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It was now lunch. Alice, already had enough of the day. She missed Bumbee's, shockingly. Maybe it's because she missed her friends? It would make sense. I mean, she had been away from them for so long.

Aaron. Jay. Diego. Hwan. Meili. Lee. Marcus. Thanatos. Lucy. Ivy.

She got in the long line and waited bored, she picked at her nails and was shoved side to side... No not Ariana's song that's about fucking someone so hard they can't walk the next day.

Laughter erupted. Not just laughter, obnoxious laughter, from a very knowable voice and she sighed annoyed.

"Oh look! It's my home girl!" That was M.C. Of course.

She looked at him and scowled, "what do you want?"

M.C. laughed, along with his brothers, besides Ghost who just stared at her with a bit of mischief in his eyes.

Alice glared and went back to waiting, annoyed. She wanted out of here. At this point Alice would take anything to go back to her old school, even though it's a jail.

'Sure, Bumbee's was cold and damp. The screaming, echoed and bounced off the walls, a calm, soothing sound to my ears. It gave me comfort, knowing I was close to insanity in a way. As if, it was screams of torture, torture I was inflicting upon on them, I knew it wasn't me but I'd like to think that.' She thought, her hands shoved into her pockets, as the line moved up and grabbed a plastic blue tray.

The psycho girl, walked into the food court and looked around. She saw the menus and her eyes lit up. There was warm food! There was cold food! There was salad! Pizza! Sandwiches! She hadn't had food like this in a while. She grabbed as much food as she could, meaning, three slices of pizza, fries and three Orange Crushes! She hadn't had food like this in years!

She payed with the money she had stolen, previously from a few nerds in the school and then went and sat down alone.

The four turtles strode out of the buffet area and swaggered to Alice and sat down.

"What up girl?!" M.C. smirked, as he plonked his gluteus maximus on the seat next to her left, making the teenage girls head snap up.

Swift laughed, "scare ya?"

He got up in her face, pulling an ugly face, only to get punched in the face by Alice.

Swift yelled in surprise, "what the hell?!"

"Sorry, I had an itch." She said chewing on her pizza, her eyes widened, God she missed that drunken Aussie, he loved food like this!

Rebel and M.C. laughed at Swift who held his nose in pain, cursing Alice out in anger and threatening her. A bunch of girls ran and helped him cooing and soothing him.

Alice looked at Ghost, "Alice Kendly pleased to meet ya!" She held out her hand.

Ghost looked before take the hand and shaking, "Ghost."

"See you got a Arsenal Firearms AF-1 in your pocket." Alice said.

Ghost nodded, "you like guns?"

Alice smirked, "yeah I do."

"You any good?" He asked, curiously, "you could help us win the shooting competitions."

Alice shrugged, "I could try out."

Ghost smiled, "thanks I need it, the girls there are idiots don't know there trigger from their firing pin."

"I'd be happy to help."

Swift sat down angrily and glares at Alice who was on her second slice of pizza, "don't! She'll shoot me with it."

"As if you'd be missed." She replied.

Making Swifts brothers laugh.

Swift growled at got up leaving his pizza and stormed off.

"Can't waste good food." Alice said as she picked up his pizza and ate it.

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