one where he was and was not satisfied. 

The air ran out between them, and Varian, refusing to be away from her even for a moment, nuzzled into her neck.

"Fuck…" He breathed. "I want you. I want you so fucking much."

"So do I."

His left hand descended, near her crotch, hidden by her pyjamas. He softly stroked it and smiled as he heard a soft gasp.

The contact made her gasp, she didn't know it would feel so well, so well with his fingers, and that too even when her skin was separated by fabric.

Pulling herself away from him, she put her hands around the waistband of the pyjamas and tugged at it, but Varian's hands intercepted it, "Let me." Swiftly, he pulled it down, and Cassandra pushed herself out of it.

Stroking her sides softly, he murmured, "So fierce, yet so soft. I wonder if it's the same with your heart?"

Cassandra laughed, "I am not sure whether I like it or not."

"You don't have to." With a smile, he lowered himself near her and for a while, just smelled her.

"What is it?" Doubt in her voice, Cassandra asked him.

"Nothing." He won't tell her how relaxing her smell was, some things were better left unsaid.

He pushed himself forward, tasting her, revering in her sweetness and soft gasps and moans.

Cassandra gasped, clutching her couch tighter, as his tongue worked towards her clit. She didn't know he was going to be this good, he was surprising her every single moment and she cursed herself for not making this happen sooner. But soon her thoughts started turning to mush, her mind going blank, she was nearing her end, so close, but it never came. Frustrated to no end, she furrowed her brows and she met his eyes. Before she could get out any word, he hastened to explain, "I want this to be special, for both of us. So please, let this go on a little longer."

Something in his eyes and voice was enough to make her smile and pull him close to herself, hug him close and say that it's okay, but she decided to hold it off and in a firm voice said, "Fine."

Varian smiled and pulled off the T-shirt he had been wearing. Cassandra gasped, shocked, he was lean but so muscular and toned. Without thinking any further, she ran her fingers over his stomach. 

"Surprised?" He smirked.

Cassandra felt her stomach drop pleasantly, as she felt tingles down her lower abdomen. She opened her mouth to respond but Varian's wet, hot lips sharply pressed against her. She ran her hands all over his shoulders, and then his torso, and slowly, her hands descended, unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants as they lazily kissed each other, with one of Varian's hands in Cassandra's hair, and the other on her cheeks. 

The air ran out between them, making them pull away from each other all breathless and panting for air. Bending down, he pushed up her t-shirt, placing soft kisses over her stomach as he pulled her away from it. She leaned up a little, enough to unbuckle her bra, and the moment she parted away from it, Varian gasped. She was the most beautiful being he had ever seen in his life. The moonlight accentuating her pale skin, the storm in her hazel green eyes and the sweat on her forehead, looked too flawless, it felt as if he didn't deserve her.

"So beautiful." He murmured as he stroked her hair, "I used to wonder whether you were some kind of goddess, but now I have no doubt." He entangled his fingers in her hair, and, leaning down, bit her collarbone, making her gasp and dig her nails a bit deeper into his shoulders. Pulling away, he saw the purplish-red mark he had left and licked it, a silent apology. He was hard himself and Cassandra's gasps weren't making it any better. It was getting painful, and he pushed his dick further up, making both of them gasp at the sudden contact.

"Now, please." Unable to hold back her desires any longer, she whispered. Varian nodded and positioning himself in front of her, pushed himself in. Damn... she felt so good. 

Cassandra groaned, scratching his back and gritting her teeth. She felt as if she was on fire, the atmosphere was so hot, the room felt too small to accommodate both of them and their desires. Panting and groaning, she felt as if she was between hell and heaven, but soon she stopped thinking about that. Their body was on fire and she felt her brain going black. She was nearing her end, it felt so much better than the last time, she didn't know why, but could feel tears dripping down her cheeks. Another moment more, and she felt her body doused with cold water. Her eyes were closed, as she breathed, but she could feel Varian's presence, over her, and after a while, beside her.


The sunlight streaming through her room made her squint and slowly open her eyes. Sitting up, Cassandra groaned frustratedly as her hands roamed over her bed. Touching something cool, she quirked up her eyebrows as she brought that something to her eye - level.

A dildo.

"Another weird fantasy." Cassandra scoffed, but something in her gaze softened as she put it away, "Maybe I should finally ask him out."

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